So, are you suggesting that everyone should be equally compensated for their work? The burger flipper at McDonalds is paid the same as the ER doctor? The burger flipper who decides that flipping burgers is boring and unrewarding and decides to retire gets to collect his equal wage?
I am not trolling you, I am just trying to understand your point here.
No, someone who performs an essential function or genuinely makes their community better ought to be rewarded. That being said, the rest of the community ought not to be enslaved by debt to income ratio in a system that can not reward altruism.
I am saying that someone flipping burgers works far harder than someone who inherits McDonalds. That inheritor can not have excess with out the multitudes of burger flippers, who only continue such drudgery in order to survive. So no, burger flippers should not be paid what doctors are paid, but someone working their ass off to make someone who doesn't work their ass off rich does deserve a greater share of the fruits of their labor. In order to do this, work should not be mandatory for survival, but those who perform what work there is to be done, should be rewarded for their contributions. There is enough to go around, and such a system of wage slavery can not reward altruism. It demands action devoid of wisdom. It relies on the deprivation of sustenance of third world peoples. It relies on the prohibition of goods which obviate demand for the goods provided by it. It absolutely favors an opulent few over the masses laboring to make it possible.