• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Kratom, anyone use it?


Well-Known Member
How was your experience on it? What did you feel? I see local headshops selling it all the time, never knew what it was!


Well-Known Member
I had a room mate that used it to kick oxy contin but she ended up becoming addicted to the kratom instead. Never tried it but it looks disgusting.


Well-Known Member
I've had experience with "Captain Kratum" brand...Came in a capsule form took6 capsules at first.Nothing. Ended up taking around 12 of the capsules. Got a buzz. however it made me puke. haha Not worth it In the capsule form IMO however you can make teas and such. Still not a fan though.


Well-Known Member
Put it through a coffee maker 3 times, no plant matter, tastes fine. A little strong, but there is no way of getting around that. Buy capsuls at the supplement store or online, 00 ones. Fill those up and take like 5..

To the people who said it doesn't work, you either got a bad strain, you do opiates all the time and have a high tolerance, or your brain sucks.
I suggest bali, ZK, or majestic deep jungle kratom.

Very cheap, potent, awesome substitute for opiates.

And buy it from kratom forest!!!


Well-Known Member
it makes me sad that its sold in headshops, and becoming more widespread with bad marketing. I'm afraid it will become illegal because of things like that and extracts (and other reasons). I use it pretty frequently. It's a nice mild buzz. Too much of it will just make you nauseous. It can help with a lot of things like pain, W/ds, lethargy... and even diarrhea... and much much more. If you do a lot of opiates, you won't get as good of a buzz (but you wont have any withdrawals on no opiate days)... and the more you do kratom... the more it grows on you. Please stay legal kratom!!! Any questions about kratom you can pm me.

I'm personally stocking up on kilo upon kilo in case anything happens. it's already illegal in indiana


Well-Known Member
Really? I better stock up too.. I always brew about 15 grams and sip on whatever all day long. I wayyyyy prefer it over a 12 case or something...

The shits strong for me, it goes vicodin<kratom<oxy


Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy use this sometimes, he buys kilos for his migrasins so that he doesn't have to take opiates all the time. He likes it better. But sometimes it really just depends on the strain. The ones I listed worked good for me. He got some shit called old school thai or something and it sucked. But we were just putting big spoon fulls in the coffee maker and didn't know our dosages, we more just know by eye, what gets us feelin groovy. Then we weighed it out and we figured out that before we mustve been taking like 7-10 grams at a time :o

That MAY be why it is so potent.

Anyone know any potentiators? I know I took some dxm with it once, and jeez.. But the nausea is intense.. SO fk that.. Maybe a small dose of K on this would make it 1000x more delightful. Does grapefruit juice make sense?


Well-Known Member
the grapefruit juice has a noticeable effect... nothing to write home about though. but there is science behind it so it really does increase the effects. i haven't really found many good potentiators. it seems when i do other opiates on kratom, the kratom kills my opiate tolerance. I did a rather large dose of sunda from herbresearch (has tested to be the strongest kratom out there)... had a good buzz and thought 90mg of oxycodone would make it better. but I hardly got a buzz from the roxies. also, opiates kill kratom tolerance.

K just blows away the kratom buzz. maybe a tinnnnny bump of k or something would be cool. at first, alcohol and kratom was too much for my stomach... but now i've noticed a few shots goes nice with it.... but the best potentiator i've found is just good ol fashion bud. it's perfect combo.

The best most potent kratom i've had is from herbresearch, speciosapro, kratom forest. the worst is from headshops, and brands that market it like spice and "legal highs" etc.

it's become a daily ritual of mine unfortunately... used it for years occasional... but I love it so much it's definitely turned into a daily thing. the withdrawals can get a little nasty. not too bad. easy to taper off compared to most things.


