Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Great, now they can modify the "science" too. One of these days everyone is going to wish they had burned to the ground. I'm glad some people know what's going on.

That's all Monsanto does. All through their history. Find new inventive ways to invent destructive products and make money while lying and covering up the science.
I don't care about their intellectual property. The most common case involves farmers buying their GMO "Roundup Ready" seeds. They are under contract when they buy the seeds that they will not use any seeds from their harvest. If seeds are blown into a neighbors field and grows voluntarily, Monsanto's lawyers go after him with all the force the can muster - as if they had stolen the seeds and planted them. Nobody has the money to beat these bastards and they know it. They will not hesitate to destroy anyone that stands in their way. There has never been a problem with corn, wheat, soybeans, barley or any other natural seed. We do not need a company holding patents for seeds just because they changed a chromosome to benefit their products use (such as Roundup). I have watched this company for years; I have watched videos of farmers that lost everything fighting them. Nobody *needs* their seeds. Nobody *wants* GMO foods. If it's so great why are they themselves not eating it? Because it's fucking poison. Don't know what your motive is for defending them but you might as well forget it here.

yeah the farmers didnt give a fuck about their ip either

i see you've watched some emotive video's about just how evil monsanto is but you arent able to provide any links to cases where the farmer hasnt deliberately tried to grow round up ready seeds when they havent paid to
yeah the farmers didnt give a fuck about their ip eitheri see you've watched some emotive video's about just how evil monsanto is but you arent able to provide any links to cases where the farmer hasnt deliberately tried to grow round up ready seeds when they havent paid to
Monsanto putting all their customers out of business doesn't seem like the prudent business choice to me. I wonder why they're so "evil" and un-business like, they must hate profits.
Monsanto putting all their customers out of business doesn't seem like the prudent business choice to me. I wonder why they're so "evil" and un-business like, they must hate profits.

After their land is all Round up to death and nothing else will grow but Monsanto crops who do you think will be selling the seeds to whoever has the farm next year. They don't care who they get there money from just as long as no one else gets any!
After their land is all Round up to death and nothing else will grow but Monsanto crops who do you think will be selling the seeds to whoever has the farm next year. They don't care who they get there money from just as long as no one else gets any!

utter drivel

roundup has a half life of 30 days

it does not permanently kill the soil
lies lies and more lies.

UC davis making cannabis targeting fungal diseases... LIES
"genohm" maps of cannabis varieties being used to patent cannabis varietals ... MORE LIES
UC davis invests for "multiple payoffs for bottom line profits"... DAMNED LIES
"It doesn't really mean much to me whether you understand (*1) or the common logic of it (*2) means anything to anyone else (*3) lol, I'm just putting it out there to consider. (*4)

*1) youre not that brilliant. your dizzying intellect and cleverly crafted wordsalad combined with OH SO IRONICALLY HIP Donald Rumsfeld quotes hasnt impressed anyone.
*2) "common logic" is not the cliche, it's not even an idiom. logic does not come in a common variety, and what you are shoveling in this thread is not logic, it' is merely COMMON, in the sense that it is unexceptional, not that it is particularly ubiquitous
*3) it is abundantly clear to all that your creation of, and comments within this thread are what we commonly call "sketching". Tweakers on a bender often indulge in this frenzied effort to do nothing REALLY REALLY FAST and in huge volume. it usually taakes the form of nonsense scribblings on a pad, furious tinkering to create an elaborate object with no purpose function or value, or installing a sprinkler system in a random stranger's lawn in the middle of the night...
*4) and best of all, none of it's true, its all just "out there" for anyone gullible enough to believe you. "I'm Just Saying It's Out There..." is the same shameful and weak deflection against charges of libel or slander used by idiotic hacks like Randi Rhodes (of Air America Radio... ummm... ???? you cant really call it "fame"... what would you call it when someone has a shitty reputation which while despicable is not sufficiently widespread to be called notoriety, but is held in contempt by the few persons who actually ever heard of them?) when she accused Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld and GW Bush of involvement of human trafficking, to supply their S&M snuff orgies in the Whitehouse with smooth young thai boys. She too wasnt saying it was true, she was "Just Saying It's Out There...

on the fine line between hypocrisy, deceit and invocation of "Royal Privilege" on one side, and the utter madness of the paranoid schizophrenic on the other, you manage to drunkenly stagger across both extremes with stunning consistency.

you have displayed a paranoid's unreasoning fear of everything, the lunatic's rage over again, everything, and the egotist's foolish belief that he can change ANYTHING by shouting at clouds, and combined it with the bombastic and self aggrandizing implications that all who dont agree are either too stupid to see your genius, or too corrupted by greed for Monsanto's money weed and hot bitches to stand up for what you foolishly seem to believe is "right".

