Violence Against Women


Well-Known Member
when I was a kid, my brother and I would get out of school, get our pellet guns and jump on our bikes. We would just come home for dinner and head back out to roam the streets on our bikes. It was much safer then it is today, much safer.
When I was a kid, children didn't wear helmets and commonly were made into vegitables in bike accidents. We commonly were impailed by metal protruberances in our cars,we were commonly thrown out of windshields to be decapitated. We caught diseases that don't even exist in this country. We were exposed to DDT and other poisons vended by the local hardware store. We ate hydrogenated fats that promoted non-removeable plaque in our arteries. We placed the mentaly ill in prison, we were drafted and sent to other countries to dies or worse, return home with diseases we refused to acknowlege and injuries that permanetly put us in uncomfortable situations where our wheelchairs wouldn't take us where we wanted to go. When I was a kid, eathing lead paint chips was no big deal, our air brought on attacks of asthma, Priests raped little boys with impugnity, mothers risked sepsis and death from back alley abortions and we were all quite certain that one day we would look up at a high flying bomber only to have our eyes melted out of our heads from a nuclear flash.

Yeah, it was MUCH safer then.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid, children didn't wear helmets and commonly were made into vegitables in bike accidents. We commonly were impailed by metal protruberances in our cars,we were commonly thrown out of windshields to be decapitated. We caught diseases that don't even exist in this country. We were exposed to DDT and other poisons vended by the local hardware store. We ate hydrogenated fats that promoted non-removeable plaque in our arteries. We placed the mentaly ill in prison, we were drafted and sent to other countries to dies or worse, return home with diseases we refused to acknowlege and injuries that permanetly put us in uncomfortable situations where our wheelchairs wouldn't take us where we wanted to go. When I was a kid, eathing lead paint chips was no big deal, our air brought on attacks of asthma, Priests raped little boys with impugnity, mothers risked sepsis and death from back alley abortions and we were all quite certain that one day we would look up at a high flying bomber only to have our eyes melted out of our heads from a nuclear flash.

Yeah, it was MUCH safer then.
Thank God for the nanny state. No more "vegitable" kids!


Well-Known Member
Thank God for the nanny state. No more "vegitable" kids!

Deaths from auto accidents have gone down every year from when seat belt laws and air bags became real - DAMN that nanny state, it took away our freedom to die and send the hospital bill to the state. Air transportation deaths have diminished to the point where, if I recall, we had not a single air disaster last year - damn the nanny state for telling airlines what to do with their planes. Fewer children are affected by lead paint and asbestos - damn that nanny state for telling builders how to do their jobs. Fewer children erupt into flame because their jammies are combustible - drat - the state telling apparel manufacturers their business.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Deaths from auto accidents have gone down every year from when seat belt laws and air bags became real - DAMN that nanny state, it took away our freedom to die and send the hospital bill to the state. Air transportation deaths have diminished to the point where, if I recall, we had not a single air disaster last year - damn the nanny state for telling airlines what to do with their planes. Fewer children are affected by lead paint and asbestos - damn that nanny state for telling builders how to do their jobs. Fewer children erupt into flame because their jammies are combustible - drat - the state telling apparel manufacturers their business.

Where do you draw the line ? Is it okay for the nanny state to tell a person what they can wear? Consume? Who they may associate with?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the individual parents can make those decisions?
so that responsible parents get to help foot the bill for irresponsible parents whose kids end up as vegetables that they alone can't afford to pay for?

awesome plan.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so that responsible parents get to help foot the bill for irresponsible parents whose kids end up as vegetables that they alone can't afford to pay for?

awesome plan.
Awesome plan? Why thank you.

In a "responsible society" individuals do not ask, demand or tell others they must suffer the consequences of another persons action or inaction. Making somebody pay for anothers mistakes, idiocy or negligence does two things. It creates an environment where by people do not learn from their individual actions. It penalizes people for things that are beyond their control. I would like some vegetable soup with my peanut butter and jelly sand wedge...pass the bicyclist guts please.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you know why there are so many battered women? because they just dont fooking listen.

no seriously i think battered taste better than plain.

ok ok i have it out of my system. i read some of this thread yesterday, i will come back later and finish now that i am sub'd.

i am against beating women by the way.


Well-Known Member
Where do you draw the line ? Is it okay for the nanny state to tell a person what they can wear? Consume? Who they may associate with?
As so often happens, and as corporations foster - you blur distinction. No one tells children what to wear or not wear, what happens is that government tells manufacturers what they can and cannot manufacture. We don't tell consumers they can't buy cars with steering columns that punch holes in people's chests, we tell the auto manufacturer that they can't make them like that any more - but the companies that find it cheaper to make dangerous cars constantly manage to convince you that you are FREE! to purchase dangerous items and that if They are inhibited from making such things than surely that is the slippery slope to an end of individual freedoms. And Rob, you buy into every single one of these little switch ups and PR campaigns because you are convinced that the only source of tyranny is government. If anything bad happens anywhere it can't be corporations causing it, why, even if we have to concoct some convoluted path of mythical cause and effect, eventually we can find that it is.. none other... than that monolithic, evil, deceptive government that is the root of all evil.

so where exactly is the state telling us what we can't wear? Where are we told what we cannot consume? and where are we told with whom we can and cannot associate?

