New way of growing. No electricity. Stealth.


Active Member
Even better. Take 2 identical containers fit one with a 60w cfl and 1 with a solar bulb. Each is 60w. The cfl will never have a cloudy day though so if the solar bulb gets 20-25 grams thats success equal to the cfl producing 30 grams.


Well-Known Member
well ,why go through all this trouble.Are you too poor to afford electricity? Just get a small grow light .and wire it up in a location that visitors to your house won't your bedroom.


Active Member
Id love to see other ppl give an unbiased report of an experiment.
*looks at site url*
*hits bowl*
*passes on pretending to know*

I don't have any bias to it, but I hate reports. I didn't even make it through the slideshow I figured you were going to try it anyway regardless of how many dudes came in and argued with you about it. I honestly read first 10ish pages up to where i last had commented, by then it was into a debate on things I can't prove or disprove based on the fact I don't fully understand how the light refraction works, dont have any materials or anyway to predict what the actual test would do, regardless if it puts out the equivalent of wattage and lumens with a decent spectrum as you were implying in detail which I didn't fully read.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Even better. Take 2 identical containers fit one with a 60w cfl and 1 with a solar bulb. Each is 60w. The cfl will never have a cloudy day though so if the solar bulb gets 20-25 grams thats success equal to the cfl producing 30 grams.
Let's do it. I'll have a grow off with you. I'll put down $10,000 that my 2 clfs can beat your solar crap. We'll have a third party hold the money, and webcams on boths grows 24/7. Are you in? Go!


Well-Known Member
Even better. Take 2 identical containers fit one with a 60w cfl and 1 with a solar bulb. Each is 60w. The cfl will never have a cloudy day though so if the solar bulb gets 20-25 grams thats success equal to the cfl producing 30 grams.
You also need one without bulbs or bottles for a control group.


Active Member
"water makes a less effective lens than glass, owing to its lower refractive index"

water doesn't refract as much as ppl on this site saying it would


Active Member
Do it, report the results, and if it succeeds, flout it.
As for the idea, free is ALWAYS better than not. Might as well try it.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I think my idea could work..
This isn't exactly YOUR idea. It has been well publicized online. It was shown on TED and on news sites, usually in reference to people in third world countries installing them in the roofs of their shantys to have free light bulbs in their houses or underground boroughs in slums, etc.

But kudos for making people here aware of it.