How do you know when to increase nutrient strength


Active Member
I have a drip system (drip to waste) and am using General hydroponics flora 3 part series. I have two questions:

1. How do you know when to increase nutrient strength? I notice the plants stop growing when the nutrient strength is too low so I want to supply it enough nutrients but dont want to burn it by giving them too fast.

2. What is the max ppm I should use during veg? During bloom (again, using GH flora series drip to waste)?


Follow the mix on the back of the bottle. I don't know its mixing rate. I use boticare and just follow what there chart says. If you are worried about over doing it then do half of what they say. Then if you start to see slow groth step it up a little.


Active Member
I have a drip system (drip to waste) and am using General hydroponics flora 3 part series. I have two questions:

1. How do you know when to increase nutrient strength? I notice the plants stop growing when the nutrient strength is too low so I want to supply it enough nutrients but dont want to burn it by giving them too fast.

2. What is the max ppm I should use during veg? During bloom (again, using GH flora series drip to waste)?

Try lucas Formula, that website is a treasure of information.

My problem is i get 1 gallon of water. add 8ml of micro, 16 of bloom and my PPMs = 950 / EC 1.37


Active Member
misread what lucas was saying on EC.... he was explaining EC starting at 2.0 (thought that was what the 8ml/16ml was supposed to come out too)

turns out it was supposed to come out to 1000ppm (lols) but i ended up adding some big-bud to bring it to 1130ppm @ PH 6.4

plants leaves are yellowing so its gonna love the meal time coming in 45 minutes when lights come on


Well-Known Member
I use the GH Flora series and start with 1/2 the dosage, then increase as needed, keep an eye on your plant, it will tell you if it likes it or not. I usually start using this chart.

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts ..100 to 250
Early Vegging ......................300 to 400
Full Vegetation ....................450 to 700
Early Blooming ...................750 to 950
Full Mature Blooms ...........1000 to 1600


Well-Known Member
I use the lucas method of 0-8-16ml per gallon. 0ml of grow, 8ml of micro, 16 of bloom and have never had nute burn. I start at around 50% of that with seedlings 75% with early veg (first week of veg) and then go up to full strength around the second to third week of veg and keep it full strength the rest of the way (no need to go more than 0-8-16). I don't use any additives such as Cal/Mag and depending on your water you wont have to adjust ph much if at all, once you go full. If you add anything I'd add around 1/2 tsp of epsom salt per gallon mid-late in flowering.


Active Member
I use the lucas method of 0-8-16ml per gallon. 0ml of grow, 8ml of micro, 16 of bloom and have never had nute burn. I start at around 50% of that with seedlings 75% with early veg (first week of veg) and then go up to full strength around the second to third week of veg and keep it full strength the rest of the way (no need to go more than 0-8-16). I don't use any additives such as Cal/Mag and depending on your water you wont have to adjust ph much if at all, once you go full. If you add anything I'd add around 1/2 tsp of epsom salt per gallon mid-late in flowering.
Im currently using all three (grow,micro,bloom) and am at 'full vegetation' stage @ 550ppm of the chart that "deetee" above is using. Can I still switch to the lucas formula at this stage? And if so, do I start at 50%,75% or 100% strength?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can switch to the lucas formula without harm. I would start around 75% at first for a week if they like it up it to full and see how they look. Like I said full strength has never gave me a problem mid-late in the veg.


Well-Known Member
The most important part in the lucas formula is the ratio of the 8-16 ml of micro to bloom. Lucas says that you can go full strength from the get go basically. I've never been brave enough to go full from really early like sidling or first week in veg but, I've went full as early as 8 or so days from sprout and didn't have any issues but, thats not to say that someone else might.


Active Member
The most important part in the lucas formula is the ratio of the 8-16 ml of micro to bloom. Lucas says that you can go full strength from the get go basically. I've never been brave enough to go full from really early like sidling or first week in veg but, I've went full as early as 8 or so days from sprout and didn't have any issues but, thats not to say that someone else might.
Thanks that will really save me a lot of hassle.


Active Member
I use the GH Flora series and start with 1/2 the dosage, then increase as needed, keep an eye on your plant, it will tell you if it likes it or not. I usually start using this chart.

PPM for Hanna Chart PPM

Seedlings, Early Sprouts ..100 to 250
Early Vegging ......................300 to 400
Full Vegetation ....................450 to 700
Early Blooming ...................750 to 950
Full Mature Blooms ...........1000 to 1600

What do you consider early vegging? Height wise if you could.