FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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i'm smelf smart... i self smarted myself

I love this one, dis how Fin roll.
That episode is fuckin hilarious. Jail is actually the only time I read books though. I don't read outside of jail because then I won't have any good ones to read in jail. Except the Rig Veda, and Bibles and stuff. I still read those.
You don't even know what you're talking about. The deity Shiva is just a personified description of the Natural phenomenons around marijuana. Not only "being high", but EVERYTHING that has to do with marijuana was simply called "Shiva" in the past. It's not a made up person in the sky, it's a marijuana cult that has been doing this for over 3,000 years :dunce:

Ya I heard you say that but your wrong. Shiva is a Hindu deity also know as "The Destroyer" or "The Transformer". Like I said, stoners turned him into a hippie. Allow me to educate you:) If you look at the original Hindu drawings of Shiva he looks stoned.. Why you ask.. Because the correct way to meditate on the 'Anja Chakra' in yoga is by staying in a state of asleep and awake so he looked chinky eyed. Paintings more recently have even added in a chillum and a third eye. Dont tell me he is the god of marijuana Fin. That makes you sound so ignorant. Your avatar is this Shiva I speak of. Obviously not anything like the original but hell Jesus is painted as a white man when obviously he wasn't. I know you wont believe me or even research it cause it would shatter your stoner world but keep it to yourself. You don't need any other reason for people to tell you that your doing it wrong on this forum.
Ya I heard you say that but your wrong. Shiva is a Hindu deity also know as "The Destroyer" or "The Transformer". Like I said, stoners turned him into a hippie. Allow me to educate you:) If you look at the original Hindu drawings of Shiva he looks stoned.. Why you ask.. Because the correct way to meditate on the 'Anja Chakra' in yoga is by staying in a state of asleep and awake so he looked chinky eyed. Paintings more recently have even added in a chillum and a third eye. Dont tell me he is the god of marijuana Fin. That makes you sound so ignorant. Your avatar is this Shiva I speak of. Obviously not anything like the original but hell Jesus is painted as a white man when obviously he wasn't. I know you wont believe me or even research it cause it would shatter your stoner world but keep it to yourself. You don't need any other reason for people to tell you that your doing it wrong on this forum.

Spoken like a true champion.
Ya I heard you say that but your wrong. Shiva is a Hindu deity also know as "The Destroyer" or "The Transformer". .

You miss the whole point of that. Shiva is marijuana, which must be destroyed by fire to bring forth its creation of Shiva in your mind. Marijuana is Shiva, and Shiva is creative destruction. Like "The Good Father", Shiva is the man who grows old as he passes knowledge and wisdom down to his child. Shiva is so much more than you see.
Good job we be smokein weed, stoned and mellowed out on this here forum, cuz if we were a bunch of drunks, we would be fightin and shit, telling each other off all the time.
Good job we be smokein weed, stoned and mellowed out on this here forum, cuz if we were a bunch of drunks, we would be fightin and shit, telling each other off all the time.
Yeah, because that's never what happens on this thread :lol: We've gotten almost 2k views on this thread today :D
You miss the whole point of that. Shiva is marijuana, which must be destroyed by fire to bring forth its creation of Shiva in your mind. Marijuana is Shiva, and Shiva is creative destruction. Like "The Good Father", Shiva is the man who grows old as he passes knowledge and wisdom down to his child. Shiva is so much more than you see.

Thats what Shiva means to you Fin cause your a stoner.. Shiva could also be the god of demolition. They destroy buildings for new ones to be built. So much room for interpretation. Its like the telephone game. They start it out (earliest known Hindu artifact was from 28,500BC.. Not 3000 years ago:) as one of their deities and in 2013 it morphs into a god of weed. Believe what you want. I won't argue with you cause you are going off of personal faith and delusion and I am going off of facts and the two don't mix. Just know this.. Your Shiva is probably pissed at you for neglecting her fruits as you are.
Thats what Shiva means to you Fin cause your a stoner... going off of personal faith and delusion and I am going off of facts and the two don't mix. .

No, I read the fucking vedas. This isn't shit I made up. This is written Hindu tradition :dunce: You guys are just blind as fuck :lol: :lol: And where did you get your "facts"? Google :lol:
Where did I say I was growing African weed? Go ahead and find that quote for me.

Once again your ignorance is shown. Weed grows in Africa because those strains have evolved to handle that climate. Thats why if you paid attention to other threads and learned you would see that people suggest growing indoor strains indoor because they are designed for it. If you grow an outdoor strain that is built to handle high humidity(tropical) in a low humidity climate indoors it will not flourish. If you put an indoor plant in Africa type temps(your halogen) it will not flourish. I know you will say you have read every journal on here and are willing to show be your subs but read them again. Where is the best place to grow weed? Emerald Triangle in Northern Cali.. Why? Perfect climate for potent weed.. Class dismissed:)
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