Newbie working on a summer plan for DWC


Active Member
Ok here's the idea, I have an old hot tub I want to use for some big plants, it will be in either my barn or my shed. We have power in both, but water would have to be hosed or in 55 gal drums...I like the tub size, it's about 5 foot by 5 foot and about 3 feet deep....what seeds would anyone recommend? and can I use something like pond pumps for the bubbles? Would a fill and drain system work better for me?
I'm going to order some solar pond pumps, just to cut down the cost of operating...

If I use DWC, I would need a top to hold the plants, I'm thinking styrofoam...but I'm unsure about basket size...This would be a medical grow and it's important that I get a good yield...

Oh yeah I'm a first timer, trying to grow a few in dirt right now...


Well-Known Member
Id get my feet wet with soiless in a Waterfarm,This will let you learn the basics,there is a small learning curve from soil,and you havent even done tht yet.IMO your taking too big a bite off the ole Apple.



Well-Known Member
Id get my feet wet with soiless in a Waterfarm,This will let you learn the basics,there is a small learning curve from soil,and you havent even done tht yet.IMO your taking too big a bite off the ole Apple.

i agree with BEECH

so let me get this straight, you want to DWC in a hottub? using the hottub as your DWC bucket am i correct?

i think your overthinking this man. getyourself a couple 55g drums and enough super soil to fill them, then veg for a month or so inside and transplant into 55 gallon drums, you will have monsters by the end of the summer. forget the DWC in a hot tub its just not worth the money and aggrovation your going to endure to get that thing working as a proper DWC system.


Well-Known Member
The hot tub is overkill and you'd be wasting too much money on nutes, especially since it's your 1st dwc run and your likely to kill em anyway (or at least have a few close calls). If you want to go DWC get you a 5 gallon bucket and learn DWC, then after several runs if you still want to try the hot tub then go for it, but definitely not on your 1st run man!!


Well-Known Member
Wait, is this going to be an outdoor grow? If so scratch DWC altogether and definitely stick with soil, I couldn't imagine all the problems you'd have trying DWC outdoors. It'd be a nightmare!!

Edit- Just seen you said barn or shed, I'd probably still lean toward sticking with soil. At least do a side by side soil/dwc and that way if you lose your DWC plants you'll still get a harvest off your soil plants.


Well-Known Member
Not mention a Chiller or how ever you plan on keeping the tub Cool.

If you wanna grow bigens a1plant 28g Tote will grow Monsters,If you have enough lights!
