FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Okay, I'll bite. Fill me in then.

Moisture stress may as much as double the alkaloid content. Nutrients, on the other hand, have been shown to have
a negative effect on the alkaloid content - adequate fertilization may
in fact lower the total alkaloid content. And stressing decreases the
leaf mass. So you must walk the fine line between these two.
ive done a little reading into what finns trying to do and you may be suprised :)

in order for stress training to work he has to have plants . . not new born seedlings . . . . .

just like his claiming a religoin of shiva after his arrest, he is claiming after the fact that he is trying to stress em out . . .. . . .

i do stress training in the form of root bounding my plants to flush out weak genetics . . . they bounce back just fine . . . but they have to be growing first, vs still questionable if they will make if from infancy to flower
Mechanical stress - A much ignored method of significantly increasing alkaloid buildup. The Cactus is cut or gouged in several places to simulate predator damage. The stem can also be girdled by wire, twisted or bent. Care should be taken when penetrating the skin, use sterile techniques to minimize the chance of infection. Although infection would be a major stress on the plant, it would probably die before any useful effects were manifest. Stressing has been practiced on Marijuana for millennia in certain parts of the world, to increase potency.
Moisture stress may as much as double the alkaloid content. Nutrients, on the other hand, have been shown to have
a negative effect on the alkaloid content - adequate fertilization may
in fact lower the total alkaloid content. And stressing decreases the
leaf mass. So you must walk the fine line between these two. i said it should be good it can only go 2 ways :)
in order for stress training to work he has to have plants . . not new born seedlings . . . . .

just like his claiming a religoin of shiva after his arrest, he is claiming after the fact that he is trying to stress em out . . .. . . .

i do stress training in the form of root bounding my plants to flush out weak genetics . . . they bounce back just fine . . . but they have to be growing first, vs still questionable if they will make if from infancy to flower
This is all religious. I learned this from studying other plants, shiva and shamanism for years before ever growing a marijuana plant. And doing it to seedlings still helps, plus, I want males this time :D
I really want to try this one, but with weed: Chemical doping - There has been some pioneering work in this area done by Adam Gottlieb.
Increasing the levels of the precursors that lead to mescaline has proven to be a relatively quick and effective way to significantly increase the level of mescaline in a Cactus. There are three major precursors to mescaline, namely dopa, tyramine and dopamine. During mescaline synthesis in the plant, tyrosine is broken down into tyramine and dopa. These then combine to form dopamine, which is later converted to nor-mescaline, and of course mescaline.
It is possible to take advantage of this synthesis route, and use it to vastly increase the mescaline content of the Cactus that will be harvested.
This method can be used successfully on any mescaline bearing Cacti. The steps are as follows:
1. Withhold water from the plant 2 weeks prior to doping. This helps the plant to absorb any injected material more readily.
2. Prepare a saturated solution of free-base dopamine in a .05 N solution of HCL. If dopamine is not available a second best alternative is to use a mixture of tyramine and dopa.
3. Inject approximately 5cc of the solution, half towards the bottom of the plant by the roots. Inject the other half into the green tissue at the base of the plant, and in several other spots up the stem. Do this slowly ,carefully, leaving the needle in place for a few seconds to allow absorption.
4. Wait 4 to 8 weeks before harvest to let the additives metabolize and convert to mescaline. I would not stress the plant during this period, as an actively growing plant is necessary for efficient metabolism.
5. The harvest can be delayed further and a series of booster injections can be given every 6 - 8 weeks to bolster alkaloid levels even more.
This is the idea behind the halogen, "simulate noon" Excess Sun and Heat - Too much Sun or heat will most definitely stress a live plant. It must be realized however, that increasing the alkaloids through stressing will greatly affect the plants growth rate, and might just kill it. Cactus can and do get sunburned, which can be fatal.
as young seedlings you do not want to stresss em out . . . it is in this phase of life they are still developing into the plant they will be, ya have basically done the POT equivalent to fetal alcohol syndrome . . . .

they will not be as good as can be . .. . the stress training is to be done later in life when vegging and things like nails and splitting stalks have long been known to be flamboyant obscene expressions of a tried and true , techniques that change apical amounts of hormones in a plant . . effecting bud site production and inter node legnths

you are just doing whatever fin, thinking it is the same . . its is not

and it is a science to stress training

""why do you defoliate in veg" is:
tighter internodal growth
bushier, wider plants, with more dominant growth tips.

the shift in apical dominance, and the tighter internodal growth are similar to what you see with other means of hormone redistribution (such as topping or FIM'ming) but much more profound. at a guess i would say twice as demonstrably effective.

contrary to popular folk wisdom, fan leaves are not "solar panels of the plant" and removing them does not impose upon the efficiency of its photosynthesis.

the smaller (younger) leaves are actually much more productive than large leathery fans, and since I provide more than adequately for nutrition....plant sugar storage is very low on my list of priorities during veg."

this is stress trianing, what you do is wrong
i think the cat got run over

:lol: Nope. :lol: I think this will be the most viewed stress thread of all time. And I will be doing some other awesome crazy shit. Some of these plants are going to look like punkers, and I'm going to try to make some purple with stress.
You spank a child to get them to do what you want but it does not do any good to spank them when they are infants!!!!
ive done a little reading into what finns trying to do and you may be suprised :)
gonna be hard to surprise me with this grow. my grow buddy kkday is the master of abusing his plants and he will tell you this. he does it on purpose. I've seen all kinds of plant abuse. what fins trying to do, he's going about it the wrong way
as young seedlings you do not want to stresss em out . . . it is in this phaze of life they are still developing into the plantthey will be, ya have basically donethe POT equivilant to fetal alcohol sydrome . . . .they will not be as good as can be . .. . the stress training is to be done later in life when vegging and things like nails and splitting stalks have long been known to be flamboyant obscene expressions of a tried and true , techniques that change apical amounts of hormones in a plant . . effecting bud site production and internode legnths

you are justing doing whatever fin, thinking it is the same . . its is not
Yeah, to increase alkaloid content you do it during flower, the goal of this (as I have stated), is for the roots. This is root training, not alkaloid :D
You spank a child to get them to do what you want but it does not do any good to spank them when they are infants!!!!
Stressing is not punishment.
This plant is willing to burn to send us a message, stressing it is something that will help its offspring, and help it as a species. It does not mind.
gonna be hard to surprise me with this grow. my grow buddy kkday is the master of abusing his plants and he will tell you this. he does it on purpose. I've seen all kinds of plant abuse. what fins trying to do, he's going about it the wrong way

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You didn't even know what this thread was. You guys have been surprised since the rice :dunce:
Yeah, to increase alkaloid content you do it during flower, the goal of this (as I have stated), is for the roots. This is root training, not alkaloid :D

how is what your doing root training . . . .PH lock stops development

all development . . when you unlock them they will start to grow . . . and you will go see . . it did what it would do in any garden with PH lock out but it was my tech that made it happen . . .once again ill say look up what a fallacy is
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