defoliation question..... anyone familiar with it?

If I top a plant it needs time to recover and grow new shoots, it is also said that hormones are re-distributed to other branches so they think they are the top branch.
havent heard that one honestly, ive usually noticed the highest part grows the fastest even when i topped. i think its just unnecessary stress but every grow style has its benefits, imo training can be stressful if your not familiar with working with the stem but i do it to avoid the popcorn nugs i used to get by letting them grow without training.
If I super crop a branch the knuckle needs time to repair itself, the reason I'm super cropping is it spreads my plant out but also, it is said to allow more uptake and by looking at the knuckles that form and the bumps up the stem I can see how it makes sense. Now for me this produces a very very bushy plant with dozens of main tops and because of the long veg time I still have a plant a foot tall come time to flip. With a strain that stretches x2 the plant is not stunted at all. This thread has inspired me and I defoliated far more than I normally would, let's see what happens
that sounds believeable, a bulge in the stem would allow a lot of energy to flow through. there is a bit of stress, there really wont be any new growth as far as height goes but since your going for a spread out bush that might be a good method. i wouldnt take off too many but we should all just try shit for ourselves, people arent reliable a majority of the time and theres not too many simple answers to growing questions, a slower strain could be stunted for up to 5-6 days from topping but if youve got a vigorous strain thats resilient to topping it would likely be less, some strains are more domestic i guess you could say(been bred for generations indoors under perfect conditions) while some have more landrace in them so theyve been growing wild in fields where animals naturally top them and plenty of other stress factors.
Balls of Steele Keebo3000, lol
I have to admit if I came home and found my plants like
that I would be freaked out and possibly homicidal.
I`m dealing with mostly one strain right now so I`m gonna try
to defoliate one on my next run just to see. I already know what they produce under normal conditions.
It is weird but there is a part of me that hopes it does not work because it kind of shakes a long held belief system I have had.
Oh well you gotta break some eggs if you want to make an crepes.
Nice strip job Keeb. I am impressed at your vigor. Just wish you would have left three unplucked, you would have had some comparison to share that way......
Nice strip job Keeb. I am impressed at your vigor. Just wish you would have left three unplucked, you would have had some comparison to share that way......
honestly i was going to but the plants were all different sizes so it really wouldn't have been accurate either way, normally i lolipop so there wouldnt be any lower branches, so if it works as others have stated i should see at least 10-12 oz ( previous best 8.7) we shall see
honestly i was going to but the plants were all different sizes so it really wouldn't have been accurate either way, normally i lolipop so there wouldnt be any lower branches, so if it works as others have stated i should see at least 10-12 oz ( previous best 8.7) we shall see

You can't be serious. You just done shit in your mess can and earned the Uncle Ben Dumb Ass Award of 2013.

You can't be serious. You just done shit in your mess can and earned the Uncle Ben Dumb Ass Award of 2013.


I have .. oh wow...... well first and foremost id like to thank god, who, thru him all things are possible, next id like to thank my parents... WE MADE IT MOM!!!

and last but not least id like to thank my good friend and booty partner uncle ben!! sorry i hurt your butt so much last time with my post!! glad your back.... took a long time... who have you been hating on since we last spoke?
hehehehehehe..certain strains do better than others
ohh shit.... where did all the leaves go?? I was told you cant take off the leaves :)

before .... plants striped almost bare after the onset (the stretch)


.........after.....shit nug city........i guess defolage doesnt work:)

Yep, some strains recover better than others...least you guys are proving what a tough plant it is. Still waiting on proof it improves yield.....

It doesn't provide any proof of anything other then the resilience of cannabis just like you said. This whole thread is a red herring and possibly a trolling attempt for the pro side of defoliating. I mean look what we have so far, a bunch of support for a keebo who is just randomly abusing and molesting some plants. Like I said I think this is a clever attempt to fuck with everyone. Next thing he will do is start a flushing "experiment" by soaking his seeds in bleach.....
It doesn't provide any proof of anything other then the resilience of cannabis just like you said. This whole thread is a red herring and possibly a trolling attempt for the pro side of defoliating. I mean look what we have so far, a bunch of support for a keebo who is just randomly abusing and molesting some plants. Like I said I think this is a clever attempt to fuck with everyone. Next thing he will do is start a flushing "experiment" by soaking his seeds in bleach.....

