ive seen this before but never with pot


Well-Known Member
ive seen plants just stuck in a vase with some water and they rooted and are growing very well and healthy and i was wondering if u did this with marijuana would it clone:confused:


Active Member
First your question doesnt make any sense. The way you clone is taking clipplings from a mothering plant. You need some sort of cloning solution so root growth becomes rapid ans excessive.


Well-Known Member
first time i tried it ...i was just fuckin round ...put it in a cup with water...i changed the water every like 1 or 2 days..no hormone no nothing....dont know how i did it but it grew nice roots,it took bout 3 o 4 weeks tho.


Well-Known Member
why do you say cannabis sativa? sativa is one of the two types....for ex, you ever heard of cannabis indica?
Yes, I may have heard of Indica once or twice. :roll:

You seem to have a poor understanding of the Marijuana family.
Indica is considered a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa. The proper taxon for indicas is "Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica". If you are preparing a taxonomic ranking chart at home, these variation fall under Cannabis sativa. Hope that helps.

Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Yes, I may have heard of Indica once or twice. :roll:

You seem to have a poor understanding of the Marijuana family. Indica is considered a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa. The proper taxon for indicas is "Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica". If you are preparing a taxonomic ranking chart at home, these variation fall under Cannabis sativa. Hope that helps.

Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sure it helps.................Scientifically (and legally), all cannabis is Cannabis Sativa L.. i see...................................
In practice, Indica and Sativa are the names used to distinguish each end of the cannabis 'spectrum'. There are a multitude of different growth-patterns, qualities and effects within this spectrum, most of which are a result of cannabis' remarkable ability to adapt to its environment. Genetically, and in terms of interbreeding, all cannabis is in the same family.
Most Indica varieties come from southern Asia and the Indian subcontinent (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tibet, Nepal, etc.).
Indicas are compact and stocky, with dense, heavy, fragrant buds. Indica buds tend to grow in clusters, with varying amounts of space (known as 'internode space') between each cluster.
Indicas are the faster flowering varieties, usually with a flowering time of 6 to 9 weeks.
Indicas do not tend to gain height rapidly once flowering has begun. An Indica may be expected to gain between 50 and 100% of its vegetative height by the end of its flowering period.
The effect of Indica is generally classified as a 'stone', meaning that it is more centred on the body. It may enhance physical sensations such as taste, touch and sound. It has a relaxing effect - mentally and physically - and may be soporific in larger doses.
Sativas generally originate in the equatorial regions - Thailand, Cambodia, Jamaica, Mexico, etc.
Given the same conditions, Sativas grow taller than Indicas. Sativa buds tend grow larger than Indica, as they run along the length of a branch instead of clustering around the internodes. However, they will usually weigh less than Indica when dry, due to their lower density. Sativa buds also tend to have a less striking odour, both when growing and when dry.
Sativas take longer to flower. They will usually need between 9 and 12 weeks to finish blooming. However, they need far less vegetative time BEFORE flowering than Indicas. So the overall time required for Sativas is about the same as for Indicas (and sometimes less in terms of 'light hours')
Sativas will usually continue to gain height while flowering, often gaining 200%, 300% or more of their vegetative height while flowering. This is because around the equator there is not so much difference in the number of daylight hours between winter and summer. Therefore, Sativas in their native environment will grow and flower at the same time. For this reason indoor growers should not allow a Sativa too much vegetative growth before inducing flowering. When growing from clones, many Sativa varieties may be flowered as soon as the clone has rooted.
Despite their lower weight and potentially longer flowering time, Sativas are valued by many growers for their 'high' effect. This high may be characterized as cerebral, energetic, creative, giggly or even psychedelic. It is less overpowering than the Indica 'stone', and less likely to send the user to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I may have heard of Indica once or twice. :roll:

You seem to have a poor understanding of the Marijuana family. Indica is considered a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa. The proper taxon for indicas is "Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica". If you are preparing a taxonomic ranking chart at home, these variation fall under Cannabis sativa. Hope that helps.

Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i dont know my ass from a hole in the ground i dont know my shit from from apple butter.....sativa will make you feel up, or high and comes from south east asia and so forth....indica will knock you on your ass and feel down, also its from the middle east. indica and sativa are cousins from diff enviornments. what about ruderalis?.............look that up! you shouldnt claim people have poor understandings when people have different opinions on facts they read. you say its blue i say red, it might be purple.....yeah i am stoned but you get my drift....and yeah anyone can look stuff up on the computer like winkopedia, but my sources are from hippies, laterz:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont know my ass from a hole in the ground i dont know my shit from from apple butter.....sativa will make you feel up, or high and comes from south east asia and so forth....indica will knock you on your ass and feel down, also its from the middle east. indica and sativa are cousins from diff enviornments. what about ruderalis?.............look that up! you shouldnt claim people have poor understandings when people have different opinions on facts they read. you say its blue i say red, it might be purple.....yeah i am stoned but you get my drift....and yeah anyone can look stuff up on the computer like winkopedia, but my sources are from hippies, laterz:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::peace:
Dude, you jumped down his throat for calling pot by it's real name, and when he proved it to you, you start to throw out b.s that sounds like u never grew before. oh wait, u know a hippie who knows a grower, thats right, my bad...... Why don't you sit back and learn something every once in awhile instead of trying to cover your tracks for looking stupid.... I have never in my life witnessed anyone call an indica "Cannabis Indica" it is called a "Cannabis Sativa, Picasso is in the right here in my opinion. Wow Ruderalis, go grow it stupid ass, wait 18 weeks for flowering. You blabbed off two pages of bullshit, the most intellegent thing said in this whole thread is still Cannabis Sativa, and not when u said it. Peace


Well-Known Member
Dude, you jumped down his throat for calling pot by it's real name, and when he proved it to you, you start to throw out b.s that sounds like u never grew before. oh wait, u know a hippie who knows a grower, thats right, my bad...... Why don't you sit back and learn something every once in awhile instead of trying to cover your tracks for looking stupid.... I have never in my life witnessed anyone call an indica "Cannabis Indica" it is called a "Cannabis Sativa, Picasso is in the right here in my opinion. Wow Ruderalis, go grow it stupid ass, wait 18 weeks for flowering. You blabbed off two pages of bullshit, the most intellegent thing said in this whole thread is still Cannabis Sativa, and not when u said it. Peace
ruderalis has no benifits what so ever, but anyway your right, cause you said so...."and not when you said it" lol


Well-Known Member
ruderalis has no benifits what so ever, but anyway your right, cause you said so...."and not when you said it" lol
As I figured your immaturity has once again prevented you from being able to post something worthy of discussion, sorry everyone for jumping in here where I don't belong.
:peace: Custom Hydro