42 pounds from 10 indoor trees


Well-Known Member
On the subject of cost of power and stupid big lights and bills:

Thanks to the economy, I now qualify as low income with my electric company. There is a fixed rate I can get on being under 35k I think it was, still working on it, but anyway you can get a flat reduced rate bill no matter how many thousands of watts you run it will be at the base rate per kw/h rather than going up the more you use like normal rates.

It may be something others could take advantage of... Check with your power company.

I am legal/medical. No worries about power consumption.
yea,budget billing,is great,but you have to pay for what you went over,at the end of the year,to ballance the bill,and you get a free month in feb,in my neck of the wood's


New Member
if u have a name on who makes those 1500 ballast im interested every crop i always have abunce of extra moola and i would love to slame a few of those in my room lol already rocking 4 1000w in a 10x16 and another 1000w in veg but i want more... maybe ill go to my local hydro store and ask them if they carry the ballast im sure ill get raped lol


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i just don't see 4lbs per plant there, so i would have to say NA on that onehell i got 3 lbs off one 10fter outdoors and there was a hell of a lot more buds on her than that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, That is a lot of bud per plant... i mean jesus, the main stalk has to literally be like a tree to support 4 lbs of bud (and that's dried... figure that bitch would have about 9 pounds of bud and leaves hanging off it before harvest)...

If it works, a one plant setup like this would be insane.... enough to support most growers habits...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yeah, That is a lot of bud per plant... i mean jesus, the main stalk has to literally be like a tree to support 4 lbs of bud (and that's dried... figure that bitch would have about 9 pounds of bud and leaves hanging off it before harvest)...

If it works, a one plant setup like this would be insane.... enough to support most growers habits...
i have a video of the plant i vegd for 60 days under a 1000wtt hps just the one plant and got 412 grams dry weight do you can see were i'm coming from on this one, but hey i could be wrong but dought it.


Well-Known Member
The big plants in this scenario have 4kw of light on each of them though, so you simply can't compare that to a plant you gave 1k. Compare it to four of those plants maybe as a starting point, then add a bit more for the better hydro system and dialed in nutrients and co2 in an ideal sealed room.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
The big plants in this scenario have 4kw of light on each of them though, so you simply can't compare that to a plant you gave 1k. Compare it to four of those plants maybe as a starting point, then add a bit more for the better hydro system and dialed in nutrients and co2 in an ideal sealed room.
very true i waz thinking 4 lights per plant to achive that weight.


Well-Known Member
Are we only growing one plant with each light or are they somehow sharing? There are 10 plants, with an average close to 4kw ea, ea has light on all sides as much as possible but there isn't 40kw of light total.

The benefits of numbers. One plant wouldn't be ideal, so this is sort of a go big or go home kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
OregonMeds, the link u posted is no longer working... Do u have any idea if any threads of this old grow are still around the web? Thx.