First time growing, not really sure what I'm doing. Any advice?


Hey everyone. I am a massive noob when it comes to growing. I got a free seed with an online order of some gear, and after researching how easy germination was I thought why the hell not. I left it in a wet paper towel and sure enough it began to germinate. The germinated seed was potted exactly 1 month ago, here are some pics of the plant and setup:

The plant is in growing in the boiler closet/room, and the total lighting consists of the standard light bulb in the room, the CFL light, and a desk lamp hanging a few inches above the plant. I water the plant whenever it seems to be dry, which tends to work out about once every 2 days. I just use normal tap water. I have a lighting time on so that the plant currently receives 18 hours of light and 6 hours a dark per day. The soil is roughly 70% compost, 30% perlite. I have currently not fed the plant any additional nutrients.

The nutrients I have bought for it can be seen in the album I linked. It says it has 13% nitrogen, 5% phosophorus, and 26% potassium. There is also other information on the pics.

The plant looks alright but some of the leaves look a bit unhealthy. I also think I'm nearing the stage of needing to add nutrients. Please can someone advice me in any way possible where to advance from here? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
just a few observations after looking at the pics......first..the plant stretched because the light was too far from top of plant when you first started it...right now as the plant stands it wont support any significant big bud weight ..second..the tupperware container is not big enough for the plant..should be in something bigger and with holes at the bottom for this point i would suggest burying it in a 5 gallon bucket up to basically the top few leaves....adding some CFL lights in there..and keep vegging it for a few weeks..then 12/12 flower ..if the seed was some reasearch on clones and see if you can get some clones off her and use those for grow #2..depending on where you live maybe keep it growing and move it outside when it gets warm..due to the stretch...small pot and insufficient lighting dont expect to get much off of her as is......just my opinoin....good luck !


Thanks a lot for the reply, will definitely do everything you said!

To be honest, I wasn't ever expecting to get high from this venture, so even if I yield enough bud for one joint I will be satisfied :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the reply, will definitely do everything you said!

To be honest, I wasn't ever expecting to get high from this venture, so even if I yield enough bud for one joint I will be satisfied :)
Learning is never a bad thing, and you have an awesome outlook and will be rewarded for such. Take what you are learning and instead of 1 joint, it'll be more like 1 ounce.

Peace and Great Grows


Po boy

Well-Known Member
get the light as close to the plant without burning the leaves. as Naghunter says, larger pot. good learning trial - keep it up. GL