Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary.


Well-Known Member
If that's the way you see it, why post a thread?
No, you missed the point of reply.

I am suggesting someone else take a chance and share another name for the job..
I can understand the confusion... Remember I have been bashing about this forum for years. I'm not dazed any more with the pummelling on every tangent.
I am simply the person I am.. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Let the first person here that can do a better job cast the first stone.

There is one species in politics forum that is not in danger and that is the complainasoreass...

So you like Mr. Glover or you don't. I like the guy and his guy is good enough for me.
Treasury Secretaries have to be Goldman Sachs alumni, unwritten rule.


Well-Known Member
Let the first person here that can do a better job cast the first stone.

There is one species in politics forum that is not in danger and that is the complainasoreass...

So you like Mr. Glover or you don't. I like the guy and his guy is good enough for me.
I think there are many forum members that could do a better job. Essentially, you just do the EXACT opposite of anything Krugman suggests and you're way ahead of the alternative. Krugman is an idiot, albeit an educated idiot.

I don't normally come after your posts, you seem like a decent fellow. Naive and very misguided, but decent. However, suggesting that Krugman is a good pick because some actor likes him is ridiculous. Who gives a shit what Danny Glover thinks about anything?


Well-Known Member
Danny Glover is pretty famous for being a huge racist. You can bet he and Mel Gibson got along famously.

Not the best hero you could choose.

I would love to see Peter Schiff but he's made too many enemies by being so arrogant about being right while others were wrong. Lately he seems to be promoting his brand more than his philosophy. Maybe not him, but somebody else who follows Austrian economics would work.