Get your dog/cat high

i guess you drug your infant kids as well as your animals as we all know infants love to get high just like pets do...

my puppy once ate my $125 bulb, she loved it, said it was delicious, but do you think i feed her bulbs for dinner now?? fuck no, don't get your animals stoned... just because you enjoy a lil weed, don't think that your animal does. and ps, they don't have a choice in it either... just because they come around when you're smoking doesn't mean they enjoy the effects..

exactly my dog used to eat the cat shit out of the litter box too , but it wasnt healthy for her. dogs and cats are very different then humans, so how it effects their bodies, will be different as well, they cannot speak dogs we know already have a shit ton of smell sensors or whatever so the smell of it probably makes them curious
I knew somebody who had a chihuahua that would snort blow. I do mean literally snort. Whereever we went to do a line, he would follow us and furiously sniff the floor right after we were done. He eventually dropped dead. They came home after work one day and found him laid up. Poor dog.

exactly my dog used to eat the cat shit out of the litter box too , but it wasnt healthy for her. dogs and cats are very different then humans, so how it effects their bodies, will be different as well, they cannot speak dogs we know already have a shit ton of smell sensors or whatever so the smell of it probably makes them curious

yah, when my dog was a pup, she'd eat just about anything she could fit in her mouth.. ate that bulb i mentioned earlier, my usb microscope as well.. :(
as smart as dogs can be at times, they can also be pretty stupid as well and do things that can endanger themselves like eating crap they shouldn't.. we as their owners are supposed to know better and not give them things that could hurt them..
i've since put my bulbs in a new safe place that she can't get too, lol..
My dog has been high twice.....He is a purebred fawn boxer named BOBO... Each time I went through the trick routines with him consisting of sit,...paw,...lay down,..then roll over......but when I got to the roll-over part he just lied on his side and didnt move for an hour.....I would call his name and tell him to get up and he just lie there...He never does that.....DRUGS ARE BAD FOR ANIMALS...
i knew somebody who had a chihuahua that would snort blow. I do mean literally snort. Whereever we went to do a line, he would follow us and furiously sniff the floor right after we were done. He eventually dropped dead. They came home after work one day and found him laid up. Poor dog.

what the hell!!!
I knew somebody who had a chihuahua that would snort blow. I do mean literally snort. Whereever we went to do a line, he would follow us and furiously sniff the floor right after we were done. He eventually dropped dead. They came home after work one day and found him laid up. Poor dog.


My ex-friend used to give his dog citron vodka..... One time he poured 4 shots into a bowl and she slurped it all up....she was a boxer also...he lived in the basement....the dog couldnt even walk...or even get on the couch..and she tried sooo hard to get on the couch...she'd put one paw on the cusion all drunkenly her head bobbing side to side and then slip off and lay on floor for a second...then try again.......soooo... She has to go to bathroom..he carries her up the stairs to go outside and when she comes back inside she missed the first step...<hence shes drunk> ..and tumbles 15 steps to the basement floor.......not a good idea....
my friends rottweiler ate 8 or 9 hits of really good LSD back in the day.He never would swim.After he dosed he swam all night.We had the dog puke up the foil wrapped paper but it was to late.Joe the owner re ate the lsd and got high to

hey Kinetic remember a rotty named Sampson? Ask your boys, they prolly know the story.I know Twit does .lol
See but my dogs doesnt eat random stuff maybe cat puke or litter a few times but he knows not to now
I go out of my way not to blow smoke in my cats face even though she cuddles up with me when im smoking. I feel like being a cat is trippy enough and I dont need to make it even weirder
I knew a kid in H.S. that dosed his cats. So not right. You could tell right away they weren't right after. People would walk into their house and look around and say "wow nice place your folks have, whats wrong with your cat?".