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Well-Known Member
The lions lost 16 games, never won a superbowl and were soo bad, arguably the greatest pure RB ever to play the game retired because they were so bad.

All other team arguments are invalid.

Edit. Payton was the best overall RB to ever play the game.


Well-Known Member
The lions lost 16 games, never won a superbowl and were soo bad, arguably the greatest pure RB ever to play the game retired because they were so bad.

All other team arguments are invalid.

Edit. Payton was the best overall RB to ever play the game.
The Aints and Tampa Bay back in the day were up there in the "suck".


What was the last event you attended?


Well-Known Member
Should I bring up the REAL quotes you PMed me about you were too good at sucking dick to blow me? Ya stfu
There you go again with that homo erotic shit. you have a serious issue with projecting ;) but feel free to make up some more shit and post some more fake quotes. it shows your maturity level.

Hot dogs or hamburgers?