I'm in Hermi Denial Right Now...Need 2nd Opinion Before I Chuck.


Active Member
First grow ever. Decided to start with bag seeds I've been saving just to test my knowledge. I have one sativa and one indica in flower right now. The indica is showing what I think are pollen sacs along with hairs...HERMI.

I just want you pros to confirm my findings because I'm in fucking hermi denial right now.

Pollen Sacs?

Same Plant 1 Branch Over You Clearly See Hairs Popping.

I think I'm going to be very bummed...any advice or confirmation greatly appreciated.

Take care,



Active Member
Here is a simple test. If there is a pistil or hair coming out of that ball it is female. If not, Male (part).

If you don't have any other plants in there you are worried about getting polinated, I would wait until they open to be sure.


Active Member
The thing is I do have another plant showing only calyx with stigma. And I want to get this thing out of my flower room tonight if those are nanners in that pic. I can take more pics if that helps with the second opinion. If no one knows how about this question...How long does it take for pollen sacs to produce pollen that will fuck my other plant up? I really think this is hermi because if it was bag seed isn't there a large chance of it being a hermi because the herb was a tiny hermi?

Thanks for your time! :dunce:


Active Member
Well grojak its not a full blown male because there are hairs everywhere. Here is a good shot. You can see two things that look like sacs but one clearly has a hair coming out of it. WTF? Please help, don't just say yep male for sure...


Again these are from bag seeds where I got like 1 seed from 2 ounces of really good weed.


Well-Known Member
Hello. I took a look at all three pics you posted. The only pic that I don't see any pistils is the first pic which does look like a male part. I wouldn't chop it down right now. Let it go another week or so just to be sure. You still have about a week or so before the sacs burst open and pollinate if it a hermie. And shame on all of you people for telling him its a full blown male. There are female plant parts in 2 diff pics of the same plant!!! Don't post if you don't know!!!! STAY HIGH!!!
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Well-Known Member
Hello. I took a look at all three pics you posted. The only pic that I don't see any pistils is the first pic which does look like a male part. I wouldn't chop it down right now. Let it go another week or so just to be sure. You still have about a week or so before the sacs burst open and pollinate if it a hermie. And shame on all of you people for telling him its a full blown male. There are female plant parts in 2 diff pics of the same plant!!! Don't post if you don't know!!!! STAY HIGH!!!
i would do exactly the same thing, why rush if unsure. keep it in check you'll be sure soon


Active Member
my 2 cents, you got a hermi, your pics look good, as far as i can see its pretty clear that your first impression was correct. It no big rush if your not sure tho.


Well-Known Member
That doesnt look like male flowers guys. stop scaring the OP. sometimes you get preflowers without pistils. ive seen it myself. if you handle the plants a lot then you may have knocked the pistils out. if they arent in clusters then i wouldnt worry too much. if you are that worried then pinch that set off. and keep a close eye. it takes longer than a week for the sacks to mature.


Active Member
That doesnt look like male flowers guys. stop scaring the OP. sometimes you get preflowers without pistils. ive seen it myself. if you handle the plants a lot then you may have knocked the pistils out. if they arent in clusters then i wouldnt worry too much. if you are that worried then pinch that set off. and keep a close eye. it takes longer than a week for the sacks to mature.

I'm sorry, in his first post he seemed to imply that he wanted us to give him our opinions... my bad, i seem to have misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
listen you are right man, you deff have a hermie, there are nut sacks and pistils on that same plant, i can see them both. you are right to be sceptical, i'd throw it if you got other females in there right away


Well-Known Member

by the time a female flower calyx was this big it would deff have hairs coming out......unless i've been living in another world :/ but also, i think i can see two balls there, one behind the other (on the left side of the node)? or is that a trick of the camera? Worst you can do is leave it till tomorrow, and if no hairs there then get it away from that other female lol but yeah id say 99.9999999% hermie


I just had the same problem brother. i hear ya.. same scenario, preflower pistals but nut with a few sacks appearing and no pistols, get it out of there asap, let the others enjoy more light. its the only thing u can..sorry to hear brother.


Well-Known Member
I've read about people removing the male preflowers and still producing females, or is it too late for that(I'm only on my first ever grow so not entirely sure).


Well-Known Member
I've read about people removing the male preflowers and still producing females, or is it too late for that(I'm only on my first ever grow so not entirely sure).
yeah well if you removed the first ones, then when the buds really start kicking in then it will be impossible to get right into the buds to remove the pollen sacks before they open. Best best would be to remove the plant.
But i've heard of a product called dutch reverse that gets rid of male flowers on a hermie but u have to spray it on and again, i'd personally just get rid of the hermie than religiously spray my plant with something


Active Member
This is fucking great. Now this is the info I was looking for. This is only 5 days in to flower so I'm meeting everyone half way and letting it go for one or two more days before I destroy. I am still leaning twords hermi though. Some of the sacs are getting so big you can see a tiny stem on the sac....

Again, THANKS EVERYONE! If I get good at this RIU would have a huge part in my development as a rookie grower.