i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
Leaving aside the diatribe as a whole, this must be the dumbest relativism I've heard of. Madison, you know the Father of the Constitution, like Locke, held the right to own property (and make use) to be the most important, fundamental right, as did a number of the Founders. Let me guess, you chalk that up to them being envious Leftists?
he just likes the way it sounds when he types. he's a purple prose master.


Well-Known Member
Which right is worth less than another?
Personally, I think the right to property has far greater "worth" than the right to not have excessive pre-trial bail. It defines our mode of economic exchange and production after all. Then again, I don't wholeheartedly agree with idiots.


Active Member
Personally, I think the right to property has far greater "worth" than the right to not have excessive pre-trial bail. It defines our mode of economic exchange and production after all. Then again, I don't wholeheartedly agree with idiots.

Your talking about constitutional rights?


Well-Known Member
We know Buck, I for one am willing to give him a chance in regards to MJ legistlation. A very left leaning website is saying Obamas plan was to secure a second term, solidify his position, shuffle his cabinet around and hopefully bring about some change. Some states have laid it down, is bazza gonna pick it up?.... Thats the question.

The other concern is, IF, he plans to REALLY bring about reform, how long before he goes the way of two US presidents who challenged the status quo? And subsequently ended up dead?
Garfield was killed, he went against status quo by appointing black men to positions of power. McKinley was also assassinated, he imposed tarrifs on imports, which is considered a very left wing economic maneuver in the current political atmosphere. It isn't that I disagree with your sentiment, just saying it was more than just Lincoln and JFK who got shot for renegade presidency.


Well-Known Member
Garfield was killed, he went against status quo by appointing black men to positions of power. McKinley was also assassinated, he imposed tarrifs on imports, which is considered a very left wing economic maneuver in the current political atmosphere. It isn't that I disagree with your sentiment, just saying it was more than just Lincoln and JFK who got shot for renegade presidency.
McKinley was killed by a Leftist, and it did not have a thing to do with tariffs. Fairly sure the guy that killed Garfield was disgruntled over a lack of an appointment of some sort too. And in what way was JFK's presidency renegade? Crazy talk.


New Member
Garfield was killed, he went against status quo by appointing black men to positions of power. McKinley was also assassinated, he imposed tarrifs on imports, which is considered a very left wing economic maneuver in the current political atmosphere. It isn't that I disagree with your sentiment, just saying it was more than just Lincoln and JFK who got shot for renegade presidency.
Tried to kill jackson too.. With his shooter saying "with the President dead, money would be plentiful"


Well-Known Member
McKinley was killed by a Leftist, and it did not have a thing to do with tariffs. Fairly sure the guy that killed Garfield was disgruntled over a lack of an appointment of some sort too. And in what way was JFK's presidency renegade? Crazy talk.
Just like Oswald worked alone and had magic bullets...

Leon Czolgosz was an anarchist, anarchists occupy both sides of the political spectrum, then as now, but it doesn't matter if he was a leftist, it does matter that he killed a president who was controversial because of leftist policy. Oswald was supposedly a communist...SO?


Well-Known Member
Leaving aside the diatribe as a whole, this must be the dumbest relativism I've heard of. Madison, you know the Father of the Constitution, like Locke, held the right to own property (and make use) to be the most important, fundamental right, as did a number of the Founders. Let me guess, you chalk that up to them being envious Leftists?
i knew that bucko and some of the other whack jobs here wouldn't get it, they never do, but i'd hoped for a bit more sense from most of the other members of the board. the simple fact is that each right taken from the individual makes it easier to take the next one.... and the next one.... and the next one....

while the right to our property and, of course, the right to live our lives unmolested may be the basis upon which all our rights are built, this makes them no more "important" than any others. what so many of you seem to fail to grasp is that the rights of the individual are unlimited, as long as they do not interfere with the rights of other individuals. since the founding of this country, those rights have been chipped away by grasping power brokers and the whims of the greedy mob. they were first limited by the vagaries of puritan ethics, then by the desires of industrialists and by other forces. at each step the curtailing of various rights were shepherded by the corruption inherent in the political system. each time a bit more power was handed over to those who supposedly serve the people. these days our "fringe" rights are endangered by the latest interpretation of the term "fairness" or by the illusions of safety and security, but it is, as usual, those in political power who stand to gain the most by limiting the freedoms of the individual. considering them as less important rights serves only to make their loss seem of little consequence, but anyone who values their liberty sees through such foolishness.

