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I remember a gas powered dragster for Christmas. I was about 3. Never saw it again. I think it was like Homer giving Marge a new bowling ball with "Homer" engraved on it for her birthday.

Have you ever read the user agreement for your gaming console?
Michael Keaton BY WAY FAR. That Fag bale doesn't even come close.. The dude needs to open is mouth more when he talks, and stop growling like you're a fuckin dog? Joker, scare crow and baine were the only reasons why I watched the newer ones

Who WOULD have been the Best Batman? I vote Vin diesel just cause that shit would be funny

Val Kilmer wasnt that bad but he wasnt the best, im one of the biggest batman fans ever
Because he's black so they tried to rob him. He was originally get like 25million a season, than they said they'd only give him 10 from here on out. He said fuck you and left.

If things got sketchy around your house(grow) would you take down your grow?

Have you ever done something that, later, after serious reflection, embarrassed you to your soul? The kind of embarassment where you are certain you would die, if someone had seen you. The kind where you hope to God there is no God, so everyone doesn't see your life replayed for judgement?
Pretty deep... No

Would you rather get played by your wife that you love deeply after long years of marriage. Or getting your bank account reset, and having to find a new job?
Pretty deep... No

Would you rather get played by your wife that you love deeply after long years of marriage. Or getting your bank account reset, and having to find a new job?

Bank account reset

Would it bother you more if your son chose homosexuality or your daughter chose homosexuality
I pray my daughter chooses homosexuality. I don't have a son, but I wouldn't care if it was both.

Why does my scrren lock up requiring a refreshing of the page every time I try to edit?
Great question. Usually propane for ease of use and I add my own flavor. Wood is good too.

How do I get rid of the tracking cookies in Windows 7? I cannot even find my AppData file.