Club 600

That is great news, just fantastic mate!!!! Very very happy for you and the good lady!
Criminal case dismissed, civil still dragging on.

Hi fella's, now I can chat away again with the fear level not going through the roof. I'm expecting a little company so I'll talk to ya'll later.

Wow! Great news HU. I'm sure that was a big part of it. Hope the rest falls in place for you and you can let go of the rest of that stress. Then move your ass to Colorado! That's what I'd do if I could. Anyway, cheers man and great hearing from you.

Hey Whodat. Maybe give Futurism a try. I've been assigned that as a group term project in my Creative Design class. Kinda looks a little down your ally?

Hey everyone!
Heres your damn tea bubbles Dooooobie!

The spacing and coloring is too consistent for me.... I know what I can do to make this type look much better :-) I may try again in a few days but with a different color.
Thanks for the idea Doobs :-)

Edit: Excuse my manners lol


Thats when they start to look really cool lol. I loved that phase, but I aint tripped in a while... was always a good experience for me,,, never had a bad one thank god.
I aint' tripped in @ 14 yrs..but....I wanna shroom again..just not into this new school "acid"..I also never had a "bad" trip. Best trip was a 1 time only , yellow microdot...FFS I'm old
Ok guys sorry I haven't been around all day. My 600 showed up this afternoon, yay! But anyways been busy setting up my new room. Here are some pics as promised. It's a work in progress but this is how far I got tonight. Enjoy guys.

Let the 600 live on :D

What's up 600!? I need some suggestions please. I am seeking fan recommendations to cool my tents. I have one tent with a 1000 HPS and one with 2 x600. The ducting is 6 inch and I'm hoping I can cool them down. Running high 80's and CO2. Good day!
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love traffic.

most of their original stuff is gone from youtube though.
as the topping/cropping experiment continues, i've realized something. all of the plants are much wider than my normal grow profile. moving them around last night, trying not to knock the crap out of each other, was a bit of pain, and they're only 16 days or so into flower.

oh, oh. lol

too wide maybe 004.jpgtoo wide maybe 007.jpg
Criminal case dismissed, civil still dragging on.

Hi fella's, now I can chat away again with the fear level not going through the roof. I'm expecting a little company so I'll talk to ya'll later.


yikes. well that part's good news.

was the bust pot related? if so, what happened?

if you can talk about it.
get it if you can,and for some teas 72 hrs is best,time to break things down,24 hrs is why some people see no diff.
and after you make that xtreme tea,it last long(1 week)after being brew, as long as you keep it cool

>>>few vids.
real easy way to make compost tea.

good stuff thanks.

i've been in the same growing groove for so long, i'm just real curious about bumping my game up just a bit. the high of my best genetics are real good and my yields are more than fine, but as i've mentioned before, i was surprised at the taste and smell of a friend's buds that weren't even cured yet. for myself, i could care less, but i do want to let others try my genetics at their best.

i made some simple teas when i first started out but in trying to simplify life i cut them out. come to think of it, i never used air stones or waited more than 24 hours either. lol

i've read so much about growing pot over the decades, i need to brush up on the basics every couple of years. informaton get jumbled up, reshuffled or lost.
That is an awesome idea! I like to say Im an abstract artist,,, that just means I really suck at realism lol,,, anyway, tea bubbles will be perfect. Thanks doob :-)

Heres starfish jig suggested the other day. I decided to leave out the thundercats LMFAO :lol:
took maybe 4.5 hours. Done with gouache watercolors.


And edit: FYI tea bubbles is still my location :-) just letting everyone know where Im not at haha

i like that a lot.

i need another hobby.

very nice. :)

henri is my boy these days:

i bought a paint by the numbers just to see if i was really interested in the hobby. months later, i've pained about an inch of it. :lol:
That is an awesome idea! I like to say Im an abstract artist,,, that just means I really suck at realism lol,,, anyway, tea bubbles will be perfect. Thanks doob :-)

Heres starfish jig suggested the other day. I decided to leave out the thundercats LMFAO :lol:
took maybe 4.5 hours. Done with gouache watercolors.


And edit: FYI tea bubbles is still my location :-) just letting everyone know where Im not at haha
love the drawing