That's right. You heard me.

THEY have actually promised everyone who votes against your DEVASTATINGLY POWERFUL IDEAS $50, a pound of dank ass weed, a hot chick and a puppy. this is not a "pick one" offering either, every No vote gets it all.
THEY are just that scared of your genius.
THEY dont want anyone to know about your Top Flight legal mind, and your insightful issue advocacy.
THEY are intimidated by your brilliance.
THEY are really close to sending a second black helicopter to circle your house at night.
THEY have already developed a cover story for your "Mysterious" disappearance scheduled for a week next thursday.
THEY considered simply discrediting you like they did Nicola Tesla, but you're too cagey and cunning.
THEY have resigned themselves to either murder or incarceration in Le Chateau Dyf in an iron mask with deaf-mute jailors
THEY feel you're too much of a threat.

Glad to know it's all lies just because this guy {and a few other trolls} says so and who continue to make personal attacks and false statements his {their} rebuttal. I know I feel better. "NOT!!!"
Are you actually so stupid that you can't see you're getting trolled to bits by everyone who weighs in on this except Canna who's a vegan-tard?

Wow, a loan vegan and a retard standing against Genetic Engineering.

What a smelly, hippy-like spectacle that'd be to behold.






you forgot

3. for the LULZ

and the most important

4. to point and laugh at stupid people who lap up every stupid idea they hear on the internet
Well the poll went to 100 votes and beyond so it is time for me to keep my word to the SHDT and fly like a Monsanto pig, first though just a few ends to tie up.

I can tell you absolutely that this conspiracy conjecture IS true--

after having lived deep within the cannabis culture in Mendocino for years....Monsanto has ALL the patents and turpenes patented within cannabis--

they have a 'kill' gene cannabis plant that will effectively wipe out any outdoor cannabis growing and cross pollinate with their genetically modified version--thus giving them ownership rights like they pulled on Percy schmeiser in Canada
they are going to follow the path they took with corn--
it is common knowledge in and around mendo and some of these UC folks used to come around talking about it --a lot of them enjoy erb too

i also have a very close friend who's brother is a very high profile and at the top of his field Dr. that told us about the meetings he was privileged to in Colorado where the tax and regulate folks were networking on strategies and Monsanto was bringing the donuts to the meetings---he thought it was funny when he told us and he is a closet 'head'

monsanto is definately at the top of the nefarious corporations list and an extreme threat to humanity and our existence with their control of our food and food supplies---

if you think GMO is good look at how Russia 'banned' it and Europe now made it mandatory to label it and India is now in a huge battle over gmo food as most of the country is vegetarian

GMO food has excito toxins and neuro toxins in it and is the reason the average IQ has went from 120 in the 70s to below 100 now
the dumbing down of the population

i mean would you spray round up on your salad and then eat it? or on your cannabis and then smoke it?

keep drinking soda with GMO corn syrup or your fast foods that areuthanasia for the masses--
most of the sugar beets that we use to extract sugar for most of the food we it is GMO--

what floors me is all the people that still believe this is benign and harmless and actually a good thing--

its NWO stuff and with all the facts it ain't no conspiracy--

beware Monsanto !

Just thought the above was worth reposting for those who seek truth.

The problem is compounded by the nature of the Internet. The info on it is either mass media or blogs ... pure opinion with very little researchable fact. The keepers of the real libraries use pay gates. Citing a blog is no way to conduct a discourse on society. cn

Truth is everywhere and nowhere cn, and with a corporate gov like ours one must find the 'truth' where one can...everything is relative and relavent and represents a number you could say.

