i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
Ext Prisoner 1 ----"Hey, where'd you get that soup dude?" Prisoner 2------" oh, so and so gave it to me!" Enter scene with Prisoner 1 and so and so....
"Hey; prisoner 2 said you gave hime a soup, can i get one? Skip to next scene...Prisoner 2 stabbed repeatedly...FiN THE END. this happened.... so yeah snitching can get real


Active Member
your taxes went up after january 1st because the GOP negotiated the payroll tax cut out of your paycheck. say goodbye to 2% more of your earnings on every check, thanks to the GOP.

you had been saving 2% for 2 years thanks to obama.*

i sell treadmills.
Because we were going to go over a fiscal cliff due to Obamas negligence. I like how you left that part out. I also like how you left out that Obama HIMSELF said that he would cut the deficit in half, or he wouldn't get a second term. None of that came true. Go figure, never saw that coming

I bet if people stopped trying to compare him to how perfect they think they are themselves, and instead begin comparing him to PAST PRESIDENTS or even your senators, and see that he tries harder and does better than any of them.
Even his family seems GENUINELY happy.
ignorance is bliss. His family seems happy? Might be due to the fact they are eating 5star meals, making a tremendous amount of money, and golfing instead of budgeting, at a time when almost every American is suffering. I bet if you had any understanding of logic you could comprehend why many Americans are pissed off


Well-Known Member
Because we were going to go over a fiscal cliff due to Obamas negligence. I like how you left that part out. I also like how you left out that Obama HIMSELF said that he would cut the deficit in half, or he wouldn't get a second term. None of that came true. Go figure, never saw that coming
yet he got a second term anyway, and he only cut the deficit by about 30%.

i believe the fiscal cliff is most attributable to the retarded "super committee" idea, by the way.

ignorance is bliss. His family seems happy? Might be due to the fact they are eating 5star meals, making a tremendous amount of money, and golfing instead of budgeting, at a time when almost every American is suffering. I bet if you had any understanding of logic you could comprehend why many Americans are pissed off
almost every american is suffering? aren't you pimping your cookie cutter pulte home and your sweet ride?


Active Member
yet he got a second term anyway, and he only cut the deficit by about 30%.

i believe the fiscal cliff is most attributable to the retarded "super committee" idea, by the way.
I don't believe Obama is solely responsible for the fiscal cliff. I was just using liberal logic and tatics

almost every american is suffering? aren't you pimping your cookie cutter pulte home and your sweet ride?
Yeah but I'm a pimp.

Pulte not Fulton now huh


Well-Known Member
yet he got a second term anyway, and he only cut the deficit by about 30%.

i believe the fiscal cliff is most attributable to the retarded "super committee" idea, by the way.
2010 is the first Obama budget and the deficit was 1.293T. 2012 it was 1.328T with 300B more in receipts. 2009, attributed to Bush, the defict was 1.4T and that included over half a trillion stimulus. Remove the stimulus and the bailouts and the deficit was less than a trillion left by Bush and he sucked big time. Obama/dems are spending even more than the biggest spender in history.

Seriously? you blame the bi-partisan super committee? well, never mind, of course you do.


Well-Known Member
*picks up

obama just signs the laws. the only other tool he has is the bully pulpit, and he used it for months in advance with respect to the fiscal cliff.


and veto any law, since the parties have split the congress almost evenly. no-one can get a 2/3 vote


Active Member
If we compare him to past presidents, he looks even worse.
Your presidents for the past 50 yrs have been mentally handicapped puppets.
Whose only agenda was not to look after the well being of it's countrymen but the endeavor for oil and money at any cost.
If only you guys knew how much the world just laughs at you guys and your fuck ups.


Well-Known Member
Your presidents for the past 50 yrs have been mentally handicapped puppets.
Whose only agenda was not to look after the well being of it's countrymen but the endeavor for oil and money at any cost.
If only you guys knew how much the world just laughs at you guys and your fuck ups.
View attachment 2476459
Your presidents fucked sheep....