First ever grow, grow journal.

Im new to this so dont take everything i say as fact as this is just my interpretation of what i have read on this website.

Generally speaking you can start flowering around the 12 inch height range or when pre flowers begin to develop. However you can start them in flowering from seedlings but your yield will be rather small. I decided to start flowering now simply because i think i will run out of room if they get any bigger. My plants were 12" when i put them into flowering. Yes they atleast double in height in flowering sativa is more likely to triple in height (correct me if im wrong people?)

I burnt my plants pretty badly but i treated them really well and they bounced back in no time. I hope i have helped a bit. Like i said i am new to this, everything i've learnt is from this site and trial and error. Your plants in your gallery look good, obviously still marks from burns but the new growth will be fine. In fact five minutes ago i just picked some of the leaves off of my plants that got burnt before.

As far as when you want to start flowering it is up to you. You could start now or wait longer. Obviously the longer you wait the larger your yield and stronger your plants will be. If your limited to time due to going away or something then plan around that.

Cheers for checking out my grow!

Yes, i agree with the above posters. thegigglepimp is right on the money. plants get HUGE after switching to 12/12 especially when you switch before they reach vegetative maturity.

My PPP (a sativa-heavy hybrid) was 12" when i switched to 12/12 and by the time it was done flowering i had to tie it down and some of the top buds still got burnt from my lights. It was over 4 ft. tall when it was done so it quadrupled (and would have probably gotten even bigger had I let it).

Sativas seem like they never stop growing :joint:
Quick update photo update tomorrow:

My god, the effort i just went through for a measly CFL. I thought Mary could do with some side lighting as shes getting really bushy her underneath branches could do with more light. I cant get to town at all today so i went for a hunt around the house. All i could find was my misses bedside lamp which uses a CFL. Thing is the whole thing wont fit in my grow op. I tried taking it apart so i just had the wire but it didnt work. So there i am in the next room to her holding this porcelain lamp by the wire ready to swing at the floor to try and smash it all off...

First attempt *THUD* - Nothing

Second *THUD* - Nothing but the questioning from the misses "What the hell are you doing?!" "Sorry i keep dropping my glass... " obviously not..

Third attempt it smashes but sprays porcelain all over the floor little chips everywhere and it still left a huge shard of it around the light so its still useless (may i point out i took the cfl out before all of this) It took 5 attempts in the end just to get all the porcelain off. The misses kept question what it was and my answers kept getting worse... Needless to say shes highly suspicious and tonight she wont have a bedside lamp.... Cant believe how much stress it caused me quickly trying to pick all the bits up haha

Anyway sorry to rant... The plants are doing amazingly well. Im so worried im going to run out of space lol so ive tied them down again. Mary's main stem is amazing really twisted around now.

The preflowers havent fully developed yet which im seeing as a good thing. The longer these girls take the better for me!

I have to dash now so i'll post photos for you guys tomorrow! The smell really is beginning to fill the room :D
Let us know how you deal with the wife's question about where her lamp went! LOL Can't wait for those pics!
hahaha TGP i dont have much time, but i just happened to read your last post. your misses don't know about your stealth op? that shit's awesome. hahahaha i can just picture you in the room..and what was going through your mind LMFAO! oh man that's awesome. well i gotta go..have a good one TGP!
Nuh she doesnt know haha not yet anyway. I felt like i was in some stupid comedy sketch because every attempt of trying to break the lamp quietly and effectively went completely wrong. I dont know what she must have thought i was doing at the time. I ended up pretending to trip badly and hit the side table "smashing" the lamp at the same time when she wasnt in the room. Some how she believed it and i got some sympathy :D

Anyway on to my other girls lol. I'll get a photo update asap. They are adjusting to each tie down really well.
Well i was going to do it soon any way. However my batteries just died.... This always happens when im about to update lol i barely ever use my camera which is odd.. Anyway half an hour should do it and i'll take some photos!
Something odd is happening with my camera batteries or my camera in general. I found some other batteries that should have been fully charged and they ran out in no time as well as the ones i put on charge over half an hour ago, they didnt even last ten seconds. Normally theyre fully charged in 2 hours... So sorry about the delay i'll get photos up as soon as possible!
Im new to this so dont take everything i say as fact as this is just my interpretation of what i have read on this website.

Generally speaking you can start flowering around the 12 inch height range or when pre flowers begin to develop. However you can start them in flowering from seedlings but your yield will be rather small. I decided to start flowering now simply because i think i will run out of room if they get any bigger. My plants were 12" when i put them into flowering. Yes they atleast double in height in flowering sativa is more likely to triple in height (correct me if im wrong people?)

I burnt my plants pretty badly but i treated them really well and they bounced back in no time. I hope i have helped a bit. Like i said i am new to this, everything i've learnt is from this site and trial and error. Your plants in your gallery look good, obviously still marks from burns but the new growth will be fine. In fact five minutes ago i just picked some of the leaves off of my plants that got burnt before.

As far as when you want to start flowering it is up to you. You could start now or wait longer. Obviously the longer you wait the larger your yield and stronger your plants will be. If your limited to time due to going away or something then plan around that.

Cheers for checking out my grow!


My biggest problem would be space too. They have already grown out of the closet I kept them in, had to move them to the shower. My biggest one have grown over 2in since last post here, if they get 3 times bigger I'll have a freaking jungle on my hands. Not complaining though :D

Pre-flower? You mean they'll start to flower eventually anyway? Maybe I'll try and wait for that, although my biggest one is 14in now and almost as wide as it is tall my smallest one is only about 10in. They are different kinds though, and I only have one light so I guess I'll have to flower them all at once. Unless I want to move them back and forth every day.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the helpful info. Think I might have to wait a few more days at least before I go 12/12, and I'll have to get flowering fertilizer too. I'll get a few more pics up before I flower too, only got my shitty phone cam though.
Well some strains are autoflowering so yeah they will go into flowering when they reach maturity. However my understanding is, generally speaking when the plants get to a certain maturity in they begin to produce preflowers. But these will not develop further until you put them in 12/12. So if your plants start showing pre flowers then you know theyre ready for 12/12. Anyone correct me if im wrong thats just what i've gathered from this site.