Your poll isn't in any way relevant to the thread title, and seriously, it counts as viable sampling? No wonder your arguments are based in fantasy land rather than cold, hard science.

An anonymous online poll doesn't count as shit bro.

Frank I can now answer that bit about 'scientific' which in part I have already answered within this thread and even just now above to cn.
After recapping what I posted in response to this bit which you have still yet to respond to then go on and read the rest and bring your wits cuz you'll need your best:

So tell us (in your own words), what specifically is this "greater risk" you keep speaking of?

Try reading this paper first, its not as dry as many and gives a certain incite on the evolution of behavior that I think might be helpful.

Think time machine and the possible different consequences of turning right or left or going strait ahead and the entire chain of events which is then transformed by any particular decision in any given moment and how a time machine might be a dangerous thing if one didn't know exactly what one was doing every second...such is as genetic engineering, it can create a domino effect that can be irreversibly devastating.
One thing I've learned about the nature that we are a part of is that there are evolutionary reasons for all life and all the behaviors of such life which in turn means that over billions of years life has evolved and in that process the DNA sequencing of any particular life form is continually transforming based on the demands of the environment that any particular life form struggles to survive in.
Think of the living organisms that make the soil 'alive' or viable in terms of ability to support plant life etc, we apparently don't think of such when we dump things into the soil that would kill such organisms and then we wonder why plants won't grow etc, in response we then add fertilizers etc to try and make plants grow but all the while instead we are just furthering the soils inability to naturally supply the plant, the chain reaction began because we simply didn't understand the soil well enough to start with.
Killing soil is like playing with Lagos compared with genetic engineering and the possible chain reactive effects such could have on life here on earth.
Some might decide that a particular gene etc is of no importance or of no consequence if removed or manipulated in whatever way or replaced with some other gene from a different species of creature or plant etc, yet like with the soil, we simply don't know enough yet to understand what these genetic manipulations might ultimately result in when then put back into the natural processes of evolution.
Nature does what it does in an automatic response based on the 'numbers' it confronts in any given moment and such responses are linked in perpetuity with every other evolving 'number' etc...that calculations of that giant equation are still to us as trying to see and understand the center of our galaxy, let alone the universe.
In other words we are running almost blind into an area that is fraught with land mines and the possibilities that if one mine blows it then will like domino's start setting many more off in the chain reaction.
One day we might have evolved to a point of better understanding the consequences of our own behavior in all aspects of human life, its then that I believe we will be in a place of possible viable potential to engage this technology if need be to survive.

The "devil" is in the details or lack there of one might say.
I keep mentally going through ways to better explain this...maybe think in physical terms of us and everything else living as 'interactive chemical factories' (for lack of better words lol) and that every little thing about us no matter how miniscule from behavior to you name it can be represented by an 'interactive chemical reaction' lets say and that if converted into numbers it represents an equation that is seemingly endless...every life form represents a number...everything about every and each particular life form represents 'chemical numbers' that in each case are in total still beyond our ability to count...everything about each particular life form in terms of 'chemical numbers' then interacts with the 'chemical numbers' of whatever other particular life forms 'chemical numbers' which then creates more new numbers based on all the previous numbers interacting and so on into seemingly infinity one might say.
So now here we are trying to build genetic equations from a position first of not even beginning to know all the numbers in the existing equation of ourselves, let alone the numbers of all else that exists which we live in symbiotic dependent relationships with, and then we are still missing all the chemical numbers representing those symbiotic relationships which in turn are dependent on other like relationships in a seemingly endless chain of life etc.
If we expect to get the equation right or viable then we need to know all the numbers first because missing one seemingly insignificant number in this equation could have devastating effects.

There was a time when the US Gov policy was to kill bison because many 'Indians' were dependent on such for life, the notion was if you kill the bison the Indians will die in turn.
Of course the most obvious result of such behavior is that you lose both the bison and the Indians and whatever they had to bring to the table of survival and viability etc.
The usa gov continued such thinking in efforts to aid ranchers to safeguard 'cattle' from predators and so placed bounties on wolf ears and such...chain reactive result was that the rodent population explodes and such critters, especially rabbits then deplete the grass lands that the ranchers cattle were to have eaten, thus creating a shortage of food for all etc.
The point is that such thinking and approaches are still in play today whether speaking of govs or corps and if such reasoning is then applied to genetic engineering the chain reactive effects can be far greater in terms of possible harm to us all.

