
Active Member
im freaking the fuck out!!!!!!

my best plant is a blue widow plant she has big colas all over and has been the healthiest plant ive ever seen.....

since 3 days ago i noticed some yellowing on the bigger fan leaves, i also noticed she has been drinking way less from what she usually does (about 1 gallon) now it was not even a quarter gallon...

the yellowing started moving to the other fan leaves and they start shriveling back and dying after a while.... is like shes sucking the nutrients until they are dry!!!

she has 20 days left, the buds are still full of white haris and the calyxes are pretty small.... the breeder claims that the buds are supposed to increase in size significantly in the last 2 weeks....

i looked today andn i saw that about 70% of all the big fan leaves are completely droopy and feel dead... theres a lot of yellowed shriveled ones.. she also did not drink or eat anything for the last two days.... so its like shes just feeeding off the leaves

WHAT the FUCK is going on? im afraid all the leaves are going to die on me and my harves is going to hurt... :( all of the smaller bud leaves are still perky and some of them are turning blue! although i did see on pictures from DinaFem that the sugar leaves tend to turn blue..

how the hell is she going to make food to fatten up those buds if the leaves are dying??? she has NEVER given me a problem and ive been doing the same thing as always

PH: 5.5-6.2
RH: 35-40%
TEMP: 70-80F Day 60-70F Night
REZ: 1100 PPM (2.2 EC)

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Well-Known Member
I say just let it eat itself. Only 20 days left. dont wanna add anything to affect taste. You still have quite a large amount of fans left. If you dont feel comfortable doing that just add a small amount of N. Might be wrong, just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I agree it looks like calmag def, the speed in which it's killing the leafs also heightens my suspicions that it's cal/mag


Well-Known Member
And if calmag is the prob, not only is growth halted, rot is imminent.

Easy way to tell, if the leave stem snaps easy, calmag is the fix.


Active Member
I say just let it eat itself. Only 20 days left. dont wanna add anything to affect taste. You still have quite a large amount of fans left. If you dont feel comfortable doing that just add a small amount of N. Might be wrong, just my 2 cents
is not that i dont feel comfortable i dont want my yield to hurt.... i dont understand why this is happening if i am feeding her the required doses for everything...


Well-Known Member
i am... i give them a little bit more than the recommended dose....
The problem is OD of calmag is similar symptoms as too little a well as lockout but usually of phosphorus lockout.

The dilemma you have is calcium is so slow moving around the plant it is just as hard to get it out of a plant as it is to get it in that not much can be done here. Probably a flush and see how it goes but prob cut your losses


Well-Known Member
With growth halted I'm inclined to say yes. But with 20 days to go you may just be ok. I'd give them a light spray with calmag and see if it helps (tho the damaged leafs won't repair). Your harvest time may be pushed back a week or so due to it


Active Member
Why do you want to do this when you alreadygave them a little bit more than the recommended dose.... :\
im just out of ideas.... im so fucking frustrated.... ive done everything i can for this plant and is just not fair that shes going to do this to me thi late in the game :(


Well-Known Member
I'd flush with a ph of 5.9 and add calmag to the water as I believe this is the best ph range for fastest uptake of cal and mg