yeah, i just went to wiki and brushed up. can't find anything about execution style, but it's no matter to me. i did see that connecticut's gun laws were a good deterrent to him getting a gun, so he just took his mom's unsecured guns.
hey cannabineer, care to tell me why any civilian would need one of these?
Uncle Buck, Don't every use Wikipedia as a source for you argument! Debating 101. Its self editable. I've read the entire forum you are the only on hear being a gun Nazi. Don't you think you've made your point/ points?
Take all the guns you want away Buck. kids will just build bombs or throw dynamite.
"On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. He was about to commit mass murder.
Inside the vehicle was a powerful bomb made out of a deadly cocktail of agricultural fertilizer, diesel fuel, and other chemicals. McVeigh got out, locked the door, and headed towards his getaway car. He ignited one timed fuse, then another.
"At precisely 9:02 a.m., the bomb exploded.
Within moments, the surrounding area looked like a war zone. A third of the building had been reduced to rubble, with many floors flattened like pancakes. Dozens of cars were incinerated and more than 300 nearby buildings were damaged or destroyed.
The human toll was still more devastating: 168 souls lost, including 19 children, with several hundred more injured"
Note: Buck. all the shit used to build this bomb is still very legal for you or I to purchase. O, and look a his kill count 168.
You want to ban racing fuel, and cleaning products or fertilizer? What? How would you grow those beautiful girls that everyone on this site medicate with?
One last thing Buck. hear is the link I got my info from. Notice FBI or .gov in the link. This would be considered a reliable source for a proper debate.
The ~ Guvna