Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Ginja all your inept conclusions are backed with nothing, and though 'nothing' is also part of nature, it doesn't hold much water shall we say like maybe the glass jar I'm guessing you live in (or were born from) does.
I have heard of turtles that got into the sewer and were mutated from some sort of GMO I think and I recall that possibly they were called 'ginjaturtles'? Is that your clan? It would explain some might do well to go back and have a long talk with your sensei.
Ginja all your inept conclusions are backed with nothing, and though 'nothing' is also part of nature, it doesn't hold much water shall we say like maybe the glass jar I'm guessing you live in (or were born from) does.
I have heard of turtles that got into the sewer and were mutated from some sort of GMO I think and I recall that possibly they were called 'ginjaturtles'? Is that your clan? It would explain some might do well to go back and have a long talk with your sensei.
what claims have i made in this thread other than "your full of shit" or "your lying thru your teeth"?

you have been asked to show evidence that backs up what you say and instead you have lied and posted links that say nothing to back you up
We program the stem cells from scratch? Damn we're good.

If so, we knew what we were doing and killed that Russian kid on purpose.

That's just evil!
You know stem cells can be harvested and cloned from a patients own bone marrow?

Pray, do tell good sir...why would the body reject its own cells? Containing the exact same genetic material?

Stem cells are THE future.

"What'll it be today sir?"

"Well the ticker is getting a bit old, can you grow me a new one then Ill come back in a few weeks?"

"No problem sir, Interstellar Credits or Card?"

Eventually, it'll be cheaper than modern day getting your car serviced.
What do you people actually think Genetic Modification ACTUALLY involves?

Genes are just arrangements of 4 molecules whose SOLE job is to build proteins and perform mitosis/meiosis...then the cell dies.

Seriously, people arnt going to just start randomly exploding someday.

The bullshit within this whole subject is TREMENDOUS, I'm not writing an essay to explain how it all works because it's basic "high school" biology but this whole "ManBearPig" fucking lunacy surrounding it CANNOT rationally occur.

The changes we (by we, I mean humanity) make are so tiny to the overall genome of any organism are so infinitesimally small and extremely highly controlled. Sure, some "evil dude" cos do some massively heinous evil shit...but Im fairly sure Dr Evil doesn't follow the law anyways so...yeah.

Again, good luck selling your bullshit "Bill" to anyone who knows vaguely anything about the content or accompanying "sky is falling" appeal to emotion.

Its about as rational and sane as the notion that cannabis should be illegal cos its dangerous and makes "the negros look at white women twice...and it makes the WHITE WOMEN LOOK BACK!!!".

Courtesy of Harry "Sucker of Satans Cock" Anslinger.

The bolded is obsolete. DNA base methylation imposes a new data layer whose mechanisms aren't as neat&tidy as DNA transcription. This new epigenetic layer screws the simple concept of genetic information we learned in school. cn
The bolded is obsolete. DNA base methylation imposes a new data layer whose mechanisms aren't as neat&tidy as DNA transcription. This new epigenetic layer screws the simple concept of genetic information we learned in school. cn
Link me up brother, Iv read nothing of that sort in quite a while, it's time to update obviously.

EDIT: People still arnt going to start randomly exploding tho ;)
What do you people actually think Genetic Modification ACTUALLY involves?

Genes are just arrangements of 4 molecules whose SOLE job is to build proteins and perform mitosis/meiosis...then the cell dies.

Seriously, people arnt going to just start randomly exploding someday. No but you could be glowing by the end of the week.

The bullshit within this whole subject is TREMENDOUS, I'm not writing an essay to explain how it all works because it's basic "high school" biology but this whole "ManBearPig" fucking lunacy surrounding it CANNOT rationally occur. Old news, it's now about the ethics on the treatment of "ManBearPig" .

The changes we (by we, I mean humanity) make are so tiny to the overall genome of any organism are so infinitesimally small and extremely highly controlled. Sure, some "evil dude" cos do some massively heinous evil shit...but Im fairly sure Dr Evil doesn't follow the law anyways so...yeah.

Again, good luck selling your bullshit "Bill" to anyone who knows vaguely anything about the content or accompanying "sky is falling" appeal to emotion.

Its about as rational and sane as the notion that cannabis should be illegal cos its dangerous and makes "the negros look at white women twice...and it makes the WHITE WOMEN LOOK BACK!!!".

Courtesy of Harry "Sucker of Satans Cock" Anslinger.

It's a couple years old so I apologize if you have already seen it.
Link me up brother, Iv read nothing of that sort in quite a while, it's time to update obviously.

