FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I'm kinda lost with this post, although it sounder very poetic I'm don't know what u mean. Please explain a
little less poetic please.

POETIC?!?!??!? Wtf? The poison is the plant talking, same a the THC is the weed talking. You guys think: "God I'm high." I think: "My high is god." Period. Is that good enough?
omfg, seriously, you didn't run a timer for your first 2 grows? fail. you're quickly becoming the worst grower on RIU in my personal opinion. This entire thread is a joke.
Man, this 89 page thread is some awesome reading. I nearly pissed my self reading this funny stuff. Skin-Flappy you should make a TV show.
poor clancy failspam doesn't know how lucky he is to have a grower like you in here. the uniformity, vigor and beauty in that one pic you posted told me all i needed to know about how you grow. puts me to shame, and i do this for a living!
Is the bud in question that frosted out beauty from earlier?
Then why are you still here :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't care what you think. Because of you guys, hundreds if not thousands of people will see my buds. :D

Because, It's like watching one of those dumb criminal shows and laughing at a burglar getting stuck in a chimney. I'm seriously watching AMERICAS LAMEST GROWER on RIU right now just laughiiinnn and lauuugggiiin at all the retarded crap you say and do. Sometimes peoples lack of brainpower simply makes me laugh. Your stupid human tricks are a hoot dude.
Umm blind? I saw all those pictures of the plants you allegedly grew! Horrible looking stuff! I like how you stand behind it, like ur proud to have grown them, at least u could have trimmed those swag plants... i could have done better with my anus.....
Because, It's like watching one of those dumb criminal shows and laughing at a burglar getting stuck in a chimney. I'm seriously watching AMERICAS LAMEST GROWER on RIU right now just laughiiinnn and lauuugggiiin at all the retarded crap you say and do. Sometimes peoples lack of brainpower simply makes me laugh. Your stupid human tricks are a hoot dude.
Nailed it!
omfg, seriously, you didn't run a timer for your first 2 grows? fail. you're quickly becoming the worst grower on RIU in my personal opinion. This entire thread is a joke.
OHHHH NOOOO. What am I going to do?!?!? I respected your opinion so much before right? Now I'll just be crushed probably. I'll probably never post again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I do not listen to others advice because most of it costs money. I don't know how much more clear I could be on that. But either way, my plants would be grown my way. Because I know what I'm doing. These plants will be awesome. You're just blind.
U at least have to get a cheap tea going. I mean come on friend. U have to go onto some sort of scavenger hunt for some of the shit if your broke. Kick this fucking grow into super charge man. Enough of the bull shit already. I feeling your speaking very defensively ans I'm afraid your plants may suffer.
OHHHH NOOOO. What am I going to do?!?!? I respected your opinion so much before right? Now I'll just be crushed probably. I'll probably never post again :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You don't respect my opinion? Okay, who's opinion do you respect? Do they respect you in return?
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