New year resolutions!


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised I can't find a thread on this already made! (unless I'm missing it lol)

What are your resolutions for the coming new year or do you think it's total bull? Plan on smoking more marijuana, less marijuana? Quitting a bad habbit, starting any new good ones?

I personally don't have any resolutions this year nor have I ever had one so I can't really contribute. Maybe I'll try spending some more time with my family that lives farther away. Okay I'll make that my resolution :) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
grow as much high quality pot as possible :)

some other health, relationship, financial, and educational goals. I believe in continuous improvement...not motivated by an arbitrary date.

peace. Happy new year!

meechz 024

Active Member
So, I haven't smoked in like 2 days now and I'm completely sober. First thing I notice is that my patients are heavily reduced. After smoking a good sesh, I can listen to someone's bullshit with a smile on my face. Now I get irritated and uncomfortable when talking and listening for long periods of time.

Trying to sleep, I just sit on my bed and think about random shit. Depressing shit just pops into my mind then goes, then I start over-analyzing shit I've done in the past. There's no contentedness.

another thing I notice is that I have a shorter temper now.

So my New Years Resolution: Smoke more marichewana


Well-Known Member
So, I haven't smoked in like 2 days now and I'm completely sober. First thing I notice is that my patients are heavily reduced. After smoking a good sesh, I can listen to someone's bullshit with a smile on my face. Now I get irritated and uncomfortable when talking and listening for long periods of time.

Trying to sleep, I just sit on my bed and think about random shit. Depressing shit just pops into my mind then goes, then I start over-analyzing shit I've done in the past. There's no contentedness.

another thing I notice is that I have a shorter temper now.

So my New Years Resolution: Smoke more marichewana
I'm the same way, when I haven't smoked recently I tend to have a much shorter fuse and have waayyy less tolerance for people's random bullshit. Talkin to me about the weather and shit, I don't care!


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a new chapter in life this coming year. 2013 has got to be better than 2012 for me, I've got to do my part to have this come to fruition and hopefully not too many things out of my control spiral down like 2012 events.


Well-Known Member
To not go to the gym till all the fatties give up on their resolutions and the place smells like air again

meechz 024

Active Member
I'm the same way, when I haven't smoked recently I tend to have a much shorter fuse and have waayyy less tolerance for people's random bullshit. Talkin to me about the weather and shit, I don't care!
Ughhh it fuckin sucks man! I feel like I am missing a piece of my personality, like a part of me died. I just posted in the "first time you smoked" thread because I can't stop thinking about smoking my fucking bong right now!

But it's not like my physical body is craving it. so its not addictive. not at all. mentally, and i can overcome this.


Well-Known Member
I started the New Years off w/ a new job. I also have a new diet (all organic) and am going to lift/run 4-5x per week.


Well-Known Member
Ughhh it fuckin sucks man! I feel like I am missing a piece of my personality, like a part of me died. I just posted in the "first time you smoked" thread because I can't stop thinking about smoking my fucking bong right now!

But it's not like my physical body is craving it. so its not addictive. not at all. mentally, and i can overcome this.
Its harder to ignore while sober. same concept as opiates without the physical cravings.


Well-Known Member
my 10th annual resolution... quit smoking! may i live to see the 11th annual resolution!
I'll probably quit smoking eventually, but I probably won't give up cannabis. When the day comes where I can grow a ton of it and just keep making cannabutter/edibles (for lung health), I'll be stoked. I look forward to that stage of my life. Hopefully getting a minor in horticulture will pay off lol
I hope to pull of my 1st succesful harvest with the help of the wonderful members here at RIU. i only just joined tonight and i can't get off the site lol