EDIT: People still arnt going to start randomly exploding tho ;)

This isn't much but it's a start.

It also sheds some light on what's missing from stem cell therapies. When our bodies were young, we produced transient hormone gradients that regulated the growth and cell population sof our organs. In adult bodies, we don't make those regulatory molecules. Stem cells arrive on the scene without instructions. To use them properly, we'll need to relly understand the epigenome as well as the just-plain genome. cn
I would feel better about fucking with nature, once they show some responsibility, but until they can round up the frogs they introduced in Australia it's just reckless abondon.

Their plan would've worked had it been a GMO frog.

Just like those Africanized bees from Brazil. GMO would've removed their aggression. Like no stinger.

The other problem is both those nations are backwards nations. If it was conducted in Japan and with GMO, these would be hailed a success.
It's a couple years old so I apologize if you have already seen it.
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Who gets to decide how much we're to limit (ultimately, holy grail style) our evolutionary advancement on the basis of the divided ethics of "now"?

The ethical discussion is and will be difficult, I suppose it really depends on what you think the risk/reward ratio is, which at the minute is entirely subjective, because neither side is currently quantifiable.

One thing is for sure, it'll be interesting to see that discussion considering the polarisation that currently exists on both sides.

I do see us throwing away a HUGE opportunity in this technology tho if its abandoned prematurely.
This isn't much but it's a start.

It also sheds some light on what's missing from stem cell therapies. When our bodies were young, we produced transient hormone gradients that regulated the growth and cell population sof our organs. In adult bodies, we don't make those regulatory molecules. Stem cells arrive on the scene without instructions. To use them properly, we'll need to relly understand the epigenome as well as the just-plain genome. cn

You're telling me stem cells alone aren't the golden ticket? You just crushed a poor leprechaun's world. What's next, you gonna tell him Santa ain't real?
No ginja not at all, the first people of this place we now call California (for example) had a better notion of 'who and what we are' than the existing culture, especially when tainted with the 'get the gold' motives that we still have yet to evolve past.
What I'm saying is that we as a species need to slow down long enough to see more clearly and know better what is starring back at us from our mirrors before we do irreparable harm heading off in a direction that unlike your average consumer products where the harm that is done is usually limited to the particular consumers and possibly the investors and so on, this is quite possibly a more permanent and broad reaching type of harm that can possibly result, a result that can effect us all whether we are consumers of the particular 'products' or not.
So the proposal simply seeks to establish the fact that there is an original natural evolutionary track that has gotten us to 'here' and is everywhere one can see or cannot see. Now there is human technology that seeks to create evolutionary tracks that are 'custom' and would/could not normally happen in the original tracks.
The question simply becomes does one want that to be or not to be.
Some have core belief systems that if held consistent (religion/creation etc), one would think they would be in opposition to such rewriting of the 'blue prints' or fingerprint of their perception of 'god'.
Some, like me, think we are just simply not far enough down our natural evolutionary track to even consider trying to 'fool mother nature' if you will.
Others might have other reasons etc...

My main beef with this is that you are declaring "natural" (without artifice) to be "better". And the closest you come to justifying this is an oblique mention of religion. This is not in line with it being "all about the numbers", since the numbers do not make such judgments of doctrine. cn
Who gets to decide how much we're to limit (ultimately, holy grail style) our evolutionary advancement on the basis of the divided ethics of "now"?

The ethical discussion is and will be difficult, I suppose it really depends on what you think the risk/reward ratio is, which at the minute is entirely subjective, because neither side is currently quantifiable.

One thing is for sure, it'll be interesting to see that discussion considering the polarisation that currently exists on both sides.

I do see us throwing away a HUGE opportunity in this technology tho if its abandoned prematurely.

I agree, this knowledge will be needed, and soon if we don't curb the population growth, I just feel the lab shouldn't be backyard Kansas, or profit the motive.
what claims have i made in this thread other than "your full of shit" or "your lying thru your teeth"?

you have been asked to show evidence that backs up what you say and instead you have lied and posted links that say nothing to back you up