no, there is no such thing as an unimportant right. each is precious, valueless only to those who do not value their liberty. by allowing legislation based on least common denominators and worst case scenarios we are fast creating a society of rampant mediocrity, where excellence is punished, law abiding citizens are penalized for their honesty and corruption is the only way to succeed.


Well-Known Member
i knew that bucko and some of the other whack jobs here wouldn't get it, they never do, but i'd hoped for a bit more sense from most of the other members of the board. the simple fact is that each right taken from the individual makes it easier to take the next one.... and the next one.... and the next one....

while the right to our property and, of course, the right to live our lives unmolested may be the basis upon which all our rights are built, this makes them no more "important" than any others. what so many of you seem to fail to grasp is that the rights of the individual are unlimited, as long as they do not interfere with the rights of other individuals. since the founding of this country, those rights have been chipped away by grasping power brokers and the whims of the greedy mob. they were first limited by the vagaries of puritan ethics, then by the desires of industrialists and by other forces. at each step the curtailing of various rights were shepherded by the corruption inherent in the political system. each time a bit more power was handed over to those who supposedly serve the people. these days our "fringe" rights are endangered by the latest interpretation of the term "fairness" or by the illusions of safety and security, but it is, as usual, those in political power who stand to gain the most by limiting the freedoms of the individual. considering them as less important rights serves only to make their loss seem of little consequence, but anyone who values their liberty sees through such foolishness.

no, there is no such thing as an unimportant right. each is precious, valueless only to those who do not value their liberty. by allowing legislation based on least common denominators and worst case scenarios we are fast creating a society of rampant mediocrity, where excellence is punished, law abiding citizens are penalized for their honesty and corruption is the only way to succeed.


Well-Known Member
It's always a treat when UTI posts. It's particularly rewarding to watch the cretins post their purple photos as they have NO logical response.

Well done sir. In two posts, you've relayed more common sense than the gang of libs have managed in two months of endless prattle.


Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.

But how tight does he make you feel? That's the real question.


New Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy.

hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle.

yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me.

i <3 you mr. president, and everything you do.

Pix or it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Pix or it didn't happen.
it's true, i assure you. no pic though.

my ma in law helped run (as a volunteer) the biggest office in the most densely populated part of the state of colorado. my friend (well, my wife's friend, but i like her too now) works for planned parenthood in a pretty high up spot, and they were the most successful group during the campaign as far as return on investment goes.

they both got invited to the whitehouse after the election, and my ma in law chatted for a minute or two with the first lady. she asked michelle if bo (the dog) was going to be there. michelle told my ma in law that bo would not be out, as he would jump on the tables and take food.

obama even picks up after his own dog's poop, doesn't leave it to secret service or anything. they're so like us.


Well-Known Member
REally so like us? I wish I got to take 14 million dollar vacations.....like 15 of them a year while the economy and americans suffer..........all good though... love me some Obama....he deserves it...
it's true, i assure you. no pice though.

my ma in law helped run (as a volunteer) the biggest office in the most densely populated part of the state of colorado. my friend (well, my wife's friend, but i like her too now) works for planned parenthood in a pretty high up spot, and they were the most successful group during the campaign as far as return on investment goes.

they both got invited to the whitehouse after the election, and my ma in law chatted for a minute or two with the first lady. she asked michelle if bo (the dog) was going to be there. michelle told my ma in law that bo would not be out, as he would jump on the tables and take food.

obama even picks up after his own dog's poop, doesn't leave it to secret service or anything. they're so like us.


Well-Known Member
REally so like us? I wish I got to take 14 million dollar vacations.....like 15 of them a year while the economy and americans suffer..........all good though... love me some Obama....he deserves it...
How many did Bush and Reagan take?

Fuck that how long was Reagan even awake during his 2 terms?