In summery, I want to simply reiterate that life itself and all that exists if seen as numbers represents a 'great' or the greatest equation.
Every behavior, physical appearance and everything about everything and anything is represented by a number in that equation.
Everything everywhere survives in symbiotic relationships with everything else either directly or indirectly.
Each and every symbiotic interaction also creates and represents new numbers in the greatest equation.
The numbers are seemingly endless and simply beyond our calculative abilities at this point in our growth as a species.
When the collective nature designs DNA it automatically knows the numbers of the entire equation and thereby can properly design genetic maps in ways and for reasons that we have only just begun to understand, we have stepped on the first step of the ladder on the way to understanding one might say.
Humans and our still untamed quest for 'gold' or what we still equate as 'riches' are attempting to design DNA and or solve genetic equations that we simply don't know all the numbers for and even one wrong number or one missing number or one out of order number could result in a devastating chain reaction of events that could prove terminal for our species as well as many others.
So it is not and has never been a debate on whether or not GMO's are 'good or bad', that's the debate govs and corps need us to be having because it is unresolvable with the currently known numbers and we will chase each others tails while the corporate run gov keeps on down this dangerous road unchecked by the people.
Currently whether in court or getting something approved by the FDA the corps only needs show that their products or creations are 'not harmful', which is a fairly easy task when neither the corps or the FDA have all the numbers to really prove or disprove such a thing in the short term let alone long term.
The real court and FDA test would be to require that the corps show that they know all the numbers and because of such they know how to design and are convinced that all numbers will interact in non harmful and beneficial ways in the short terms and for generations to come, but they can't give any such showing because they simply don't have the numbers at this point and that point is simply undeniable and non-debatable. Thus all who have jumped on this thread to 'prove' their points about GMO's not being proved harmful have spent every post in drowning irrelevance to the real question we are faced with as a species and the question this thread and the DNA Act proposal seeks to address:
Do we know enough yet?
Are we mature enough yet?
This thread and all its many links to available info and including as 'evidence' the bs and SHDT spam banter reflects as good a representation of all sides and all concerns in the GMO issue as I have seen anywhere.
The only non debatable point though is the one that prevails in the end, 'we don't know all the numbers to the equation' and beyond that we are still clearly unduly motivated by dangerous prejudicial traits already influence everything we do or say or write.
So based on this thread alone the unavoidable answer to bot questions above would clearly be:
It is actually the people who insist we are ready and do know enough, by their very position and disposition 'prove' we are not ready and still lack the knowledge and maturity to engage such technologies, much as a child rushes into a circumstance that they had no idea would turn out to be disastrous simply for lack of information and the maturity to be self-aware of such.
With the awareness of the lack of knowledge, the more mature child would be very much more cautious in approaching and thereby show a greater readiness to engage such technology responsibly when all the numbers of life's seemingly endless interactive equations are known, and, if need be.
Most on this poll have voted 'no' to genetically engineered cannabis, over 3-1, that exhibits a self awareness that if one was attempting to add 10 numbers and yet it was clear that you only had or knew 1 or 3 of those numbers at best, there is no way to add correctly yet, worse is we don't even know the number we are trying to add up to, we only guess its a 10. Still further there are numbers between the numbers and numbers between those and so on and none of which have we even begun to understand.
In terms of survival and preservation of all we symbiotically must survive with, a thinking self aware human would naturally be scrambling all hands on deck to protect this planets DNA offspring from the on going redesigning of such by the corps and their puppet govs who clearly and undeniably know not what they do when adding anything but money and power and control and the prejudices that are required to help perpetuate such behaviors.
So in other words this thread was an exercise/test/challenge in self awareness.
The folks who instantly reflex into assuming, accusing, spamming and demanding 'facts' in their apparent blindness to the undeniable 'fact' of the lack of 'facts' are much like Custer charging on into the little big horn shall we say and paying no mind to adding or even having all the numbers to add first, and so the yes votes on this threads poll can be seen in part as representing the non-viability traits of our species.
Conversely the 'no' votes on this threads poll in their recognition or awareness of the lack of 'facts' can in part be seen as representing the viability traits of our species.
The 'no' votes should give us all encouragement that we can survive and grow and the 'yes' votes and lack of self awareness and other traits within there as exampled by the postings within this thread should show us how hard we need to work to get to a place of continued survival and evolution.
The 'yes' votes and the people here who cast them are mostly 'benign' compared to the 'malignant' people making corporate/gov policy in the USA on this and every other issue.
Every other issue can and does have bad enough consequences as the state of the economy, wars and health or cancer rates etc currently reflects, but this issue of genetic engineering can make the consequences of all other policies put together seem miniscule in comparison.
Life cannot be 'recalled' once that chain of numbers is set in motion, we are not talking about a product failing etc...this effects us all in every way and can easily effect us into extinction if we act as Custer and his crew did.
The corporate gov is charging ahead as we speak just like Custer did.
Your inherent rights to access the commons of nature for your survival and your rights and responsibilities to defend the genetics of yourself and all else in this nature that we are all part of, far outweighs any reach a corp or gov has to destroy such whether intentionally or not in their quest and the motives for such.
Now is the short timed window chance you have to stand up and protect your genetics and the blueprints of all life on this planet before Custer gets to far into the all out charge ahead.
That battle in part will be fought here in cyberspace, but the real fight is outside of these virtual walls and is at hand.
Your choice, even 'if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice' (as RUSH would say), still represents a number, all those numbers will add up to whatever they may be...I hope the sum total is as viable as this thread and poll have been in helping to determine the aforementioned conclusions.
My undying thanks to all who participated and or viewed.
To all who voted 'no', "so shines a good deed in a weary world"...
Good luck, Sincerely,


