Kratom, anyone use it?


New Member
EXTRACT LOL! KK has ALWAYS been good with theirs.especially the Thai or Bali
I wouldn't recommend jumping straight into extracts. plain leaf is plenty good enough. The extracts all seem to have something missing. there are a lot of alkaloids in kratom and most extracts don't get all of them. some "full spectrum extracts" are nice once in a while. reading more is always a good thing! I would suggest sticking to a good red vein thai for a first time test. or good Bali.


Well-Known Member
How would you go about making a liquid extract? I guess I could google it. I'd never buy an extract it's over priced. Way over priced.


I just ordered some bali and thai red vein, been researching and those two sound like they would be a good mix for opiate withdrawal. does anybody have any insight on the effects of those two.


Well-Known Member
They are both pretty sedating. Depends on the source, but in my opinion, any kratom would be good for opiate withdrawal. Red veins being the good because they're more dopey. But the green and whites give me the dopey feeling, but with energy. So if lethargy is a problem too you could try those. Mixing them all together is fun as well.


Well-Known Member
I take mine by soaking in ever clear, doing a war, water bath, and reducing. I end up being able to take about half a shot and be going good. And what's up skuxx?


Well-Known Member
Warm water* I can post details later. Also don't throw out powder. I keep extracting till I get nothing from it.


New Member
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just wanted to point out that HerbStomp States in multiple places on the website as well as on product packaging that products are not for consumption. Please refer to the statement below

"Herbstomp mitragyna speciosa is NOT sold for human consumption. It is for external use only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See Import Alert 54-15 issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for more information."

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