Is it possible to OD on really good pot???


Active Member
A while back a friend of mine came back with some Medical from California. I consider myself a veteran smoker (30+ years tokin) however this stuff now is a bit different than back in my know Tai Stick and Columbian Gold....but I've always been able to hold my own. So 5 tokes in I'm BAKED...beyond baked....FRIED! 20 minutes later i'm on the verge of halucinating...the room is "swelling"....peoples voices are distorted....20 minutes of that and i'm on the bathroom floor pouring sweat and hurling everything in my stomach!!! WTF???? laid on that bathroom floor for half an hour till another friend comes by to collect me and take me home. 2 1/2 hours after that whole ordeal...I'm FINE!!!! like it never happened....Now my buddies are laughing at me saying i'm the first person they ever saw OD on pot! WHAT DID I SMOKE??


Well-Known Member
If OD means more then the Dosage needed yes.. Been there once it sucks

if you mean OD=Ocerdose =death no.. unless the pot was laced or your that "one special" person


New Member
A while back a friend of mine came back with some Medical from California. I consider myself a veteran smoker (30+ years tokin) however this stuff now is a bit different than back in my know Tai Stick and Columbian Gold....but I've always been able to hold my own. So 5 tokes in I'm BAKED...beyond baked....FRIED! 20 minutes later i'm on the verge of halucinating...the room is "swelling"....peoples voices are distorted....20 minutes of that and i'm on the bathroom floor pouring sweat and hurling everything in my stomach!!! WTF???? laid on that bathroom floor for half an hour till another friend comes by to collect me and take me home. 2 1/2 hours after that whole ordeal...I'm FINE!!!! like it never happened....Now my buddies are laughing at me saying i'm the first person they ever saw OD on pot! WHAT DID I SMOKE??

snow bongs do that to my buddy.Just gotta know yourself


Well-Known Member
I shit you not, my dog ate 6-7 grams of my blond kief yesterday and he is fine today, alittle quiet tho.
He was passed out for a good 12 hours and couldn't even walk when he woke up a few times.
I gotta child proof my MMJ now.


Well-Known Member
I shit you not, my dog ate 6-7 grams of my blond kief yesterday and he is fine today, alittle quiet tho.
He was passed out for a good 12 hours and couldn't even walk when he woke up a few times.
I gotta child proof my MMJ now.
makes you feel like crap when you see them all eff'd up like that too..


Global Moderator
Staff member
I shit you not, my dog ate 6-7 grams of my blond kief yesterday and he is fine today, alittle quiet tho.
He was passed out for a good 12 hours and couldn't even walk when he woke up a few times.
I gotta child proof my MMJ now.
Glad he's doing better.
I love my puppies & would feel like shit if my little girl got into the goodies.


Well-Known Member
Yea he is doing fine today, I stayed with him all night petting him and telling him every thing was going to be okay.
I coult tell he had a terrible case of the spins and all I could do was just let him sleep it off.
He got up good enough to go out side and do his buisness at 4am he ate the kief at 12 noon and was out of it that long.


Well-Known Member
I'm high on the cannabis right now.
As a matter of fact I think I may have overdosed on it too.
Becasue everything is fucking hilarious.
What everyone says pretty much resumes it lol , if unless there is sprayed jwh 018 ( , you die normally but he ddidnt xd) then thats the only way you will die from smoming but that would be suprising , and not cost efficient at all lmfao. not only that but the dealer will find him self getting shot in time for selling sprayed shit and when that brother of the sister who oded gets pissed he gon come for him.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
What everyone says pretty much resumes it lol , if unless there is sprayed jwh 018 ( , you die normally but he ddidnt xd) then thats the only way you will die from smoming but that would be suprising , and not cost efficient at all lmfao. not only that but the dealer will find him self getting shot in time for selling sprayed shit and when that brother of the sister who oded gets pissed he gon come for him.