Opinions please!!!


Active Member
image7.jpgimage6.jpgimage5.jpgimage4.jpgimage3.jpgimage2.jpgimage.jpgWhat do you guys think? They're almost 4 weeks old. They look a little droopy to me and I'm not sure why. I'm not giving them any nutes at the moments. They're in Dr.Earth soil and the guy who sold that to me said there's enough nutes in the soil to get them through veg cycle. Every day I see new growth and since I transplanted into bigger pots they've been doing better but today they seem droopy. What do you guys think?

p.s. sorry some of the pics are sideways. I took them with my iPad and that's the way they cane out and I don't know how to fix it here.


Well-Known Member
yes, it doesnt have enough. usually plants will tell when they want nutes. when the first two cotyledon leaf die off


Active Member
yes, it doesnt have enough. usually plants will tell when they want nutes. when the first two cotyledon leaf die off
Well they haven't died off yet and they are growing, they're just drooping. Do you think the lack of nutes is the reason they're drooping? I think I'll wait until tomorrow and see what they do. If they don't get any better I'll give them some nutrients.


New Member
Well they haven't died off yet and they are growing, they're just drooping. Do you think the lack of nutes is the reason they're drooping? I think I'll wait until tomorrow and see what they do. If they don't get any better I'll give them some nutrients.
Drooping can be caused by over-watering as well. So that's why I asked you to describe your watering schedule.


New Member
Are you actually grabbing the pot and picking it up to feel the weight of it or are you just watering them regardless of the moisture level in the soil?


New Member
That 3 gallon pot, if you pick it up and it feels like it weighs as much as a bowling ball, you don't need to water it. If you pick it up and it feels super light, you'll need to add water. I sense a possible over-water culprit :)


Active Member
Are you actually grabbing the pot and picking it up to feel the weight of it or are you just watering them regardless of the moisture level in the soil?
Not only picking it up but putting my finger down in the soil on the edge of the bag to feel if its moist or not. Maybe when I am watering it, I'm giving it too much. I don't think the frequency is too much though. When I give them water it's because they need it!


New Member
Not only picking it up but putting my finger down in the soil on the edge of the bag to feel if its moist or not. Maybe when I am watering it, I'm giving it too much. I don't think the frequency is too much though. When I give them water it's because they need it!
How much water do you think you really add? A quart or two?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2475101View attachment 2475100View attachment 2475099View attachment 2475098View attachment 2475097View attachment 2475096View attachment 2475095What do you guys think? They're almost 4 weeks old. They look a little droopy to me and I'm not sure why. I'm not giving them any nutes at the moments. They're in Dr.Earth soil and the guy who sold that to me said there's enough nutes in the soil to get them through veg cycle. Every day I see new growth and since I transplanted into bigger pots they've been doing better but today they seem droopy. What do you guys think?

p.s. sorry some of the pics are sideways. I took them with my iPad and that's the way they cane out and I don't know how to fix it here.
They look kinda dry, what is your watering schedule and temps?
You are about the point you COULD start feeding a little if you want, but I don't think that's it...........