How Much Exercise Do You Get Per Week?

How many hours per week do you workout?

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The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Just started going to my gym again after about 3 months of paying for nothing.
I normally do pushups before I get in the shower every morning, nice time to squeeze them in when the water is warming up.

Ultimately I prefer exercising outdoors. Swimming, biking, running.
In the winter it can be more difficult. Varies week to week.


Well-Known Member
ya dude most people are like that. Until you get in the habit of working out. I was like that, until about 4 weeks ago. I used to work out like 7 days outta the month tops but now im working out 5-7 days a really seeing a difference in my abs now and im packing on weight. :) you just gotta get in a routine, shouldnt take long( 1 1/2 - 2 weeks) and you will WANT to excercise. this sounds concieded but, you could use a mirror, it may motivate you. it motivates me, I like seeing myself getting more and more pumped up as the workout gets longer. when im done I look like what I wanna look like. And now I actually am starting to look like that when im not working out.
ya 2 weeks is about right. when i do work out, its actually fairly easy to quit smoking also. But thru a series of unfortunate events, iv become jaded and dont really give a shit about a whole lot anymore. its jus life, none of us are gonna make it out alive anyways..


New Member
ya 2 weeks is about right. when i do work out, its actually fairly easy to quit smoking also. But thru a series of unfortunate events, iv become jaded and dont really give a shit about a whole lot anymore. its jus life, none of us are gonna make it out alive anyways..
really? Only time its easier for me to quit smoking is if im on a jogging plan. But just regular indoor excersices and weights makes me want to have a cig after


Well-Known Member
really? Only time its easier for me to quit smoking is if im on a jogging plan. But just regular indoor excersices and weights makes me want to have a cig after
when i was working out regularly, I would just do pushups whenever i wanted a cigg, then the nice endorphin kick would push aside my nicotine craving for a lil while, now, id jus smoke a bowl. but i started rolling my own ciggs, and A its affordable again, B, this tobacco doesnt make me feel like shit like a pack of marbs or camels does.

few weeks back i pulled the totalgym out and got it set up, its right there, all i gotta do is get back into it.. but none of the pot i grow is very motivational...


Well-Known Member
If you consider sitting on the couch, watching TV and smoking bud exercise, then i'm a health nut!
I find it good exercise to loose the remote 1 or 2 times a week.
I close the drapes when the wife is gone shopping and dance like i was in my 20s....


New Member
when i was working out regularly, I would just do pushups whenever i wanted a cigg, then the nice endorphin kick would push aside my nicotine craving for a lil while, now, id jus smoke a bowl. but i started rolling my own ciggs, and A its affordable again, B, this tobacco doesnt make me feel like shit like a pack of marbs or camels does.

few weeks back i pulled the totalgym out and got it set up, its right there, all i gotta do is get back into it.. but none of the pot i grow is very motivational...
hell yeah dude. The roll your own cigs are better. I agree. I dont think they have as many added chemicals(like the fire safe/retardant they add to name brands smokes) So much cheaper. i did the math before and I came up with that it costs $2.76 a pack if you roll


New Member
if I'm working the rig I get 12 hours for 14 days at a time usually...the intensity varies all day, but is most intense when we're "laying down pipe" meaning tripping the drill pipe out of the hole, one at a time, and placing each 30 ft piece in a sling connected to wench lines and pullies to lower to the ground and load on a truck

lately i've been hiking mountains with my board, going for walks with my dog and i'm about to hit the gym to deadlift while wearing my gloves, cuz it's the same motion as pulling a slip on a rig. just lifting 135 does the's not about weight, but your endurance with lifting that weight repeatedly if we're tripping out. Becoming tired and losing form can damage your lower back so gotta lift with the legs, flat back, butt out, knees bent, abs tight and shoulders/neck back


Well-Known Member
I'm busy with racing almost every weekend, or doing monster jam shows but mx is one hell of a workout. I have to train at least four dys a week during the race seson just to be able to finish the races.. But it's the off seson I hit the gym every other day for four hours each time.. Ending with jacuzzis, sauna.. And then laps in the pool.. And finnally my freedive meditation.. Which is me relaxing and slowing my heart beat and sitting cross legged in the deep end, I do this till I get my breaths around 4 mins and call it a day, great way to relax and end a savage gym sesh
I usually go to the gym about 3-4 times a week for about 1-2 hours and walk about 14 miles a day. I'm 6"3' and weigh 11.5 stone. I exercise 'cause I have bad asthma and it just makes me feel better and helps me breathe and relax. When I have a lethaar##rgic day my breathing is always a lot worse, so I think I might as well combat it as much as I can. Plus, it makes a smoke and a good chill session worth it all the more!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I've been going to the gym about 5 times a week now. changed my program up a bit. nowadays, I start off riding bike for about 45min to an hour than I stretch, then I begin my workouts. after the workout is done I stretch again and then do ab work after every session. then I hit the dry sauna or steam room to sweat away some toxins that I ingest daily. this has been working out pretty good for me. my cardio is better than it ever has been and I feel great.

before i set up my program like this, it was just all weights for me and then I'm out. no cardio work, ab work, or steamroom/sauna. that was okay but I feel much better training the way I do now.


Active Member
I do about an hour at the gym 5 days a week and run each evening.I am 6'5 230lb so dont run as long as I would like, I have really buggered my knees over doing the running.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
A great workout I thought?
it's an awesome workout. been doing it since i mentioned it in that post. I still do weights too. but ya, the insanity is killer. helped my cardio big time. made my movements much more explosive too, lol I could kick ass before, but now it feels like I can seriously kick some ass hahaha

before, I'd just go gym, hit the weights, and dig out. that built muscles, but was more show than go. it's all go now, and a lot of show too, lmao

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I do about an hour at the gym 5 days a week and run each evening.I am 6'5 230lb so dont run as long as I would like, I have really buggered my knees over doing the running.
damn bro. that's a good size to be. you play basketball or what? I wish I had your height and weight.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Current 200. Was 300 11 months ago.

Every day I do 1 hour of a military type workout. no equipment. Mix of cardio and strength. Upper, lower and abs. 5-10 minute break then I do 30 minutes of rapid weightlifting. About 12 different exercises(all free weights a few with bench) at 2 sets of as many reps as I can do as quickly as I can do it at highest weight safely possible.
I exercise to look good and so I can eat what I want most days of the week. I have near the exact same diet when I was 300 lbs, just by cutting some things like bread, pasta(the hardest one) and sugary soft drinks I can control my weight and gain muscle and good cardio.
Just the act of exercising every day even for 30 minutes can keep away or cure most aliments and diseases including depression.

Edit-Fuck running. better ways to get cardio. Try swimming or a bicycle.