First Grow - Super Silver Haze


Well-Known Member
Hello all and thanks for stopping by. This is my first ever post after reading the forums for about a month now. I actually am not a marijuana smoker I simply find growing these plants absolutely fascinating so luckily I have a friend who will be my tester once the product is complete.

I thought I would start off my first post with a journal since every question I've had has been answered with the good ol search feature. Here goes nothing:

Grow Area:
Earth Worth 48"x48"x78" grow tent


IPower 600W Digital dimmable ballast
IPower 600W HPS/600W MH bulbs
IPower 6" Air Cooled Hood

2 Inline 6" 240CFM Fan
2 6" clip fans

Grow Medium:
this is where I am using several different types of soils. I have read so much about different mediums and percentage of perlite, vermiculite, etc that people use so I decided to just try a bunch of different soils to see what works best for me. 3/10 of my seeds are going to be pure fox farm ocean forest because thats what a lot of people use.
From this picture, you can see what soils I have used.

ff = fox farm ocean forest
schultz = shultz potting soil plus
VL = vermiculite
WC = worm castings
DL = dolimite lime
The rest you should be able to tell from the name

Super Silver Haze x 10 (obtained from

I first began by running my seeds through some sand paper for about 30 seconds to loosen them up and for water to get inside quicker.
I then started to germinate these in a cup of distilled water on 12/26/2012 at 6:00 pm

All seeds dropped to the bottom by 1:00 AM on 12/27/2012 (7 hours)

Moved them all to a paper towel to finish germinating at 1:00 AM on 12/27/2012

They all germinated at 2:00 PM 12/28/2012 (37 hours)

I then placed them in a plastic cup each in their own mediums (light cycle 18/6) with a ziploc bag over each one to increase the humidity by 3:00 PM 12/28/2012

Here is a list of the mediums from left to right
1. Fox Farm 45%, perlite 30%, vermiculite 10%, worm castings 15%
2. Fox Farm 100%
3. Fox Farm 75 %, vermiculite 15%, worm castings 10%

4. Schultz Potting Soil Plus 60%, perlite 40%
5. Fox Farm 100%
6. Fox Farm 80%, Perlite 20%
7. Schultz Potting Soil Plus 30%, Perlite 20%, Miracle Grow 50%

8. Fox Farm 40%, Perlite 60%
9. Fox Farm 100%
10. Fox Farm 60%, Perlite 20%, Vermiculite 15%, Worm Castings 5%

Once I was done, I wasn't going to be home for 3 days so I was hoping I wasn't going to kill them. When I came home, 3 days later, here are my babies :o

From the numbers above for the pots, 1/4/7 did not sprout :(. I will give them a little while longer in their humidity containers to see how they do

By the way, I was still watching them through a web cam on my computer :mrgreen:

I will keep posting updates as the weeks progress. Thanks for tuning in!
haha , you should try smoking man trsut me your gonna be even more fascinated seeing a plant that gives you this feeling being grown before your very eyes , I have never grown but thats how id imagine it to be bongsmilie . btw nice setup I could never do that im gonna have to grow stealth , I hope I can still have high yields :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by Dave. Yea that's what my friend told me too....we'LL see ill probably be really tempted haha


Well-Known Member
Whoa had a huge scare....After taking my plastic bag over all my pots off...the little seedlings were dying under my 600W MH bulb....I was reading and apparently they need to remain under high humidity for a while longer until their are strong enough to absorb all the energy from the bulb....I put them under a humidity tray with a heat pad now they are back to normal....PHEW:hug:
2012-12-31 23.09.21.jpg


Well-Known Member
Okay it has been about 3 days now and my plants look kinda the same. Its weird, I take them out of the humidity dome and they start to die....I put them back in and they do fine but they seem to just stay the same and not grow or get bigger. Since this is my first grow....should I continue to keep them in the dome? I have looked other places and some say they only need a dome until they come out the ground so I am so lost....any help would be appreciated.