Kratom (mitragynine speciosa) is a very interesting, albeit difficult to use, plant. It is important to understand that it acts as an agonist to the MU and NU opioid receptors despite having no opiate content. The effects are strain dependent with the potential of upbeat, slightly euphoric energy or sedation in low dosage, but always sedation in high dosage regardless of strain. Common dosages are approx .25gm-1gm/10kg body weight. Methods include eating powdered kratom in capsules (very effective, cost effective if you buy a cap machine because much less is needed for desired effects) or par-boiling crushed leaves/powder for 15min and consuming the decoction. Tolerance builds quickly.
Here is my personal experience. I am 145lbs 5'10". I have always been a little opio-naive due to my size. Your drug metabolism with kratom will be similar to your experience with opiates and alcohol for that matter. it's important to note that alcohol agonizes many of the same areas, which will prevent you from experienceing the same effects if you take kratom after drinking. You can't feel "drunk" if already "drunk". Anyway, I've been using kratom quite steadily for about 3 years. Like many others I came to it looking for a cheap opioid-like high that was easy to acquire. Also like many I found that it is typical to become sick prior to or simaltaneously with the onset of a dose large enough for extreme euphoria. However, in smaller more controlled doses kratom is AMAZING!!! It increase interpersonal ease (friendliness), energetic desire to do good work, a willingness to contribute and enjoy whatever is happening. It also has great potential for opiate addiction recovery. Some strains are up, some strains are down, some are mixed, some SHOULD be mixed, some SOULD NOT be mixed. You gotta learn yourself, it's kind of body and body weight specific. I started by drinking sludgy hot teas, got really good at making reduced concoctions and now spring for the caps. Going to buy a cap machine soon and get super cost effective. Start around 3-5 grams if making tea and 2-3 grams if eating caps. Kratom is an appetite suppressant so eat first or you might not eat for awhile and crash. Kratom is a diuretic so drink plenty of water to avoid kidney damage. (diuretics are acutally good for you AS LONG AS you drink lots of water with them. watch out for constipation as well) Pick your source carefully for quality and always insist on organic because this product is NOT regulated for food consumption in the U.S. and anyone with a business i.d. can buy/sell kratom wholesale without much liability. I prefer white vein strains for work energy and maeng da for creative relaxation. YOU WILL LIKELY GET SICK IN THE TESTING PHASE IF YOU TRY TO BE A HERO/GET SUPER HIGH. IF THIS HAPPENS LIE FLAT AND DONT MOVE. IF YOU HAVE A JOB THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE A WAGE SLAVE TRUDGING TOWARD A WASTED OLD AGE YOU SHOULD USE KRATOM. FORGET THAT SHIT ABOUT GETTING HIGH ON IT AND JUST USE APPROPRIATE AMOUNTS TO MOD YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER. BOOM. KRATOM IS UNDER ATTACK. SUPPORT IT. IF YOU USE IT, TALK ABOUT IT. KEEPING IT SECRET WONT PROTECT IT. SECRETS BLOWN ALREADY. TIME TO PROPAGATE.


Well-Known Member
indeed with kratom, less is more. if you overdo it... it's unpleasant and you will probably puke a nasty green sludge that doesn't taste good. and as the above mentioned, you basically have to try with trial and error with which strains and which vendors you like. and yes smokajoe, start with 5g... maybe even a little less. if that doesn't do it in one hour, dose a little more. I wouldn't do tea.... either caps or toss n wash. toss n wash is the best after you master it. but if you do do tea, 5grams should do it. you need to use a bit more with the tea method... not too much more though.

nerky, where do you usually get your kratom? and what strains are you favorite?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend jumping straight into extracts. plain leaf is plenty good enough. The extracts all seem to have something missing. there are a lot of alkaloids in kratom and most extracts don't get all of them. some "full spectrum extracts" are nice once in a while. reading more is always a good thing! I would suggest sticking to a good red vein thai for a first time test. or good Bali.


nerky, where do you usually get your kratom? and what strains are you favorite?
I was using Z-Eclectic out of KS, but ever since he lost his merchant services (online CC purchase ability) it's too big a pain in the ass. If you're willing to jump through mailing in payment first he is awesome, he offers samplers and he ALWAYS throws in freebies. Now I use Herbstomp.com out of Portland. He insists its organic and the prices aren't bad. I never order extracts or concentrates. It's tough to pick a strain because each vendor sources/markets their product differently and you end up with not all strains of the same name feeling the same. I like a slightly euphoric up and have found that with thai and indo. bali is calming/creative and typically smoother than most. maeng da is a potency crap shoot with the potential of a euphoric knockout buzz, but a high likelihood of the dizzy pukes as well. See if anyone you like offers a sampler. If you decide you like it than give back and grow a plant if you can, they're available.


Well-Known Member
I'm tellin you guys, put it through a coffee maker.. No sludge, kind of strong, but easier than booze.

I just ordered 1/4 k of zk,, this will be nice.