How can a person grow outside in a highly urbanized area?


Well-Known Member
Thanx for all the great ideas everyone- I might try out that idea about hollowing out a bush. That sounds like it might work - lots of bushes in my woods.


Well-Known Member
I would like to grow as many plants as possible outside in an area that has lots of woods but a decent amount of people as well. How is this possible?
Ummm.. its fuking impossible buddy!! There is nooooo way to grow outdoors in a highly urbanized area. What, do u want to set up shop in central park??Come on use logic! Ur site has to be a good mile away from foot traffic to be absolutely successful. And if ur growing in a urban environment be smart and stick with indoors


Well-Known Member
It's not the city or anything - suburbs. Lots of people in this area like to go runs, walks, etc.


Well-Known Member
There is actually a wildlife preserve right down the street but there are park rangers - do you think they cover every square foot of the park?


Active Member
just an idea and probably a stupid one.....but take a track of alley say 2 miles long walk your dog in early morning and look for places people might not notice.......then take another 2 mile walk down another alley look for areas people might not notice........

my advice become a weekend will have a back pack a dog water bottle and you look others said binoculars and bird book can help just make sure if they give you a bird quiz you have some idea of the local birds....
good luck.....often its fun to dribble bag seed down alleys to see if it takes..........its free and who knows you might have a couple that survive the notice of people


Active Member
not saying parkrangers cover every foot but they are very good of noticing things that look out of place......guard the same mile of woods for 10 yrs you get to know it pretty well also the place "people try" that look very hidden....

remember when your in pres of park authorities they probably know the area much much better than you do.........
example ever hike with a very experinced guide......they will point things out at 150 yards that the ave person has a hard time seeing up close......mostly by the disturbances in the area


Well-Known Member
Drive out of town and guerill grow somewhere else. It sounds like your asking to get busted to me. Where there are lots of people, there are lots of cops, snitches, and theives. Your setting yourself up for failure...Or fines and jail time...


Active Member
but if smell becomes an issue im bringing it indoors although seeings how i smoke quite frequently outdoors and have never had complaints of smelling my herb im not too worried


Active Member
oh and one more thing im using the stump of the tree that used to be where my plants are and all the other greenery that surrounds them just started growing anyone know if thats the tree making a comeback?


Well-Known Member
I'm no plant expert, but I do not think that tree stump is going to grow a tree. The new plant life is probably just some type of weed. I like your set-up there - very inconspicuous.


Active Member
well if is some type of weed i can keep chopping it to allow light plus for me
and thanks inconspicuous is what i was aiming for:hump::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Your welcome. If the tree stump is rotted you should make sure their aren't any termites - they will destroy your plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm no plant expert, but I do not think that tree stump is going to grow a tree. The new plant life is probably just some type of weed. I like your set-up there - very inconspicuous.
Actually thats not true. Stumps will send up fresh sprouts all the time around a stump, as long as the roots are intact a tree can very easily revive itself over time, sometimes even stronger. I know this because I used to cut log and pulp for a few years when I was out of work...


Active Member
well the roots of the tree stump are deffinetly intact so it may be the tree growing back but either way i think i need to hollow out the interior of all the foiliage because i checked on it today and a couple of leaves looked like they got cooked due to the heat but the other 90% of my plant is still fine i hope im not wasting all this time on a male lol


Active Member
nice for me but i kinda feel bad that theyre stuck inside all the time
maybe i should make em some brownies and improve their quality of life a little