damn. did you smoke your breakfast this morning? ..........for those who are confused... I AM NOT APART OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER ILLUMINATI DEFOLIATION SOCIETY. and the reason I'm "molesting" MY plants is for two reason first one obviously being, they are( as you so astutely pointed out)MY plants to molest. the second reason I'm performing this experiment is that i have read and seen a significant enough data that it warrants AT LEAST an attempt to find out. whether the results are pro or against, i would like to find out for myself .that's what i have repeatedly said throughout this thread. i will be the only one who suffers or gains from this(repeated for the slow people) experiment. now,what is wrong with me showing a step by step process to those(like yourself) that are curious? if it works EXCELLENT, if it doesn't EXCELLENT! at least i will know for myself. I sincerely apologize for all the apparent butt-hurt I've given you.
Next thing he will do is start a flushing "experiment" by soaking his seeds in bleach.....

oh yeah, forgot to post my findings on that last great experiment...don't do it. see? we are all being informed already. but if someone wanted to do that experiment that would be there choice, and shouldn't be subjected to ridicule... at least not by civil minded people.... have at it.
Claiming something and experimenting are two different things... It's cool you are trying to see for yourself that what's going around the cannabis forums it's just misunderstanding of how plants operate. Still, your plants... Your time... Your resources... So posts the results and measure the girth of the trunk... Next grow.. If done with leafs... Try to get it to the same size and compare yields.. unless you do sidebyside... But again I'm not an expert in botany... Even tho the quickest shortcut is. To listen to people who is backed up by science and results... Not just results... This botany subject is something that has been around for too long.. Anybody knows of a good botany book that I can smoke meanwhile I grow my plants
Yep I agree this is some of the dumbest shit I have seen in a while. Oh well have fun trolling idiots keebo. I have to admit it's one of the best trolls I have seen in a while. Good job on that front.
damn. did you smoke your breakfast this morning? ..........for those who are confused... I AM NOT APART OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER ILLUMINATI DEFOLIATION SOCIETY. and the reason I'm "molesting" MY plants is for two reason first one obviously being, they are( as you so astutely pointed out)MY plants to molest. the second reason I'm performing this experiment is that i have read and seen a significant enough data that it warrants AT LEAST an attempt to find out. whether the results are pro or against, i would like to find out for myself .that's what i have repeatedly said throughout this thread. i will be the only one who suffers or gains from this(repeated for the slow people) experiment. now,what is wrong with me showing a step by step process to those(like yourself) that are curious? if it works EXCELLENT, if it doesn't EXCELLENT! at least i will know for myself. I sincerely apologize for all the apparent butt-hurt I've given you.

+rep for your willingness to throw it all out the window for the sake of your own knowledge through experience.

That said, I think you went fucking crazy on your recent defoil, but hey good for you bro! I defoil a bit myself, but more conservatively. That said, I'm interested in seeing your plants progress.

I remember in one of my first college horticulture classes years ago, the instructor talked about transplanting. She talked about how sometimes planters are too worried about disturbing the roots when transplanting. She said, "plants love to be torn apart, it makes then grow back stronger." Something to think about.
20120914_211010.jpg20120914_211125.jpg20120915_120531.jpg I missed the pictures of the second defoliation this is before the third notice much more branching and densitySAM_7303.jpg the thirdSAM_7308.jpgthen three days after most of the leaf mass is back because the small branches grew out more to replace the leaf mass this is the biggest reason to defoliateSAM_7313.jpg two weeks later fourth time the plant is getting to fat the cfls are burning some leaves SAM_7342.jpgSAM_7343.jpgSAM_7346.jpg five days later most of the leaf is back by more branching it is getting to dense SAM_7349.jpg
I can't upload pictures to my album I made one but have no upload option these were uploaded in the reply option from my computer. I'd like to show these at full size but can't without a working album I have plenty more the plants are a 5 weeks into flower and are 4 feet high 3 feet wide with tons of bud sites.
Amazing how some folks will cut off their hand only find out it causes great pain and long term suffering.

......and so there goes the predictable cannabis industry.
She said, "plants love to be torn apart, it makes then grow back stronger." Something to think about.

Yeah, something to think about - she's an idiot, and you more so for falling for such a damaging practice that does nothing more than shock the plant and weaken it, permanently.

Kinda like leaves, who needs those nasty root hairs, eh? They only get in the way.

Having said that I don't believe you ever had a horticultural professor. I think you threw that out to make a point, another one of your falsehoods.

Yeah, something to think about - she's an idiot, and you more so for falling for such a damaging practice that does nothing more than shock the plant and weaken it, permanently.

Kinda like leaves, who needs those nasty root hairs, eh? They only get in the way.

Having said that I don't believe you ever had a horticultural professor. I think you threw that out to make a point, another one of your falsehoods.

UB, I just starting using your technique of slicing my rootball when transplanting. wouldn't this be more of what PJ is talking about? He said when transplanting people are worried about disturbing the roots when they shouldn't be. He is correct about that isn't he?