ps. My advice for the SHDT and all the other 'yes' voters who have displayed traits not unlike all the other Wonka gold ticketed kids, goes to that which was discussed earlier in this thread about the hard working bird v the easy street bird and when each is faced with a test, task or challenge not unlike this thread posed and is as follows:
While your banging your beaks on the glass hopelessly attempting to eat the grub or find the 'facts' that simply are yet missing from the collective cognitive knowledge of human kind, maybe at least observe those who voted 'no' and there reasoning, even if only interpreted as caution, because it is those birds who knew to use basic critical thinking to push beyond the glass centered washers illusion of assumptions based on 'what you know' and push it to the side so they could get to the grub or see beyond any known 'facts' in awareness or in the knowledge of the existence of the unknown 'facts' (lol...and that's not a Rumsfeld quote) which results in a cautious trouble shooting process in gaining that needed knowledge and thereby increasing the odds of survival to evolve another day, especially when speaking to the large scale main stream employment of such potentially chain reactive technologies.
Each moment in life is an opportunity to look around and reevaluate, this thread is nothing less than another one of those opportunities.

pss. The poll remains open for future voters here if there be such and changing your vote in the poll is within the variables of the parameters of this threads challenge and so is always an option simply by posting such, that applies especially to you dd because though you fight blindly for GMO's, somehow your vote was placed as a 'no' trying to cover all the bases I guess, good for you...hope it all adds up for us all.

View Poll Results: Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?


Mr Speaker, or in this case Mr Moderator (cn), the time has come for this pig to fly, therefor I yield the remainder of my time to this filthy little brainwashed scripted hippie communist from the godless state of who knows where:

Let me explain Like bombing. I woke up with 56 new Likes but only three Liked posts. That means somebody Liked and Unliked a post of mine 53 times. This little maneuver was taught to me by one of this forum's most prolific and creative trolls.
I will demonstrate, but (as is my nature and calling)
in moderation. :mrgreen: cn

Admits he has had troll training and that it is his calling :shock:
Admits he has had troll training and that it is his calling :shock:

~giggle~ cn

Just to be clear, this is not 'spam' nor is it an 'advertizement' or anything of the sort.
This is a honest outreach for needed discussion on this urgent topic and we are counting on feedback as to how folks would amend the text of the act if they thought it should be etc.

