Alex Jones versus Piers Morgain live tonight!


Well-Known Member
The ultimate extremist douchebag battle of talking points ever, tonight, live. Should be entertaining, ill be sure to watch on youtube so I don't support douchebaggery ratings.


Holy shit.


Well-Known Member
Alex Jones is legitimate. Piers Morgan is a raving lunatic, with someone's hand up his ass. Of course, there are many who will disagree. Imo, it's because the government knows how to program people, and they've just been sucked in. But I won't rant and rave on here about all that. Too many people will argue with me for the sake of arguing, and because they love to troll.
people will disagree with you because the government is programming people?


Well-Known Member
Because the government wants people to think that Alex Jones is a hack, and people of his caliber. They don't want people to take them seriously. So they label them conspiracy theorists and hacks. But all they are trying to do is deliver the truth to the people. So therefore, the government spreads lies about these people in order to keep the collective masses on their side. So yeah, they're doing a bit of brainwashing/programming against these kinds of people. Big Brother uses fear-mongering to keep their sheep in line. If that means going so far as discrediting whistleblowers, labeling them traitors, or whatever, then obviously it's what they will do. And they have and still are. But seriously, I really don't wanna get into this. I only stopped by and left that comment because I'm high as shit, and because I got a little fired up. Now that I've simmered down, I don't feel the need to be part of the pages long debate/slandering/defamation/debauchery that usually takes place when people on here mention politics and the government.
so i cant believe that alex jones is a conspiracy theorist without being brainwashed?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily, but the majority of those who do are/have been brainwashed. There are obviously "exceptions to every rule," but I'm going by what I've seen and encountered being a fan of Alex for years. But, as I said, I'm not keen on carrying on with this conversation. I'm aware of how people on here behave in these kinds of threads. I had my moment, and it passed.
how would if i was one of the brainwashed or not?


Well-Known Member
Way Kewl,

Here is a small shot of something I have had in the front yard for over a year. I live right on a highway, so about 2-4000 people drive by this every day ;-)
I met Mr. Alex Jones down in South Padre Island a few years ago. Very Kewl dude.




Well-Known Member
Ndodson79605 has disapeared do you think the Powers That Be got to him?

he did seem to be revealing a bit too much


Well-Known Member
i dont personally care if AJ is a douche, the information he is responsible for spreading needs to be. As iv said, the msg is way more important then the person delivering it.

if you think the government is doing its job, and is standing up for you, they have successfully fooled you, jus like Alex has said...

Just because you say "conspiracy theory", does not mean its not a valid theory.

And piers, lol, go home... oh thats right, you cant, your country wants to lock you up...your here skipping bail..


Well-Known Member
i dont personally care if AJ is a douche, the information he is responsible for spreading needs to be. As iv said, the msg is way more important then the person delivering it.

if you think the government is doing its job, and is standing up for you, they have successfully fooled you, jus like Alex has said...

Just because you say "conspiracy theory", does not mean its not a valid theory.

And piers, lol, go home... oh thats right, you cant, your country wants to lock you up...your here skipping bail..

Thats a good way to put it, ive never liked Alex Jones since the first time he started yelling at me. He exaggerates and plays on emotions. But the overall message is right on.


Well-Known Member
* typo, "you're" here skipping bail lol. fuk you, you damn grammar nazis... (just kidding, i find it funny)

AJ yelled at you? did you do an interview or a phone in? jus curious. I actually like AJ, i mean, i dont know if wed hang out and shit, but he might get a lil worked up, and i understand that. hell, id get a tad hyped if i had a forum that would reach millions, and theres like .1% of the audience thats even trying to help.

its hard not to be angry when you see the injustices of whats going on, and nobody (well, 99.9%) cares. most people are perfectly happy blilndly being led by the hand doing what they are told.

thats why I refer to them as lemmings.

Sheep, now sheep know they are being led to the slaughter, they also know theres not much they can do about it. A lemming just blindly jumps off the fukn cliff, cuz thats what the one in front of them did.


