Michigan Medical Marijuana Act & Rules

No I asking a question.

Yes, good question too. Hope my answer helped. The last post was simply an analogy.

I believe you have to still be either a caregiver or patient to possess any marijuana, in a vehicle or not. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Dr. Bob
If you do have overages, make oil to reduce the weight.

Dr. Bob

I will try this if I ever get overages. BHO helps when my spinal condition becomes unbearable. RSO makes me way too tired, but I haven't had the overages needed to make it correctly and have
enough on hand to get used to taking the RSO.
I purposely kept the prescriptions for pain meds that the doctors prescribed with my paperwork. I haven't filled any of them, and these prescriptions are from doctors that lectured me and
told me they wouldn't prescribe me any pain medications. (Until they did the proper x-ray, mri, cat scan, which ever it was, then they referred me to pharmacy and expensive specialist that
I cannot afford.). I worry that BHO isn't very healthy, but an extractor to make it is extremely expensive.
Whenever trying a new brand of butane I always blow some into a pan and let it evaporate. If it leaves any residue at all I won't use it. After making the oil I set it on a seedling mat until purged (usually a little less than 24 hr for 30-50 grams). If the BHO lights fire the second it hits a flame I assume that it is still holding butane. I also assume that strain choice would be more important than RSO or BHO as far as pain meds. Mine is usually a mix of every strain I've had for about 3 months.

Also I love vaporizing BHO. I have an Arizer solo that works great. Sandwich some BHO in between a little herb so it don't melt into the element and it tastes so good and no choke at all! Sure its not a dab but I don't really see dabs as that medicinal of a way to ingest. The only complaint with vaporizing is that it turns it to more of a creeper so you don't notice how well its working for a few minutes. But I can put a about a quarter gram of BHO in there and not cough once.

I will try this if I ever get overages. BHO helps when my spinal condition becomes unbearable. RSO makes me way too tired, but I haven't had the overages needed to make it correctly and have
enough on hand to get used to taking the RSO.
I purposely kept the prescriptions for pain meds that the doctors prescribed with my paperwork. I haven't filled any of them, and these prescriptions are from doctors that lectured me and
told me they wouldn't prescribe me any pain medications. (Until they did the proper x-ray, mri, cat scan, which ever it was, then they referred me to pharmacy and expensive specialist that
I cannot afford.). I worry that BHO isn't very healthy, but an extractor to make it is extremely expensive.
I'm sure I don't want to hear the answer but...... What are the laws concerning garden leftovers such as leaf and stems.
Yes, good question too. Hope my answer helped. The last post was simply an analogy.

I believe you have to still be either a caregiver or patient to possess any marijuana, in a vehicle or not. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Dr. Bob
not really sir. I think the problem is in our different perspectives. Yours the establishment,mine the outlawed.

Think of the difference between a gun nut and a Brady gun banner.

If I hav my firearm locked and out of reach of the driver anyone can drive. If my firearm is properly packaged any ups driver may deliver it.
If it is locked away from the driver that person is NOT in possession.

My question again. Did 'they' ammed the vehicle code? Or just the LARA guidelines?
I have an analogy for ya guys to ponder ...

Check out Usury laws in this country and how they pertain to everyone BUT the banking industry?!?

Now consider "drug dealing" laws and how they pertain to everyone BUT the medical industry?!?

Anyone else see a historical pattern of corruption?!?
I'm sure I don't want to hear the answer but...... What are the laws concerning garden leftovers such as leaf and stems.

the 12 plant/2.5oz limit is for usable/dried/cured, that's the part I understand, I'm curious what we're expected to do with the rest as well.

I know where I can compost it, but not everybody has a friend with property to dispose of stems, branches, leaves, etc.
I don't mind throwing away or composting some of it but what about all the stuff worth saving? Its really of no use until I have a bunch.
I lock it up and mark it "refuse dispose of properly" when I hav enough I strip it with alcohol and burn what's left.