The DNA Protection Act would ban all genetically engineered cannabis from California before it 'legally' (as in federally mandated) starts and stop whatever may have already begun.
Be it called 'creation' or 'nature' etc, are we prepared to allow it to be genetically redesigned by corporate interests?
The natural genetics or DNA of the natural world or the commons is under attack.
Corporate interests are working 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks to re-design and or re-sequence the genetic material or DNA of the natural world in effort to patent and own such modified genetic designs or 'blueprints'.
The DNA Protection Act of 2013 will protect the naturally intended genetic designs of the living natural world and or the commons within the state of California from the immanent threat of broken DNA caused by genetic engineering and or genetic modification technologies.
We need your help to make The DNA Protection Act of 2013 into a law by way of getting it on the ballot and then getting it passed into law by a majority vote of the people.
The first thing anyone can do to help is to get the word out by re-posting this message and the Act itself anywhere and everywhere you think people might read it.
All forms of volunteerism are needed in this effort from signature gathering to just about any way you can think of to help.
Find us at facebook for more info on volunteering and for progress updates.
This is exclusively a non-partisan and non-affiliated grass roots effort on behalf of all life and all the generations of life to come.
At this stage all further suggestions on changes or additions to the text of the Act are still welcome, and thank you.


This act shall be known as, and may be cited as THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013, and is hereby incorporated to amend and or be added to the California Health and Safety Code as;
and is as set forth herein as follows;

section 1. FINDINGS,
The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013 are as follows:

1.(a) whereas the people of the state of California recognize the many different religions and cultures and individuals, including "secular", that all together define and or represent and or make up what is commonly known as "THE PEOPLE" of the state of California, and as such, have different names for that which is ultimately responsible for the creation and or existence of the people and all that exists, as exampled by the following sample:
1.(b) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, has endowed unto the people to equally share in dependency on, and responsibility to, what is commonly known as "the commons",
1.(c) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that private and public entities are involved in what is commonly known as "genetic engineering" and or "gene splicing" and or "genetically modifying" all forms of life in effort to redesign the natural creation and or natural world and are applying such technology to 'food crops' and 'farm animals' that then end up in the human food chain,
1.(d) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that said practices and or technologies have unknown side effects and or consequences to the natural world, and or "the commons" in general, and to humans specifically, and that said practices irreparably damage the original and or naturally intended design of life itself, and or specifically that of the commons, and thereby denying the people and the future generations of people of the commons in their naturally intended form and or naturally occurring DNA sequences that were and are naturally designed by and bestowed upon them by GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, and to which the people have relied upon since the dawn of human kind and are inseparably dependent upon in the common struggle to live,
1.(e) whereas said genetic engineering practices result in private and or public corporations and or private individuals owning patents on the genetic design of life forms,
1.(f) whereas the naturally occurring forms of life that inhabit the commons currently have no statutory protections against the inevitable and eminent danger of 'genetic pollution' that results and or can result from genetic engineering,
1.(g) we the people of California therefor find that genetic engineering poses an eminent threat of danger to all the naturally sequenced DNA in the natural world, and by the act of direct or indirect manipulation of naturally sequenced DNA does in itself create the irreparable permanent damage to the original genetic designs of life, and so we do hereby create the urgently necessary DNA protections contained herein as described in section 3 of this ACT.

section 2. DEFINITIONS:

2.(a) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "DNA", (deoxyribonucleic acid), shall mean the complex substance that is the main carrier of genetic information for all organisms and a major component of chromosomes and can be analogized to mean the 'blueprints' that determine what form(s) life takes and is central to the natural function(s) of all life in the common struggle to live.

2.(b) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "the commons" shall mean the natural biological world and all life and ecosystems naturally existing in the natural world in its natural state of genetic design or DNA sequencing, and specifically, but not limited to, naturally occurring varieties of plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof) and insects (including the offspring thereof).

2.(c) For the purposes of this ACT, the terms "genetically engineered" and "genetically modified" shall mean the scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism, and or the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism.


3.(a) This ACT does hereby prohibit live genetically engineered and or genetically modified plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such organisms from existing within the boarders of the state of California, and that all living genetically engineered plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such genetically engineered genetically modified organisms have six months from the date of the adoption of this ACT into law to be removed from the state by those individuals or corporate or government entities that brought and or posses such within the state of California, and which shall be done in a manner that does not further the threat of genetic pollution and or genetically engineered DNA contamination exposure to the commons and or natural world.