Well-Known Member
* typo, "you're" here skipping bail lol fuk you you damn grammar nazis... (just kidding, i find it funny)

AJ yelled at you? did you do an interview or a phone in? jus curious. I actually like AJ, i mean, i dont know if wed hang out and shit, but he might get a lil worked up, and i understand that. hell, id get a tad hyped if i had a forum that would reach millions, and theres like .1% of the audience thats even trying to help.
I don't mean directly, just general yelling on his show. Telling everyone "this is it, call everyone you know" all the time. Tearing up over gun control etc...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
* typo, "you're" here skipping bail lol. fuk you, you damn grammar nazis... (just kidding, i find it funny)

AJ yelled at you? did you do an interview or a phone in? jus curious. I actually like AJ, i mean, i dont know if wed hang out and shit, but he might get a lil worked up, and i understand that. hell, id get a tad hyped if i had a forum that would reach millions, and theres like .1% of the audience thats even trying to help.

its hard not to be angry when you see the injustices of whats going on, and nobody (well, 99.9%) cares. most people are perfectly happy blilndly being led by the hand doing what they are told.

thats why I refer to them as lemmings.

Sheep, now sheep know they are being led to the slaughter, they also know theres not much they can do about it. A lemming just blindly jumps off the fukn cliff, cuz thats what the one in front of them did.
a couple points bro:

Alex Jones is a shill for any asshole who will give him a buck. he would endorse the UN if they wrote him a big enough check.
Alex Jones is a liar. 2/3 of the shit he hollers into his spittle drenched microphone is bullshit, like the FEMA camps, the coming apocalypse of the week that requires you buy shit from his sponsors, and his over the top claims of the bohemian grove.
Alex Jones SHOUTS EVERYTHING! he whispers his love to his wife AT MAXIMUM VOLUME! his children wear earplugs for their bedtime stories and his kitty cat has gone deaf.

also, lemmings dont jump off cliffs. that myth was created by disney for their own perverse reasons.

"The misconception of lemming "mass suicide" is long-standing and has been popularized by a number of factors. In 1955, Disney Studio illustrator Carl Barks drew an Uncle Scrooge adventure comic with the title "The Lemming with the Locket". This comic, which was inspired by a 1953 American Mercury article, showed massive numbers of lemmings jumping over Norwegian cliffs. Even more influential was the 1958 Disney film White Wilderness, which won an Academy Award for Documentary Feature, in which staged footage was shown with lemmings jumping into certain death after faked scenes of mass migration. A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation documentary, Cruel Camera, found the lemmings used for White Wilderness were flown from Hudson Bay to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where they did not jump off the cliff, but were in fact launched off the cliff using a turntable." ~

The myth of mass lemming suicide began when the Walt Disney movie, Wild Wilderness was released in 1958. It was filmed in Alberta, Canada, far from the sea and not a native home to lemmings. So the filmmakers imported lemmings, by buying them from Inuit children. The migration sequence was filmed by placing the lemmings on a spinning turntable that was covered with snow, and then shooting it from many different angles. The cliff-death-plunge sequence was done by herding the lemmings over a small cliff into a river. "~

those assholes at disney THREW them off the cliff, because they are massive dicks.


Well-Known Member
one moment they're union thugs, the next moment we need to arm the union thugs.

you guys are fucking retarded, no offense to retarded people.


Well-Known Member
I dont really listen to AJ all that often, I jus dont think about it on a daily basis. i dont know if the fema camp thing is real or not. people say the gov wouldnt/couldnt do that... I would ask you to remember WWII, ask japs. n germans about that.. ya here in this country.

there is a coming apocalypse, when? is anybodys guess. History repeats itself, every government through out history has eventually turned on its people, or it was crushed by an invading force. Either way, i dont trust any of them.

Unless i go to Bohemian grove and see it for myself, i dont know what goes on there. but for ANY PUBLIC policies to be discussed in some sort of elite criminal vacation land mystery getaway, is unacceptable to me.

I have a volume control, the yelling isnt really a big deal, I been married & my ex GF is a psycho. I wish they had mute buttons.

I stand by his msg is more important than he is. be prepared, dont trust what the gov tells you, there are people in the world that are working very hard to enslave you.

I stand totally corrected on the lemming analogy.. disney them fuckers... for the record I dont trust them either. I know walt was a twisted perverted fuck (I will stop jus short of pedo, only cuz i have no proof). you know how he got his start in animation, yes?


New Member
I used to listen to alex but he got way too douchey a long time ago. I gotta give him rep for filming those Bohemian Grove fuckers though, that took balls...


Well-Known Member
Heres part 2, fucken owned hard...



Well-Known Member
Well, I think Alex forgets hes not on the radio....

hmmmn, i tried like hell to put it eloquently, but i just couldnt, Alex came across as a blithering idiot. he should have burned before he went up, i think he was to excited.. and felt to much pressure...
as my patient, i would have recommended 2 cookies, and 5 or 6 bong rips.