Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.


Active Member
Yes, straight Millet works better than WBS due to the size of the grains. Millet grains are smaller and therefore you can get more grains into a jar.

It works like this:
Each grain(once colonized) becomes an inoculation point(wherever a colonized grain lands on your substrate-the mycelia (from that colonized grain) starts to grow from that grain and it spreads out to colonize the substrate.

If you fill up a jar with WBS and fill up another jar with Millet-the millet containing jar will have more grains in it than the WBS filled jar, therefore if you have more grains in the jar-you have more inoculation points. This is what makes Millet the best spawn material on the market. But, although Millet makes a great spawn material due to the size of its grains, it doesn't make a great 'substrate'(if you are fruiting directly from the Millet=straight grain casing)by itself(due to the amount of nutrients in it=smaller grains=less nutrients per grain). WBS and Rye work better as a fruiting substrate than Millet=Millet works better as a 'spawn' material than WBS or Rye.



Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Okey Dokey, but how would you set up
a monotub is another question.

By that i mean the layers such the casing, spawn, and substrate.

For example in your last post you said you used 1 qt WBS and spawned it
to 4qts of straw and cased it with coir.

Now would it go 2 qts of straw then top that with
your substrate then top that with another 2 qts of straw,
then once again top that with coir?

How would you go about mixing all these together,
by that i mean just the sub, case, and spawn.

Not certain ingredients.

I hope i haven't lost you.

Also can someone tell me where i can pickup perlite, and BRF.
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Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me the easiest way to grow shrooms? im used to getting the kind from cow shit and im tired of it id rather grow them myself so someone here said brown rice works if you grind it up? i have some brown rice right now but what other stuff do i need and how would i make them grow?


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me the easiest way to grow shrooms? im used to getting the kind from cow shit and im tired of it id rather grow them myself so someone here said brown rice works if you grind it up? i have some brown rice right now but what other stuff do i need and how would i make them grow? that will answer all your questions. Do some reading up on it, and then come back for more info from us.


Well-Known Member
has anyone used it for growing shrooms? I hear you can eliminate some of the risk of mold with it. If so, how should I use it in a casing method?

Where I live is a very hummid climate and I have a terrible problem with Cobbweb mold. It only take about a week to start growing as soon as I put my cakes or casing in a fruiting container. Any Ideas how to avoid this? I clean everything with alcohol and pressure cook all jars and utensills first.
Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) is used when you dunk to grow out a second flush, it just keep the water clean and contamanents from invading your precious mycelium..... use about 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water.... if your using the cake method and using perlite to set the cakes on top of when they fruit, add some h2o2 just for good measure...... not too much though, it can sterilize the mycelium....