3.(b) Failure to satisfy the requirements of this ACT, and or anyone who possesses and or sponsors in any way the possession of living genetically engineered organisms within the state of California after the initial six month clearing out period shall be subject to the punishments of fines no less than one million dollars per day for corporations and one hundred dollars per day for private individuals and or shall also be punishable by no less than six months in jail for private individuals and no less than ten years in prison for individuals working for or on behalf of corporate entities, and said penalties are to be paid to, and or, served in the county where said violation(s) has occurred. The penalties imposed by this ACT are to be adjudicated and assessed in the Superior Court jurisdiction of the county where the violation(s) have occurred and are to be determined exponentially based on estimates of damage and or potential damage to the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to which consideration of possible impact of said damage is not limited to the county where the violation has occurred, and further, nothing in this ACT shall in any way be construed to mean limiting, preventing or precluding a California court of proper jurisdiction from increasing any of the stated penalties of this ACT at the courts discretion, and that such increases are to be determined based on estimates of damage(s) and or potential damage(s) to a specific and or the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to, whether directly or indirectly, human beings and their naturally designed genetic inheritance of the commons and their collective dependence on, and responsibility to such.

3.(c) This ACT is not intended to preclude or limit or interfere in any way with medical personnel from applying medical technologies or medical procedures that employ genetic modification technologies in their application(s) and or the research in effort to develop such, and so does hereby exempt such conduct from the requirements of this ACT, but said medical technologies or medical procedures and or research must ensure that they are to be applied in a way that isolates the intended or unintended effects of such to the specific patient(s) and is in no way a broader genetic contamination threat and or in no way can be a possible contaminant to the naturally sequenced DNA of any other living organisms of the commons and or the natural world, further, this ACT is not intended to "exempt" any living plant (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such living genetically engineered and or genetically modified organisms intended for human consumption as "medicine" and or "nutritional medicine" that would be self applied at 'home' by ingestion or topically or any other method and is allowed only in a controlled hospital setting and is to be applied directly by or with the assistance of qualified medical personal.

3.(d) If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.


Do not vote for this stupid shit... Humans are part of nature and technology was the product of humans, therefore it was the product of nature... THEREFORE genetic engineering is standing side by side with nature screaming I WANT CANNABIS WITH HIGHER THC LEVELS!

Who knows, maybe if the US legalizes cannabis and every other country does too we could get THC levels higher than 50% or even plants that put out pure thc nugs (Not sure if that is possible but it sounds good)

Why is everyone so afraid to try new things, this is the 21st century. We have flying cars... Google made a car for blind people that drives it self, perfectly! Maybe with genetic engineering there wont be anymore babies born blind... Or maybe they can make us more resistant to diseases and birth defects... People might be saying, how do you know they can do that? Well how the f**k will we ever know if we havent tried, they can make plants and cattle more resistant to things so why not us? Because you retards who are against it are stopping them from ever trying. Everybody needs to put on their big boy pants and buckle up for the ride that is the future. Everyone needs to stop looking at what bad things could happen, because a lot of the time more good can come then bad.

So screw the 71.54% of people who said no to genetically engineered cannabis! (haha didnt notice its only like 80 people...)
So screw the 71.54% of people who said no to genetically engineered cannabis! (haha didnt notice its only like 80 people...)

It's 94 people, math genius. And screw you and the horse you rode in on. The people have voted and you lost. You have no idea what Monsanto is doing; you've had your head in the ground or you, like the other trolling moron that I refuse to even address again, are a paid Monsanto shill or have relatives that work for them.
Monsanto putting all their customers out of business doesn't seem like the prudent business choice to me. I wonder why they're so "evil" and un-business like, they must hate profits.

It's actually about slavery.

Because make no mistake, they're putting themselves in position to be the Masters.
It's 94 people, math genius. And screw you and the horse you rode in on. The people have voted and you lost. You have no idea what Monsanto is doing; you've had your head in the ground or you, like the other trolling moron that I refuse to even address again, are a paid Monsanto shill or have relatives that work for them.

~test~ if you reply to this, that won't be me. ~/test~ cn