Still a gray area. And why I will never willingly let LEO in. They see colors differntly than we do.
I think that if you spray it with bleach (which makes it obvious that it has been treated/destroyed) it is no longer fit for consumption. That done, dispose of it frequently- bury it, burn it, compose it. Not everyone can compose, but a coffee can and some lighter fluid is pretty easy to get.

Another thought is to put it in a waste container filled with water, especially if there is some bleach in it. I believe that would be considered 'destroyed' in any court.

Not absolute solutions to the issue, just some ideas.

Dr. Bob
not really sir. I think the problem is in our different perspectives. Yours the establishment,mine the outlawed.

Think of the difference between a gun nut and a Brady gun banner.

If I hav my firearm locked and out of reach of the driver anyone can drive. If my firearm is properly packaged any ups driver may deliver it.
If it is locked away from the driver that person is NOT in possession.

My question again. Did 'they' ammed the vehicle code? Or just the LARA guidelines?

You know, I think that is a fair response. Though I think conservative vs liberal might be a better way of putting it. The bill addressed transportation of cannabis by patients and caregivers, not the overall vehicle code is my understanding.

Dr. Bob
You know, I think that is a fair response. Though I think conservative vs liberal might be a better way of putting it. The bill addressed transportation of cannabis by patients and caregivers, not the overall vehicle code is my understanding.

Dr. Bob
thank you sir.
Con vs Lib ? I thought of that But I wanted it more about a 'thing' that an Ideal. A brady gun banner will always see the 'gun' as something evil that needs to be controlled/destroyed/regulated.
They can except guns under for 'their' conditions ie..LEO,selected hunting weapons, etc.. Very much the same way most of the estabishment see Cannabis....
I am as heavily armed as anyone else in N. Michigan, have some rather exotic weapons as well, but I do see a reason for some controls. Machine gun ownership is restricted, for example. My personal opinion on the matter is that I think there are legitimate civilian uses for weapons- hunting, target shooting, home defense for example. I think those uses can easily be accomplished with certain types of weapons. I don't have a problem with those weapons being available to the civilian population.

A 50 cal as a civilian firearm? That would be the extreme upper limit I would think (long range target shooting and 'coolness' factor on the range- that's why I have a Dragunov). Magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds? What exactly is the purpose in the civilian world? Most home defense issues can be handled with maybe 3 rounds, wouldn't you agree? 10 is plenty. I picked a pistol the other day based on size, weight, and ballistics. Great gun, but a little on the expensive side (and worth it for what I want it for). But what is the wisdom of that pistol coming with THREE 20 round magazines as standard? That is a lot of firepower. I can see it being misused, and in fact this model was used in the Ft. Hood shootings specifically because of the high capacity. Do we really want that type of weapon in the civilian population? Available to be misused or stolen by those that will misuse it?

Rule #1 of irregular warfare for you Red Dawn types. Take THEIR weapons. That way replacements and ammunition are readily available.

But I am diverging.

Dr. Bob
I can no longer hunt. But I still hav a need to defend myself...possibly from my government...and you know how they feel when we take thier stuff.. a couple big .50's ???? I would not say no. John Moses knew his ballastics ;)
I lock it up and mark it "refuse dispose of properly" when I hav enough I strip it with alcohol and burn what's left.

Still a gray area. And why I will never willingly let LEO in. They see colors differntly than we do.

No LEO will enter my household without a warrant, I'm armed and have the right to protect my home.
I can no longer hunt. But I still hav a need to defend myself...possibly from my government...and you know how they feel when we take thier stuff.. a couple big .50's ???? I would not say no. John Moses knew his ballastics ;)

I could hunt if I want, but I have little to no interest anymore.

I think the next "big" one I'm after is a Lapua.338, BMG's are just too damn expensive to pull the trigger more than a couple times.
I absolutely LOVE my .17HMR, I'm sold on the Accu-trigger of Savage rifles.

Now we're off topic, but who doesn't like a gun-tangent?
I don't know Dr. Bob, I can recall a few times back in the D in the 80's that a 50 cal Barrett would have come in handy for "self-defense" :bigjoint:
