What would you like to do if money were no object?


Well-Known Member
Thats easy. Bring down the man (not you). Nothing would make me happier than to see out current system fail. Tired of our country bombing the shit out of everything. Why not put some farmers into politics. Bye bye American dollar, hello barter system. No more pointless wars, no more corrupt medical system, no more starving people while getting rich off of the blood of others. Yeah..... something like that..... Haven't worked out an exact plan but something to that effect would make my day. Yeah if money were no object i would spend it on destroying its purpose, greed!


Well-Known Member
I would travel in style and see the world and buy tons of land wherever I thought it might be a nice place to live.


Well-Known Member
implement a massive recycling program, i mean if money is no object, then i should be able to use advertising, to educate. and to spread the knowledge world wide.
i really believe we all need to recycle as much as possible. Im not a "tree hugging hippy", not far from it, but resources are limited, and we would benefit from not just throwing shit away.
we have become a very wasteful society.

encourage some form of homeless self help situation. I imagine a place/places around the country where homeless people could go. they would have to work the common farm, and support system within area. The people would grow their food, and make as many of the supplies they needed. providing a self sustaining community. housing and all that. kinda like the amish but with out the limitations on technology.

Id lobby to make Dunkin Donuts the nations official coffee (ok i lie, i wouldnt lobby, id just bribe people till it became so, jus like they do now)

Id have to make sure there was some involvement with children's cancer/burn patients. It sucks to see kids having problems like that. life is hard enough with out tossing all that on top of it.

probly to many things really.. lol.

I could go on an on. Id be a dangerous person to the establishment if i had money.


Active Member
Do a massive seed bearing grow spanning many thousands of acres, hire workers to harvest the seeds.

Then i would hire fleets of small aircraft equipped with giant hoppers and the ability to scatter the seed, have them fly over all wooded areas, creeks, rivers, ditches, etc. and scatter said seed anywhere it will grow.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
put away enough for a comfortable retirement. lol
continue to live a life similar to mine and hope I get more creative about the whole idea after it really sinks in.
the lack of stress regarding economy sure would open a lot of minds if the nearly impossible, such as this, were to happen.

OK, I'll play along... I'd buy hic a compassion club that he can run from behind a one-way mirror in a hidden secret room.

having another inspiration... I may begin to commercially roast coffee beans if I didn't have to make a living from it. that way I could provide two mood altering substances, perhaps even at the same location.


New Member
Do a massive seed bearing grow spanning many thousands of acres, hire workers to harvest the seeds.

Then i would hire fleets of small aircraft equipped with giant hoppers and the ability to scatter the seed, have them fly over all wooded areas, creeks, rivers, ditches, etc. and scatter said seed anywhere it will grow.
^^^^^ globally ^^^^ nice


Well-Known Member
Do a massive seed bearing grow spanning many thousands of acres, hire workers to harvest the seeds.

Then i would hire fleets of small aircraft equipped with giant hoppers and the ability to scatter the seed, have them fly over all wooded areas, creeks, rivers, ditches, etc. and scatter said seed anywhere it will grow.

You have to remember, money is no object. it would be better to lead the way in a massive strain breeding program, rather than haphazardly dropping genetics all over the place to screw with what mother nature has spent a million years developing. But i still admire your goals. overgrow the governments worldwide.

I liken it to you going out and planting a sweet ass gorilla grow, all nice female clones, gonna give you a small retirement fund.. and some punk grows some mexican bagseed crap close by and pollinate the hell out of your shit.


bud bootlegger
You have to remember, money is no object. it would be better to lead the way in a massive strain breeding program, rather than haphazardly dropping genetics all over the place to screw with what mother nature has spent a million years developing. But i still admire your goals. overgrow the governments worldwide.

I liken it to you going out and planting a sweet ass gorilla grow, all nice female clones, gonna give you a small retirement fund.. and some punk grows some mexican bagseed crap close by and pollinate the hell out of your shit.
but what if those mexican bag seeds were some top shelf fem'ed seeds instead?? wouldn't really have to worry about males in that case..


Well-Known Member
Educate the world so they understand that the system hasn't failed them but understand that with enough effort and time change can be implemented. Educate before you consume.... You'll never be disappointed. Democracy is a slow moving beast and it was designed that way...... Giving up on it is irresponsible.

Most people say they give up without even trying to play the game. It's easier to work with your opponets and find wiggle room rather then disengaging the system itself and still expect change. If you feel like your only option is to take down the government you aren't doing enough work on your end.

Poltics is a game and you just can't make up your own rules and expect to win. If you want to win you have to play by the games rules. People who give up and say they'll change society is like pretending you can score a touchdown in basketball and expect to win. No one else holds that change as a game winner so therefor you won't win the game.


Well-Known Member
Harness the power of the ocean as a energy source! You know lots of motion in the ocean! Maybe give Nasa the project. The government wouldn't be allowed even on the property. Even if I had to buy an island, for faculties.

Higher the baddest of the baddest elite mercenary kill team. Umm maybe all US veterans!

Then higher the most qualified economist from around the world and brains alike to form a think tank. To Put together a US. budget plan, and get some people jobs. "That way when Americas a third world country I could say I told you so!" Fuck yaaaa! Get on my ship and peace the fuck out back to the island... hehaheha

The ~ Guvna


Well-Known Member
Educate the world so they understand that the system hasn't failed them but understand that with enough effort and time change can be implemented. Educate before you consume.... You'll never be disappointed. Democracy is a slow moving beast and it was designed that way...... Giving up on it is irresponsible.

Most people say they give up without even trying to play the game. It's easier to work with your opponets and find wiggle room rather then disengaging the system itself and still expect change. If you feel like your only option is to take down the government you aren't doing enough work on your end.

Poltics is a game and you just can't make up your own rules and expect to win. If you want to win you have to play by the games rules. People who give up and say they'll change society is like pretending you can score a touchdown in basketball and expect to win. No one else holds that change as a game winner so therefor you won't win the game.

All sounds great for a democracy, how about educating the people that we are not a democracy. and what the differences are.


Well-Known Member
So many years on this earth with so much education and experience, yet I have never found the answer to what I truly desire. I believe the question may be just too dynamic to answer. So many things give us perspective on a daily basis and as our place in life changes with age, so does this perspective. That said, I'm sure the answer lies within the love of family and friends, and I'm still working on understanding that ;)