Posting the same definition twice, makes me think it is actually YOU that doesn't understand what is being said
This is you...
Recreational drug use is the use of a
drug with the intention of creating or enhancing
recreational experience.
While this is me...
Shaivism (
Sanskrit: शैव पंथ,
śaiva paṁtha), also known as
Shaivam (lit. "associated with
Shiva"), is one of the four most widely followed sects of
Hinduism, which reveres the god Shiva as the Supreme Being.
You have fun growing your "medicine" or whatever. I'm growing a god

And I'm not doing it by taking advice from guys named Uncle Buck and GreenHorn (He probably sticks his dick in his weed, what does Greenhorn mean?), I'm using 3,000 years of experience. The progress and mistakes that gave us the strains we use to make new strains today. I think I'll be alright without RIU's support, I've got like 1/3 of the worlds population and most of marijuana's history on my side. So just stick around and watch what happens