PH'd water question/discussion


Well-Known Member
No........ its water where the ph is adjusted. All water should be ph adjusted unless your water is in the safe zone. Ph of 7 is good.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
yikes! im in week 1.5 or so and ive been using tap water! EEK!

Dirtyboy, what do you suggest i do? and how do i get about testing?


Well-Known Member
Hydro store. Its a little bottle of colored stuff. Ya fill the glass vile half full with water add 3 drops of stuff flick the vile and compare the color to the chart. Add ph up or ph down to the desired ph.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
Thanks guys, you both have been such a great help to me.

once i determine which way my water needs to be adjusted, what products do i use to adjust up or down?

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
stop in and check out my grow too, you guys are going to be a great source of knowledge in my corner....


Well-Known Member
Will do.

You can buy ph up and down or you can use homemade things like baking powder and lemon juice.


Well-Known Member
yikes! im in week 1.5 or so and ive been using tap water! EEK!

You need to check again. With a ph of 1.5 you would die if you drank it. The sulfur pools in Yosemite are at 2 and the guy on tv said it would kill you. Most "city" water is around 7 from the tap. You will want to check the ph after you add you nutes. then adjust if needed. My tap is at 7 but after the food is mixed in im at a perfect 6.3. If you are higher you will want to use ph down to get it right but if you are low it takes alot of the ph up to actually raise it so you may want to get distilled water if thats the case. But I think you would be fine with your tap water just recheck your ph no way its 1.5.


Well-Known Member
I think he means the plants are 1.5 weeks old. His ph was 8 something.
Wow thanks I just re read his post and all I can say is wow its getting smokey here lol I was thinking 1.5 holy shit where does this guy live? in a volcano or something.:confused:

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
maybe im just wicked stoned, but im having trouble guys lol.

Ok, i tested the PH of my water in the little vile, and its reading just over 6.0. Id like to get it as close as possible to 6.5 for my soil grow.

How do i know how many drops of pH UP i need to add to my gallon to raise it just a few points? im confused on this part. how strong is this stuff? one drop? two drops? a cap ful?


Well-Known Member
The down can be very strong. Usually just a few drops will make a big difference. The up however isnt as strong so it will take more to get it up .5 as it would to get it down .5. You just have to go slow and re test till its how you want it. Then try to remember how much it took so you can just add that much next time.