Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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First Frank I must apologize to you and the commune here for my miss use of the quote option, I have become aware that such custom applications are a forum rule violation and therefore I will no longer be using your real name in the quote option.Second, prop 37, just like all the labeling campaigns, is irreparably flawed in concept as well as presentation.If you could have seen the oppositions tv spots against prop 37 you might have a better understanding of what I mean.Even if prop 37 in some way forced a GMO debate to occur (which as I eluded to above, it did not) it also provides the frame work of the 'debate' to be about GMO's in terms of 'good v bad' etc and of course the wonderful delusion that 'people have the right to choose' lol...The corporate polls told p37's 'upper class deciders' that 'the people' would not vote for a ban on GMO's and that they would vote for labeling and so they went the labeling means nothing road instead.Mitt Romney also counted on corporate polls and look how far it got him...sometimes its better just to do the right thing no matter the out come Frank...sometimes its simply the struggle itself that tests a humans worth if you do the best you can at whatever you do is the moral of the story Frank, understand?
That's TOTAL bullshit.
Sun Tzu said:
If fighting is sure to result in victory, than you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding.
That's TOTAL bullshit.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Special Edition

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”
― Sun Tzu

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu

“When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit. If at ease, exhaust them. If united, separate them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.”
― Sun Tzu

“know yourself and you will win all battles”
― Sun Tzu

“Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.”
― Sun Tzu

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1)
He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. (2) He
will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout
all its ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take
the enemy unprepared. (5) He will win who has military capacity and
is not interfered with by the sovereign.”
― Sun Tzu

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
― Sun Tzu

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Need I go on Frank?
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Special Edition

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”
― Sun Tzu

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu

“When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit. If at ease, exhaust them. If united, separate them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.”
― Sun Tzu

“know yourself and you will win all battles”
― Sun Tzu

“Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.”
― Sun Tzu

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1)
He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. (2) He
will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout
all its ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take
the enemy unprepared. (5) He will win who has military capacity and
is not interfered with by the sovereign.”
― Sun Tzu

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
― Sun Tzu

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Need I go on Frank?
I quoted that for a reason, which was trying to inform you to give up your losing battle.

You don't even get context at all, do you?
I quoted that for a reason, which was trying to inform you to give up your losing battle.

You don't even get context at all, do you?

Frank I'm quite aware of the context that results from your mental status filters regurgitating responses reflecting your perception of the discussion, but that only shows that "You don't even get context at all".
The way the Act proposal works is that it seeks to avoid the 'good v bad' GMO debate and instead go to peoples more defined interests such as with here the people clearly in a far majority (not a corporate poll) choose no on GMO cannabis and so might be inclined to support the Act proposal as it would ban such GMO cannabis living in cali.
Now if you get the gears in that mental ability of yours to turn, you might be able to cipher that the same scenario can apply across different demographics such as religions, farmers, environmentalists, the right and the left and so on.
The notion is to preempt the 'good v bad' debate with more core belief kind of questions,
the kind of questions me thinks you might fare well to avoid Frank.
Frank I'm quite aware of the context that results from your mental status filters regurgitating responses reflecting your perception of the discussion, but that only shows that "You don't even get context at all".
The way the Act proposal works is that it seeks to avoid the 'good v bad' GMO debate and instead go to peoples more defined interests such as with here the people clearly in a far majority (not a corporate poll) choose no on GMO cannabis and so might be inclined to support the Act proposal as it would ban such GMO cannabis living in cali.
Now if you get the gears in that mental ability of yours to turn, you might be able to cipher that the same scenario can apply across different demographics such as religions, farmers, environmentalists, the right and the left and so on.
The notion is to preempt the 'good v bad' debate with more core belief kind of questions,
the kind of questions me thinks you might fare well to avoid Frank.

so your intention is to skip the evidence based good/bad arguement

and rely on the uninformed emotional response to get what your looking for?

and to help that emotional response along you are more than happy about lying in a fear mongering hysterical way?
It's very simple. GMO isn't ready for prime time. Plants have been around over 400 million years. We've been fiddling with their DNA for less than one human generation.

Assume we think GMO is perfected. No one thinks that. But suppose we got to that point. What are the far reaching consequences which will happen maybe hundreds, even thousands of years from now? We have no clue.

That's why we must use extreme caution. To know for sure, it'll take a minimum of several human generations. We shouldn't even have these debates until we think GMO is perfected and we understand the actual mechanics behind the DNA language itself. Not just at the level we're currently at of try and see.