To the contrary turtlewarrior' you've only claimed that I have 'lied', you have not backed that up with anything.
I have only presented things for your consideration and your only response always is limited to the likes of this "your full of shit" or "your lying thru your teeth", but never any substance.
If your so respectful of what you call 'evidence' then why haven't you presented any that might present a different or give any reason whatsoever for a different conclusion or view from mine and that which I have presented?
I'm not here to 'prove' anything to you tw, I'm only here to present a circumstance that I feel deserves peoples attention and consideration and that I feel people deserve and have the right to consider.
It is always the Franks and the keen dr's and the tw's of the world that try to keep folks from thinking, for me humans thinking is a wonderful thing even if one needs to display the thinking of the Franks and keen dr's and dd's and tw's of the world to induce critical thinking in others.
If we we're to advertize like the Auto industry, but with lower birth rates, free vasectomy, tubes ties, voluntary suicide ect., would we even need GMO?
To the contrary turtlewarrior' you've only claimed that I have 'lied', you have not backed that up with anything.
I have only presented things for your consideration and your only response always is limited to the likes of this "your full of shit" or "your lying thru your teeth", but never any substance.
If your so respectful of what you call 'evidence' then why haven't you presented any that might present a different or give any reason whatsoever for a different conclusion or view from mine and that which I have presented?
I'm not here to 'prove' anything to you tw, I'm only here to present a circumstance that I feel deserves peoples attention and consideration and that I feel people deserve and have the right to consider.
It is always the Franks and the keen dr's and the tw's of the world that try to keep folks from thinking, for me humans thinking is a wonderful thing even if one needs to display the thinking of the Franks and keen dr's and dd's and tw's of the world to induce critical thinking in others.

you say "monsanto & uc davis are plotting to kill cannabis and breed the only legal weed"
i say "wheres your evidence"
you post bullshit and claim it backs you up
i look and bullshit and call you a liar

i demand that people think and that they dont fall for bullshit special pleading emotional arguments like the shit your trying to pull here
My main beef with this is that you are declaring "natural" (without artifice) to be "better". And the closest you come to justifying this is an oblique mention of religion. This is not in line with it being "all about the numbers", since the numbers do not make such judgments of doctrine. cn

What I think your missing from your view of my perspective is that I trust 'the numbers' = my perception of a natural evolutionary track = unspliced other than by the natural abilities of procreation minus biotech gene splicing, that got us this far to get us a little bit further before we start messing with the basic frame work of the giant equation in ways that were not possible by us before now...I currently trust 'the numbers' more than I trust humans to 'add up' the numbers correctly' at this point in our evolution.
you say "monsanto & uc davis are plotting to kill cannabis and breed the only legal weed"
i say "wheres your evidence"
you post bullshit and claim it backs you up
i look and bullshit and call you a liar

i demand that people think and that they don't fall for bullshit special pleading emotional arguments like the shit your trying to pull here
Tw you are again quite incorrect, its the gov that contracted for the fungal pathogens, the universities and corporate interests simply were contracted to help do the work.
After that I simply posed the question about what would a corporation do with the genetic maps that resulted from such work, and my guess is that they would use them in the GMO process which results in unique patentable DNA sequencing...while you on the other hand 'think' (I used that word loosely) that calling someone a 'liar' is a sufficiently thoughtful response...
What I think your missing from your view of my perspective is that I trust 'the numbers' = my perception of a natural evolutionary track = unspliced other than by the natural abilities of procreation minus biotech gene splicing, that got us this far to get us a little bit further before we start messing with the basic frame work of the giant equation in ways that were not possible by us before now...I currently trust 'the numbers' more than I trust humans to 'add up' the numbers correctly' at this point in our evolution.

To me, the bolded is not about numbers but a sort of mystical perception. And one of the basic features of mysticism is the sense of moral communication ... a revelation of right/wrong. Jmo. cn
To me, the bolded is not about numbers but a sort of mystical perception. And one of the basic features of mysticism is the sense of moral communication ... a revelation of right/wrong. Jmo. cn
I can definitely understand what your saying cn as well as how one might see it that way, but its not really like that for me...its more like gravity, you can count on it, I don't know that I'm yet ready enough to count on human judgements and the motives behind such at this point. Not mysticism, just 'playing the odds', much the same way a genetic engineer would because that's the best they can do at this point.
I can definitely understand what your saying cn as well as how one might see it that way, but its not really like that for me...its more like gravity, you can count on it, I don't know that I'm yet ready enough to count on human judgements and the motives behind such at this point. Not mysticism, just 'playing the odds', much the same way a genetic engineer would because that's the best they can do at this point.

Our perception of "the odds" is heavily influenced by our premises. I am getting an irreducible sense from your writings to date that exceeds "natural = safe; artificial = dangerous" and enters "natural = right; artificial = wrong" territory.
I am operating from the premise that we are nature and thus exempt from this sort of dichotomy.

I think it's possible that the birth and infancy of a technical species like ours is more than a planetary surface can easily handle. It involves a mass extinction at the very least. A that point I could posit a moral duty to get our industrialized asses off the mother rock. Engineering ourselves for the new environment will be a key to making it. Spacy thoughts for a lazy New Year's Eve. cn