FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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here were my girls at 10-11 days


If you want to ACTUALLY compare plants, show some pics of when they were the same size as mine. Otherwise its not even comparing. It's just trying to show off.

My plants at 11 days old in 6" pots


that's what the newbie guy just did! lol :dunce:

and his plants made your plants look sad :(

oh okay sorry.

As requested, Plant same size as your's


AGE: 3 1/2 days old

nah I was comparing your 10-12 day old plants to mine. To show you the difference between doing what people who know what they're doing tell you to do and doing what you want to do.

Finny SIZE ALONE is not the way to compare plants DAYS OLD or AGE AND THEIR SIZE is the best comparison. And when he did what you asked it still was better.
Fin. Your grows are terrible and obviously the people at RIU are tired of your crap. A board wide consensus should tell you that your grows suck and no one likes you. You seem to be the only one that approves.
nah I was comparing your 10-12 day old plants to mine. To show you the difference between doing what people who know what they're doing tell you to do and doing what you want to do.

Yours was in a red cup. Of course it's gonna get tall faster, BUT it's gonna reach it's limits real quick. My plants are stretching as far as they can underground right now, then they are going to shoot up. They have a whole tub to fill with roots eventually, you're probably found the side of the cup on day 1 :dunce:
people at RIU are tired of your crap.

No ones "tired of my crap". The trolls just won't leave me alone. If no one replied to anything I said (if you were actually tired of my crap you could ignore me :dunce: ) no one would ever see anything I said. :lol:
No ones "tired of my crap". The trolls just won't leave me alone. If no one replied to anything I said (if you were actually tired of my crap you could ignore me :dunce: ) no one would ever see anything I said. :lol:

Lemme rephrase that. I'm tired of seeing everyone bitchh and complain about you. Obviously, You and I haven't had any conflict before so you and I don't have any problems. The question is, why does damn near close to the entire board have negative things to say about you?

It's a board wide consensus for the most part that your grows are horrible and your reputation is shot. Might want to improve on that. I ain't trollin' you, but... having a shitty rep on a forum board, I've been there and done that, and until you change your ways buddy, not many people will take you seriously or help you out.

Hopefully that makes sense for ya.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Just Imagine how much rep I'm gonna get when all this shit talk ends with my beautiful buds :lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you all for making this possible :D
The question is, why does damn near close to the entire board have negative things to say about you?.

Well let me answer that question for you :lol: It started with about 15 people that followed me for about a year, maybe even longer. Talking shit and being assholes because I posted a book written by Abbie Hoffman and started threads about theories I had and shit like that. They trolled me, Buck being the main source of it all, alone for a LONG time. And for a while other people replied to my threads as well (go ahead and look back if you want), then I went to Mexico and Florida and was gone for about 2-4 months from the site I have no idea how long I was gone. When I came back, Buck was there within 5 minutes to reply to anything I said, and the other 15 dudes would call each other I guess, or send PMs and emails, they said they were doing something to let each other know I was making new threads. And since I had kept in contact with no one from this site while I was gone, they still read my threads but started replying WAYYY less, because there was always fire fights, and no one wants to get in the middle of that. Except a troll... So more and more trolls came, until it became the sport it is today :D Does that answer your question :lol:
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