Dry Room Humidity-


From what I understand the temp. for your drying area should be 65-75 degrees, dark, and dry, but not to dry.
But I can't find a specific number for humidity. Any input at all would be appreciated. Thk u.


Well-Known Member
Between 40 and 50% should be fine. Make sure there is some airflow to avoid the possibility of


Active Member
I had one plant in my dry tent for 5 days with temps averaging about 70 and humidity right around 50. I did not trim her at all, just cut and hung


Where I live is dry, I have a humidifier but using it on some others, humidity is running 25-30, if I didn't use
any fans would that work or is another humidifier the only answer. This my first grow, and also a new place,
but who really thinks of getting a fuckin humidifier for drying?


Well-Known Member
Where I live is dry, I have a humidifier but using it on some others, humidity is running 25-30, if I didn't use
any fans would that work or is another humidifier the only answer. This my first grow, and also a new place,
but who really thinks of getting a fuckin humidifier for drying?

No you're fine without a humidifier for your drying room. Your dry will just need to be closely watched as it is gonna only take 2-3 days probably as compared to 5-6 days at 55% humidity like my room. Don't let your buds over dry just keep a watchful eye and bend stems every day to see how they are drying. Make sure you got jars ready for the curing process after drying. If you happen to over-dry on accident and don't want crispy bud that grinds down to powder, toss in a orange peel or two and that'll raise the moisture level inside the jar a little as well as add some citrus taste lol

Flowering you want around 45-55% humidity
Vegg you want around 65%


Thanks man. I did find a spot where I can go around 60 -70 degrees and 30-35 humidity, thought
maybe the lower temps would average it out. And again no fan. Oh, I just got jars yesterday, know
if I can just use them.


Well-Known Member
Check out the Harvest and Curing room -- there are several stickies there that are relevant. And a bunch of threads with people posting results at different humidity levels.

I've been reading a lot there, and I'm going to dry at 55%-60% humidity for a longer period of time. Seems to yield the best smoke, according to people who have tried it many different ways.


Well-Known Member
Yup I dry my plants in the room which my tent is inside. It's actually my garage, which with the added heat of the tent stays around 72F @ 55-58%. Absolutely great for drying, because it's not too fast and not just so slow that it takes for freaking ever. In the past I would trim before hanging to dry, but now I've gotten to where I only trim off the big fan leaves, but leave the rest of the leaves on to dry 5-7days and then right before I put the buds into jars to cure, I end up trimming. Takes a little less time to trim since the foliage is dry, and it seems to protect the buds while they dry. I think it helps the buds dry out a little slower than normal too, leaving a more robust and absolutely no "green" taste. You want your buds about 55-58% humid when you smoke em. I even keep a small digital humidity/temp in my big jars to know what they are at all times.