I have a 600W MH bulb in my grow tent that I can put them in there with the humidity dome or I have 4 T5 hyrdofarm fluorescents and 4 T8 fluorescents in my other grow box that I can put them in....what do you guys think? They look almost exactly the same....ill take some pictures in a few moments


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Do you think I should keep them in my humidity dome or naw?
Not only shouldn't you have to, I'd advise against it. Too much moisture and your delicate seedlings could rot (its called "damping off fungus"). They should be able to get all the moisture they need from the root system they are developing now.

Just make sure temperatures in your grow area stay under 85F (under 80F is preferable). Some circulating air won't hurt.

As a suggestion, running a 600W HPS for a few seedlings might be termed "overkill". While you certainly CAN do it, and it shouldn't hurt the seedlings, you may find it more energy efficient to just put them under a linear fluorescent light, or even a few desklamps with CFL bulbs.

Also, rapidly growing seedlings like to stretch towards light. This can leave them with long thin stems and they'll sort of bend over. That won't kill them, but you don't want the leaves to touch soil because again, they may rot. If necessary you can prop up the seedlings with a coffee stirrer or straw or such. Having LOW TEMPERATURE lights close to the tops of the plants helps minimize this stretch.

When the seedlings are a bit stronger you can "exercise" them to develop nice strong mainstems by GENTLY bending the stem a little back and forth between your fingers. Having an oscillating fan blow them a bit accomplishes the same thing, and is also advisable for air circulation.

In general, I applaud you for diving in headfirst, so to speak. Super Silver Haze is actually NOT one of the easiest strains to grow for a beginner (though not the hardest) but it is definitely a good one.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Do you think I should keep them in my humidity dome or naw?
Not only shouldn't you have to, I'd advise against it. Too much moisture and your delicate seedlings could rot (its called "damping off fungus"). They should be able to get all the moisture they need from the root system they are developing now.

Just make sure temperatures in your grow area stay under 85F (under 80F is preferable). Some circulating air won't hurt.

As a suggestion, running a 600W HPS for a few seedlings might be termed "overkill". While you certainly CAN do it, and it shouldn't hurt the seedlings, you may find it more energy efficient to just put them under a linear fluorescent light, or even a few desklamps with CFL bulbs.

Also, rapidly growing seedlings like to stretch towards light. This can leave them with long thin stems and they'll sort of bend over. That won't kill them, but you don't want the leaves to touch soil because again, they may rot. If necessary you can prop up the seedlings with a coffee stirrer or straw or such. Having LOW TEMPERATURE lights close to the tops of the plants helps minimize this stretch.

When the seedlings are a bit stronger you can "exercise" them to develop nice strong mainstems by GENTLY bending the stem a little back and forth between your fingers. Having an oscillating fan blow them a bit accomplishes the same thing, and is also advisable for air circulation.

In general, I applaud you for diving in headfirst, so to speak. Super Silver Haze is actually NOT one of the easiest strains to grow for a beginner (though not the hardest) but it is definitely a good one.
Well said!!


Well-Known Member
My RH inside my humidity dome is about 75%.

Thanks Jogro! I appreciate all your help with my grow. I guess I am just being too paranoid when its still only a few days since they sprouted. Do they look fine for being only 3 days old?

Also, I had some brown tips on some of them leaves for some of the that bad or I shouldn't worry about it this early?


Active Member
Dont make wet the babies when the light are on!!!
The drops can burn the leaves!

For me they are ok but show some burn


Well-Known Member
2 Weeks since sprout today. Going to splash them with a bit of water tonight before the lights go out. Some of the edges got burnt very early last week because I was watering when the light just turned on....whoops

Does anyone know what may be wrong with this one?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is a sign that they are lacking nitrogen. The cotyldons (feeder leaves) shouldn't normally turn yellow until the 4th or 5th set of leaves come in. The last pic looks like a goner but the rest should recover fine, just start feeding very low doses of grow (high N content) nutes.