FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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New Member
all he has to do is pretend to be the character he is . . . . and coming from a very couch hippy town i have meet many like him, and they are not as uncommon as you think . . .self delusional yes . . . .believes his lies no . . he thinks we all believe him and that he is some sort of shaman . . thats the delusion,
Very well put.


Undercover Mod
IDK Fins This is what I'm seein'



Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, but we might have a case of a stunted plant. I hope I'm wrong,but I haven't seen much growth at this point.
theres a lot of things that can be done, but why say it. Don't think the op wants to listen to any one. So many cheap or free methods to fix those plants or sprouts or what ever were calling them after2 weeks. I feel like crying, but I know that crying wont help our situation out here.
They're fine. Stop worrying.


Well-Known Member
Is that white spec twelve cars up the cop?? I cant even see the cop, your blind. All i see is two wannabe gangsters with a stolen stereo in their crapmobile get cut off by a black truck. Maybe if the crapmobile had a decent engine in it you could keep up with the fuzz, maybe next time............... FAIL
You mean the car right next to us :dunce: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [video=youtube;XnZeop4kIUU][/video]


Well-Known Member
Same road we followed the cop on. Rolled a blunt while driving :p [video=youtube;WC0N8N1ap60][/video]


Well-Known Member
Stop saying that friend. We as a community has options that have to do with little to no money. I'm getting the feeling your just a lazy 20 year old. I hate to say that but I don't know what else to think. I'm a little scared to tell u the truth.
:lol: You just don't know what I'm doing. :lol: You're being quick to judge. Just listen to me, and wait to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
ya google shaggy's google check and you will find threads here where he talks about his small, but none the less paycheck for self internet prostitution of himself and MMJ industry . . .

reality T.V will do anything these days . . . .who knows . . but i doubt any production would give the real life trailer park boy a job, more like copy his persona and design a character and back ground . . .writers have less ego
:lol: I don't pimp my shit, ya'll do :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
all he has to do is pretend to be the character he is . . . . and coming from a very couch hippy town i have meet many like him, and they are not as uncommon as you think . . .self delusional yes . . . .believes his lies no . . he thinks we all believe him and that he is some sort of shaman . . thats the delusion,
Name one lie. And I know you guys don't believe me about Shiva, you don't even read everything I say probably. You're all just using a drug to get high, there's no way you could really understand what's going on until that is not true anymore.


Well-Known Member
:lol: You just don't know what I'm doing. :lol: You're being quick to judge. Just listen to me, and wait to see what happens.
Quick to judge? These things have been not growing for a while now. We are going to wait and see though.. I look at this journal before I even look at mine. Oh and please done roll blunts and drive. Endangering other people on the road is not something to brag about:( If you drive anything like you grow you should be paying extra attention. 10 &2 Finny boy!!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
:lol: You just don't know what I'm doing. :lol: You're being quick to judge. Just listen to me, and wait to see what happens.
We know what your doing. Your trying to grow. Just like most of us. Only difference is most of us will listen and consider using good advice.


Well-Known Member
There was a post on Twitter my sister showed me. The first one said "If you can't drive with yo knees, and do something else with your hands, YOU AIN'T SHIT!", 20 something minutes later, next post "This is the worst Christmas EVER" 15 minutes later (or something like that): "Guys, I totaled my car." :lol:


Well-Known Member
Is this really true? The money thing and all?
I hope it is true, i dont care. The more popular and acceptable medical marijuana becomes, the better it is for the legalization initiative. Id get cable to watch a reality weed show. Then every other damn house in the United states would be growing and id be happy and self medicated. No more tylenol, just smilin yall :leaf::lol::leaf: you cant tell me you didnt like that texas rhyme i made for you Finn.
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