California gun sales soar, gun deaths plummet, "common sense" absent


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just went to wiki and brushed up. can't find anything about execution style, but it's no matter to me. i did see that connecticut's gun laws were a good deterrent to him getting a gun, so he just took his mom's unsecured guns.

hey cannabineer, care to tell me why any civilian would need one of these?

You are missing the point. It is not mob rule. And it is not for dilettantes to decided or moan about, what someone needs. This is Constitutional. The pursuit of happiness includes at it's very core, the right of self protection, of even ones own mind-set. It is a private matter and not for you to say. All you say is theory and fear based, power play.

You showing a picture and opining someone else doesn't NEED this, is Agenda. You don't need a car. Just about everything in this society is not NEEDED.

But, in the end, actually, only weapons are needed to preserve the rights of citizens. Without that, no civil society.

Nattering about someone else not needing something is like me saying don't need that good of car. You SHOULD be pushing a bicycle to get your goods around.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yeah, i just went to wiki and brushed up. can't find anything about execution style, but it's no matter to me. i did see that connecticut's gun laws were a good deterrent to him getting a gun, so he just took his mom's unsecured guns.

hey cannabineer, care to tell me why any civilian would need one of these?

Your question, and its implication is irrelevant. See the US constitution, second amendment.


Ursus marijanus
Your question, and its implication is irrelevant. See the US constitution, second amendment.
It's not so cut&dry imo. Consider Breyer's dissenting opinion he actually committed to text after McDonald v. Chicago. One of the supreme stewards of the document is plainly arguing that the Second does not describe an individual right. The camel's nose is under the tent flap. We who would protect gun ownership and carry rights cannot afford to become dogmatic. (And no; that is not a Korean kitchen appliance.) We have to stay engaged, thoughtful, the right sort of flexible, and hold to a moral high road. The antis have shown no compunction about fighting ugly and winning, as evidenced by the broad acceptance of their mot de guerre "assault weapon". cn


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just went to wiki and brushed up. can't find anything about execution style, but it's no matter to me. i did see that connecticut's gun laws were a good deterrent to him getting a gun, so he just took his mom's unsecured guns.

hey cannabineer, care to tell me why any civilian would need one of these?

because you can attach one of these to it..:)
not my pic or listing.. :



Well-Known Member
personally thats why i chose an AR platform rifle. I can swap uppers and shoot a variety of calibers for any reason I might need. from .22 pellet, all the way up to a .50 if you so desire. but ya totally want a 458 upper. stop anything youll meet in the woods. Sadly I dont have it anymore tho, it fell out of the canoe....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
With the SOCOM upper both... :bigjoint:
so are you defending yourself against a platoon of germans or hunting several dozen deer at once?

It is "for" shooting. Locally, police departments use that same gun. So it must have a defensive use ... either that, or the police are misusing it.

So which iyo: defensive, or misused? cn
if you think that you're going to have luck against the full might and force of the united states with that thing, i'd say you're misusing it.

some heavily armed people tried that once, it didn't work out so well.



Ursus marijanus
so are you defending yourself against a platoon of germans or hunting several dozen deer at once?

if you think that you're going to have luck against the full might and force of the united states with that thing, i'd say you're misusing it.

some heavily armed people tried that once, it didn't work out so well.

"Loonies did this" is not the same as "doing this is loony". cn


Active Member
personally thats why i chose an AR platform rifle. I can swap uppers and shoot a variety of calibers for any reason I might need. from .22 pellet, all the way up to a .50 if you so desire. but ya totally want a 458 upper. stop anything youll meet in the woods. Sadly I dont have it anymore tho, it fell out of the canoe....:blsmoke:
I'm sorry to hear that I don't have one in 458, does a 458 have its own specific mag? I know 6.8 can go in a .223 mag just reduced capacity.


New Member
so are you defending yourself against a platoon of germans or hunting several dozen deer at once?
We're less worried about Germans and more about New Zealaders...

So it would be new zealanders, a dozen deer and half a dozen drop bears... Yeah we got drop bears here and they're mean as fuck...



Well-Known Member
458, single stack in standard capacity mag. believe iv heard u can get 3 458 in a 10rnd mag, 10 in a 30rnd


Active Member
.458 is a junk round so is the .450
personally I prefer 308, I have heard mixed reviews about them, but 500gr to 600gr bullets is alot of weight. I thought they were moderately accurate but not designed for long distance. I know it would get real expensive real quick popping them out of an ar.