Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

thanks agie!
well it started 1st of november..i dont know exactly how many weeks is in flowering stage,but i believe
it is the 3rd or 4th weeek since the flowering started..
i had some stress problems with the 12/12 (12/12 from seed) schedule at first..
started with 300w cfl..
when the flowering started i changed the cfl with 2 ASTIR led panels 22w each..
and i have only 2 for the moment..
i also have 2 new entries (blue russian and a white russian) with 1 ASTIR led panel 22w for vegetation..
i will add some photos some other time..

OMG Cidily is raising the bar!

This is basically what I was talking about (dome), except it's now in the lens,but this is what I was referring to (did not know it existed until 10 minutes ago Dome SM

Actually ganja's blue russian is done the same way as blue widow. Instead of ww * blueberry he just used a white russian ;) Paying 5-10 euros per seed is ridiculous when one has access to plants! I myself done some IBL with white russians, used 2 really small females grown outdoors from july to october along with a male wr provided by a close friend on mine, and ended up with hundreds of seedssssss.