Our current level of GMO is akin to alchemy understanding of chemistry. Yet we think we're bad ass genetic engineers with skills on par with god.
It's very simple. GMO isn't ready for prime time. Plants have been around over 400 million years. We've been fiddling with their DNA for less than one human generation.

Assume we think GMO is perfected. No one thinks that. But suppose we got to that point. What are the far reaching consequences which will happen maybe hundreds, even thousands of years from now? We have no clue.

That's why we must use extreme caution. To know for sure, it'll take a minimum of several human generations. We shouldn't even have these debates until we think GMO is perfected and we understand the actual mechanics behind the DNA language itself. Not just at the level we're currently at of try and see.

Our current level of GMO is akin to alchemy understanding of chemistry. Yet we think we're bad ass genetic engineers with skills on par with god.

considering god doesnt exist we've surpassed even his imaginary skills

nutcases like yourself will NEVER get to a point where you think GMO is ready and as you have nothing to back up your fears its about high time to marginalize you and your ilk while the rest of us get on with progressing naturally with this planet
so your intention is to skip the evidence based good/bad arguement

and rely on the uninformed emotional response to get what your looking for?

and to help that emotional response along you are more than happy about lying in a fear mongering hysterical way?

No ginja not at all, the first people of this place we now call California (for example) had a better notion of 'who and what we are' than the existing culture, especially when tainted with the 'get the gold' motives that we still have yet to evolve past.
What I'm saying is that we as a species need to slow down long enough to see more clearly and know better what is starring back at us from our mirrors before we do irreparable harm heading off in a direction that unlike your average consumer products where the harm that is done is usually limited to the particular consumers and possibly the investors and so on, this is quite possibly a more permanent and broad reaching type of harm that can possibly result, a result that can effect us all whether we are consumers of the particular 'products' or not.
So the proposal simply seeks to establish the fact that there is an original natural evolutionary track that has gotten us to 'here' and is everywhere one can see or cannot see. Now there is human technology that seeks to create evolutionary tracks that are 'custom' and would/could not normally happen in the original tracks.
The question simply becomes does one want that to be or not to be.
Some have core belief systems that if held consistent (religion/creation etc), one would think they would be in opposition to such rewriting of the 'blue prints' or fingerprint of their perception of 'god'.
Some, like me, think we are just simply not far enough down our natural evolutionary track to even consider trying to 'fool mother nature' if you will.
Others might have other reasons etc...
No ginja not at all, the first people of this place we now call California (for example) had a better notion of 'who and what we are' than the existing culture, especially when tainted with the 'get the gold' motives that we still have yet to evolve past.
What I'm saying is that we as a species need to slow down long enough to see more clearly and know better what is starring back at us from our mirrors before we do irreparable harm heading off in a direction that unlike your average consumer products where the harm that is done is usually limited to the particular consumers and possibly the investors and so on, this is quite possibly a more permanent and broad reaching type of harm that can possibly result, a result that can effect us all whether we are consumers of the particular 'products' or not.
So the proposal simply seeks to establish the fact that there is an original natural evolutionary track that has gotten us to 'here' and is everywhere one can see or cannot see. Now there is human technology that seeks to create evolutionary tracks that are 'custom' and would/could not normally happen in the original tracks.
The question simply becomes does one want that to be or not to be.
Some have core belief systems that if held consistent (religion/creation etc), one would think they would be in opposition to such rewriting of the 'blue prints' or fingerprint of their perception of 'god'.
Some, like me, think we are just simply not far enough down our natural evolutionary track to even consider trying to 'fool mother nature' if you will.
Others might have other reasons etc...

^^^^special pleading to an emotion response?

your doing exactly what i accused you of

"and rely on the uninformed emotional response to get what your looking for?

and to help that emotional response along you are more than happy about lying in a fear mongering hysterical way? "
considering god doesnt exist we've surpassed even his imaginary skills

nutcases like yourself will NEVER get to a point where you think GMO is ready and as you have nothing to back up your fears its about high time to marginalize you and your ilk while the rest of us get on with progressing naturally with this planet

Really? If we're so good, why are we fucking with drugs and not go for the money shot of direct gene therapy?

It's because we tried and every time we've failed. Stem cells were supposed to be the holy grail and a GMO short cut. What we've discovered is our body rejects our tampering.

There was this boy in Russia who was given specific programmed stem cells. Not only did it not work, but the cells ran rampant and caused systematic organ failure within a week.

