How do you say goodbye to a strain you once loved?


Well-Known Member
Im about to phase out a plant that has been really good to me for the last two years. It was the only plant in my garden until recently, her name is citral and I dont know where Id be if I hadn't found her. Id keep her around, but I have found better genetics and due to medical parameters I am limited to numbers. Im sad and I feel like I dont have anyone I can tell about it. How do you say goodbye? can anyone relate?
i wouldnt. let her go hermie her or breed her keep a cross. its hard for me to let go:) you could always learn to tissue culture...
Man, you've got to know somebody who has room for her. From your description and my feelings for my own girl, just letting her go would be like taking your loyal dog out on a country road and "setting it free". Don't do it if you can find her a good home. If you know the guy, you can stop by and see her now and again.
set her free by finding a good spot to grow her outside someplace. If she has a good root zone you she might survive a season in river edge close to so trees. Shes a weed so she might live on. not saying to manage her if you dont want but she will enjoy the send off. Visit to see her prog.
Ive always givin cuttings away to friends/brother andits come in handy, often my favs are better than what my friends and fam have so i can get them back at almost any oppertunity.
Make seeds then put them in your freezer. If you really did find something better you'll have forgotten all about this one by the time harvest comes around.
just dont think about it and yank her. your moving on to better things. it will get easier next time....
Yes what he said.. Hermie it out.. and keep the seeds.. You'll have her forever :)
I am going to try this with a very small plant to get a few seeds, thanks for the idea. I have never force hermied a plant before but I referenced this,, and it suggested 6/6/6/6 light cycle. Does that sound accurate?

Thanks for the replies everyone, Im looking forward to getting a few seeds of her to hold onto long term. Its not that its the best strain, but the pheno type I ended up with 2 years ago, is really excellent.
Just get some coloidal silver, no need making it go herm as the seeds will carry herm genetics, although if its there prior to th euse of CS then it will carry onto the offspring
Tissue culture isn't practical for a small home grower.

No offense, but its just a plant. Get over it.

Do you get misty when your tomato plant in your garden dies come winter?

Cannabis is an annual plant too, you know. Its not "supposed" to be maintained forever as clones. There is a whole world of cannabis genetics out there. I understand nostalgia, but don't get bogged down by one plant.

It would be one thing if this particular plant were really better than everything else for some reason, but if you've really found better genetics, the use them, move on, and forget it.

If you're so "into" this particular plant, then find the original breeder, and get a pack of ceeds to throw in your fridge for later use.
collect my tomato plants seeds at the end of the year, otherwise i would be kinda salty.

as for tissue culture for home.... its feasible, just takes a little dedication, and not that expensive of a hobby either, you just have to know what you need.
how many times has your door been knocked on to count your plants?? if you reallllllly care then you will break the law!! lol and when some of your newer plants are done maybe you decide that they really arent better...or if your in cali im pretty sure you can just go get a doctors note expanding your plant count but im hazy on the exact laws governing that and who supercedes the doctor or county law...lets not get in a debate about that either already did it once
how many times has your door been knocked on to count your plants?? if you reallllllly care then you will break the law!! lol and when some of your newer plants are done maybe you decide that they really arent better...or if your in cali im pretty sure you can just go get a doctors note expanding your plant count but im hazy on the exact laws governing that and who supercedes the doctor or county law...lets not get in a debate about that either already did it once

I was about to say the same thing.
Keep a cutting of her around in your veg tent, just in case.
Even if your plant count was called into question by authorities, no judge would send a medicinal patient to jail over 1 extra plant.
All you'd have to do is tell him that you were testing some new seeds, and that you were holding onto Citral, just in case they didn't work out, because you couldn't afford any more seeds.
Case dismissed.
Mac, who do we have next?
Idk I have an original sour d I've had for six years talk about seperation anxiety. I am currently trying to cross with my la con herm but even with success I'm keeping her the way she is.
Im about to phase out a plant that has been really good to me for the last two years. It was the only plant in my garden until recently, her name is citral and I dont know where Id be if I hadn't found her. Id keep her around, but I have found better genetics and due to medical parameters I am limited to numbers. Im sad and I feel like I dont have anyone I can tell about it. How do you say goodbye? can anyone relate?

Try a bullet right behind her ear
Don't get rid of it. What you should do is take a massive amount of cuttings from it and pass them out to as many growers as you can. If it's good someone will keep it around for awhile. Then if you ever miss it, you can hit them up for a cut.