What line exactly are you seeing?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
As so often happens, and as corporations foster - you blur distinction. No one tells children what to wear or not wear, what happens is that government tells manufacturers what they can and cannot manufacture. We don't tell consumers they can't buy cars with steering columns that punch holes in people's chests, we tell the auto manufacturer that they can't make them like that any more - but the companies that find it cheaper to make dangerous cars constantly manage to convince you that you are FREE! to purchase dangerous items and that if They are inhibited from making such things than surely that is the slippery slope to an end of individual freedoms. And Rob, you buy into every single one of these little switch ups and PR campaigns because you are convinced that the only source of tyranny is government. If anything bad happens anywhere it can't be corporations causing it, why, even if we have to concoct some convoluted path of mythical cause and effect, eventually we can find that it is.. none other... than that monolithic, evil, deceptive government that is the root of all evil.

so where exactly is the state telling us what we can't wear? Where are we told what we cannot consume? and where are we told with whom we can and cannot associate?

What line exactly are you seeing?
Uh... helmets when a kid rides a bike.

sixteen ounce sodas, sodium chloride, transfats, bath salts, marijuana, alochol for a fair number of years, absinthe...


Well-Known Member
Awesome plan? Why thank you.

In a "responsible society" individuals do not ask, demand or tell others they must suffer the consequences of another persons action or inaction. Making somebody pay for anothers mistakes, idiocy or negligence does two things. It creates an environment where by people do not learn from their individual actions. It penalizes people for things that are beyond their control. I would like some vegetable soup with my peanut butter and jelly sand wedge...pass the bicyclist guts please.
in a responsible society, we don't let kids die just because their parents are idiots.

in your society, we let kids die to teach their parents a lesson despite having the means to keep the child alive.

no one wants to live in your shit hole of a world, douchebag.


New Member
When I was a kid, children didn't wear helmets and commonly were made into vegitables in bike accidents. We commonly were impailed by metal protruberances in our cars,we were commonly thrown out of windshields to be decapitated. We caught diseases that don't even exist in this country. We were exposed to DDT and other poisons vended by the local hardware store. We ate hydrogenated fats that promoted non-removeable plaque in our arteries. We placed the mentaly ill in prison, we were drafted and sent to other countries to dies or worse, return home with diseases we refused to acknowlege and injuries that permanetly put us in uncomfortable situations where our wheelchairs wouldn't take us where we wanted to go. When I was a kid, eathing lead paint chips was no big deal, our air brought on attacks of asthma, Priests raped little boys with impugnity, mothers risked sepsis and death from back alley abortions and we were all quite certain that one day we would look up at a high flying bomber only to have our eyes melted out of our heads from a nuclear flash.

Yeah, it was MUCH safer then.
Don't think I've ever wore a helmet on a bike in my life lol, some places are "safer" than others but nobody is truly "safe" with so many people and possibilities, I imagine it's no safer today than it was back then, especially with so many more people.


New Member
Deaths from auto accidents have gone down every year from when seat belt laws and air bags became real - DAMN that nanny state, it took away our freedom to die and send the hospital bill to the state. Air transportation deaths have diminished to the point where, if I recall, we had not a single air disaster last year - damn the nanny state for telling airlines what to do with their planes. Fewer children are affected by lead paint and asbestos - damn that nanny state for telling builders how to do their jobs. Fewer children erupt into flame because their jammies are combustible - drat - the state telling apparel manufacturers their business.
I actually hate the click it or ticket law, been in 2 major accidents, one going 110 and the other around 65 and only had an airbag scab on the side of my face, the 110 one the airbag didn't even hit me because I had my foot pressed down on the brake lol.


Active Member
so that responsible parents get to help foot the bill for irresponsible parents whose kids end up as vegetables that they alone can't afford to pay for?

awesome plan.
So you think this, yet...

At the same time you are for, wealthy, responsible individuals who worked for their success through time and effort, to pay a higher tax %, effectively footing the bill for the poor, irresponsible individuals?

Curious to your thought process, why don't you fill us in?


New Member
Not really poor people but people that don't make the 4-450k a year lol, people making slightly or even 50k are not considered "poor".


Active Member
Not really poor people but people that don't make the 4-450k a year lol, people making slightly or even 50k are not considered "poor".
You're right. I shouldn't have said "poor". The point is still intact though