Do you know god doesn't exist? I'm an atheist, yet I don't know. What exactly is god, really? Isn't it just the process of how life came about? Whether it was god or a natural process, what does it matter if the end result is the same?

We have zero clue about that process. We have zero clue about evolution. All we know about evolution is what has been observed. We don't know the mechanisms behind it. All we know is micro change takes place and no idea how the macro happens.

All we know outside observation is a guess. Those guesses aren't reality, not even close.

When evolution was purposed, we had no idea about DNA. Then we thought all you need to do is change the DNA for magic to happen.

We were wrong. Now we understand DNA needs activation through a process called the epigenetic genome.

What other processes besides DNA, RNA, or epigenes is happening? If we don't know, how can we be sure we're not screwing up that process?

Back in the day Thealamide was given to mothers to get rid of mourning sickness. We had no idea it was chirality causing deformities. Once we figured that out, we had no idea our body converted the safe chiral structure to the unsafe one.

Look at the problems we get ourselves into when we just dive in and do what you say because it's progress.

DNA manipulation is much more complicated chemistry chirality. Yet you want to say let's use GMO and it's progressing us, naturally? The fuck?
Really? If we're so good, why are we fucking with drugs and not go for the money shot of direct gene therapy?

It's because we tried and every time we've failed. Stem cells were supposed to be the holy grail and a GMO short cut. What we've discovered is our body rejects our tampering.

There was this boy in Russia who was given specific programmed stem cells. Not only did it not work, but the cells ran rampant and caused systematic organ failure within a week.

Do you know god doesn't exist? I'm an atheist, yet I don't know. What exactly is god, really? Isn't it just the process of how life came about? Whether it was god or a natural process, what does it matter if the end result is the same?

We have zero clue about that process. We have zero clue about evolution. All we know about evolution is what has been observed. We don't know the mechanisms behind it. All we know is micro change takes place and no idea how the macro happens.

All we know outside observation is a guess. Those guesses aren't reality, not even close.

When evolution was purposed, we had no idea about DNA. Then we thought all you need to do is change the DNA for magic to happen.

We were wrong. Now we understand DNA needs activation through a process called the epigenetic genome.

What other processes besides DNA, RNA, or epigenes is happening? If we don't know, how can we be sure we're not screwing up that process?

Back in the day Thealamide was given to mothers to get rid of mourning sickness. We had no idea it was chirality causing deformities. Once we figured that out, we had no idea our body converted the safe chiral structure to the unsafe one.

Look at the problems we get ourselves into when we just dive in and do what you say because it's progress.

DNA manipulation is much more complicated chemistry chirality. Yet you want to say let's use GMO and it's progressing us, naturally? The fuck?

ahh a bit of frothy to go with my coffee
Really? If we're so good, why are we fucking with drugs and not go for the money shot of direct gene therapy?

It's because we tried and every time we've failed. Stem cells were supposed to be the holy grail and a GMO short cut. What we've discovered is our body rejects our tampering.

There was this boy in Russia who was given specific programmed stem cells. Not only did it not work, but the cells ran rampant and caused systematic organ failure within a week.

Do you know god doesn't exist? I'm an atheist, yet I don't know. What exactly is god, really? Isn't it just the process of how life came about? Whether it was god or a natural process, what does it matter if the end result is the same?

We have zero clue about that process. We have zero clue about evolution. All we know about evolution is what has been observed. We don't know the mechanisms behind it. All we know is micro change takes place and no idea how the macro happens.

All we know outside observation is a guess. Those guesses aren't reality, not even close.

When evolution was purposed, we had no idea about DNA. Then we thought all you need to do is change the DNA for magic to happen.

We were wrong. Now we understand DNA needs activation through a process called the epigenetic genome.

What other processes besides DNA, RNA, or epigenes is happening? If we don't know, how can we be sure we're not screwing up that process?

Back in the day Thealamide was given to mothers to get rid of mourning sickness. We had no idea it was chirality causing deformities. Once we figured that out, we had no idea our body converted the safe chiral structure to the unsafe one.

Look at the problems we get ourselves into when we just dive in and do what you say because it's progress.

DNA manipulation is much more complicated chemistry chirality. Yet you want to say let's use GMO and it's progressing us, naturally? The fuck?
You seriously need to stop the meth/crack/whatever that clearly non-weed substance you're smoking is.

Are you aware that stem cells by very definition are "unprogrammed"?

Are you aware that they called stem cells because they're undifferentiated cells that all other cells "stem" from?

