FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I know its always " just wait and see" with you finn, your so caught up i your internet status fantasy you don't give any attention to those little cotyledons you sprouted 2 weeks ago...
I'm barely here. Like 10 minutes at a time. YOU guys are the ones caught up in the internet fantasy :lol:
The reason why I gave u this is because your plants are so far behind schedule that a lot of us are scared. Not for u, but the plants friend. Maybe u don't feel the vibe in this thread, but your loosing your screws. Your marbles r all over the place. Your not even half full, you've done and continue to do so much Coke that its not funny any more. It's not, " hey guys want to party tonight, maybe go out score a little bag ". Your so Coked out everyone knows it. U need some help friend. We're here fore u.

:lol: You just don't know what's going on, the plants are fine :lol:

Lol. Still no significant growth bozo. You should be seeing growth in leaps and bounds at this point. Those plants are doing nothing. Sad to see this. Ignorance is bliss. Oops I mean shiva, is bliss, right?
In this last update....well the last few updates the tips of your leaves are yellow.
get your nutrients in check.

Also the soil your using looks really bad for the kind of plant your growing,they don't like a lot of wood chunks.

when are you going to transplant them from that tub?they need separate containers so the roots don't tangle and compete for nutrients.

also I wouldn't do a watering with 50/50 mix of milk like you said in your video.....please don't

im a noob so I thank you, this has been a good learning experience on what to aviod when growing anything living
In this last update....well the last few updates the tips of your leaves are yellow.
get your nutrients in check.

Also the soil your using looks really bad for the kind of plant your growing,they don't like a lot of wood chunks.

when are you going to transplant them from that tub?they need separate containers so the roots don't tangle and compete for nutrients.

also I wouldn't do a watering with 50/50 mix of milk like you said in your video.....please don't

im a noob so I thank you, this has been a good learning experience on what to aviod when growing anything living
:lol: :lol: I know what I'm doing, the plants are fine :lol: :lol: you're trippin
In this last update....well the last few updates the tips of your leaves are yellow.
get your nutrients in check.

Also the soil your using looks really bad for the kind of plant your growing,they don't like a lot of wood chunks.

when are you going to transplant them from that tub?they need separate containers so the roots don't tangle and compete for nutrients.

also I wouldn't do a watering with 50/50 mix of milk like you said in your video.....please don't

im a noob so I thank you, this has been a good learning experience on what to aviod when growing anything living

Its not the nutrients. Part of his experiment is that ph is not that important. A very wise African Shaman said so. Watch and learn! Oh and a 50/50 milk to water ratio is just what the doctor ordered.
You piss on your plants :dunce:

LMAO I never once said piss on your plants and quoting me with a dunce on the end of your sentence is the definition of your stupidity, by now your poor plants should be a lot bigger and healthier, you haven't even got past the cotyledon stage yet and you think you know how to grow? I offered solid advice which would have cost nothing to put into practice and would possibly save your poor seedlings.
By your retarded response I have to assume that you really are just a little troll, trolling for responses possibly for money as someone earlier on in the thread mentioned, I can't think of any other reason for this thread because it certainly isn't for documenting a grow. The way you respond to those trying to help you is pretty bad and you do come across a little mentally handicapped and if your responses weren't enough to bring me to that conclusion your inability to learn certainly does cement the fact that you aren't really at an adults learning ability, If by chance you are mentally challenged you might want to turn your hand to something you can excel at like colouring books or maybe lego, eitherway I think you should leave anything living alone and stick to hobby's that don't include keeping something alive as you clearly aren't any good at it, I was being nice earlier on, on the off chance that you were really trying to grow and not just trolling but the fact that your poor plants are probably the worst on the entire site states otherwise, if by chance you are making money out of this trolling charade the mods should close this thread and suspend your account out of shear shame to the site. Also to any mods out there reading this if this is the case and nothing is done about it you are opening the flood gates on the trolls to get paid from the downfall of this site.
You piss on your plants :dunce:

LMAO I never once said piss on your plants and quoting me with a dunce on the end of your sentence is the definition of your stupidity, by now your poor plants should be a lot bigger and healthier, you haven't even got past the cotyledon stage yet and you think you know how to grow? I offered solid advice which would have cost nothing to put into practice and would possibly save your poor seedlings.
By your retarded response I have to assume that you really are just a little troll, trolling for responses possibly for money as someone earlier on in the thread mentioned, I can't think of any other reason for this thread because it certainly isn't for documenting a grow. The way you respond to those trying to help you is pretty bad and you do come across a little mentally handicapped and if your responses weren't enough to bring me to that conclusion your inability to learn certainly does cement the fact that you aren't really at an adults learning ability, If by chance you are mentally challenged you might want to turn your hand to something you can excel at like colouring books or maybe lego, eitherway I think you should leave anything living alone and stick to hobby's that don't include keeping something alive as you clearly aren't any good at it, I was being nice earlier on, on the off chance that you were really trying to grow and not just trolling but the fact that your poor plants are probably the worst on the entire site states otherwise, if by chance you are making money out of this trolling charade the mods should close this thread and suspend your account out of shear shame to the site. Also to any mods out there reading this if this is the case and nothing is done about it you are opening the flood gates on the trolls to get paid from the downfall of this site.

Allow me to respond for Fin... I know what I'm doing:) Just watch:) I've grown dank dank before:) Look at the trichs in my old journal:) Look at my status. I'm an expert:) It looks bad to you but I'm fucking them up on purpose:) Rinse & Repeat
thanks for the concerns, but we got this under control


Does that mean that he is being paid for trolling and nothing is being done about it?
I've been away from the site for a little while due to all the bullshit and trolls and I know fin used to troll hard and it appears I have been trolled as I genuinely thought he may be trying to grow rather than just creating endless troll threads like he did when I was last on here, if this is the case it really does have to stop or the end surely will be in sight, soon it will be trolls openly trolling each other for payment and any integrity this place has as a growing forum will disappear as the trolls become indistinguishable from each other and the place will become one big bullshit advertisement that growers won't want any part of.
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