The Anti-GM crowd really are fucking nuts.
^^^^special pleading to an emotion response?

your doing exactly what i accused you of

"and rely on the uninformed emotional response to get what your looking for?

and to help that emotional response along you are more than happy about lying in a fear mongering hysterical way? "

Oh for goodness sake ginja you and a few others are the only ones 'mongering' in any way here lol...
I'm simply posing a question that probably needs to be posed and because even the anti GMO crowd has been corporately co-opted in their upper ranks, if I wasn't posing it here (me = horton) then who would be?
Your accusation of 'lying' is based on a mistyped description of where I live in terms of one word missing from my description of the lake here, and a statement I made about past native population numbers based on the 'destroyed' peoples version rather than the destroyers version, that's a fairly weak excuse for accusing of 'lying' don't ya think?
Nowhere here have I lied about anything ginja, but I understand how your brain has been conditioned to respond in such a way to things you don't understand.
Oh for goodness sake ginja you and a few others are the only ones 'mongering' in any way here lol...
I'm simply posing a question that probably needs to be posed and because even the anti GMO crowd has been corporately co-opted in their upper ranks, if I wasn't posing it here (me = horton) then who would be?
Your accusation of 'lying' is based on a mistyped description of where I live in terms of one word missing from my description of the lake here, and a statement I made about past native population numbers based on the 'destroyed' peoples version rather than the destroyers version, that's a fairly weak excuse for accusing of 'lying' don't ya think?
Nowhere here have I lied about anything ginja, but I understand how your brain has been conditioned to respond in such a way to things you don't understand.
you have repeated lied about whats going on in the GMO world

you have repeated lied about the "evidence" that you brought here to back up the above lies

you are lying about your intentions when you claim that your trying to circumnavigate the evidence based good/bad argument in lieu of the emotional based pleading
What do you people actually think Genetic Modification ACTUALLY involves?

Genes are just arrangements of 4 molecules whose SOLE job is to build proteins and perform mitosis/meiosis...then the cell dies.

Seriously, people arnt going to just start randomly exploding someday.

The bullshit within this whole subject is TREMENDOUS, I'm not writing an essay to explain how it all works because it's basic "high school" biology but this whole "ManBearPig" fucking lunacy surrounding it CANNOT rationally occur.

The changes we (by we, I mean humanity) make are so tiny to the overall genome of any organism are so infinitesimally small and extremely highly controlled. Sure, some "evil dude" cos do some massively heinous evil shit...but Im fairly sure Dr Evil doesn't follow the law anyways so...yeah.

Again, good luck selling your bullshit "Bill" to anyone who knows vaguely anything about the content or accompanying "sky is falling" appeal to emotion.

Its about as rational and sane as the notion that cannabis should be illegal cos its dangerous and makes "the negros look at white women twice...and it makes the WHITE WOMEN LOOK BACK!!!".

Courtesy of Harry "Sucker of Satans Cock" Anslinger.
considering god doesnt exist we've surpassed even his imaginary skills

nutcases like yourself will NEVER get to a point where you think GMO is ready and as you have nothing to back up your fears its about high time to marginalize you and your ilk while the rest of us get on with progressing naturally with this planet

It's all natural, the Earth will win in the end, just like Mars.
you have repeated lied about whats going on in the GMO world

you have repeated lied about the "evidence" that you brought here to back up the above lies

you are lying about your intentions when you claim that your trying to circumnavigate the evidence based good/bad argument in lieu of the emotional based pleading

Ginja all your inept conclusions are backed with nothing, and though 'nothing' is also part of nature, it doesn't hold much water shall we say like maybe the glass jar I'm guessing you live in (or were born from) does.
I have heard of turtles that got into the sewer and were mutated from some sort of GMO I think and I recall that possibly they were called 'ginjaturtles'? Is that your clan? It would explain some might do well to go back and have a long talk with your sensei.
I would feel better about fucking with nature, once they show some responsibility, but until they can round up the frogs they introduced in Australia it's just reckless abondon.
You seriously need to stop the meth/crack/whatever that clearly non-weed substance you're smoking is.

Are you aware that stem cells by very definition are "unprogrammed"?

Are you aware that they called stem cells because they're undifferentiated cells that all other cells "stem" from?

The Anti-GM crowd really are fucking nuts.

We program the stem cells from scratch? Damn we're good.

If so, we knew what we were doing and killed that Russian kid on purpose.

That's just evil!