i love obama and everything he does


Active Member
Your presidents fucked sheep....
Lmao, I don't have a president. I'm from the country that kicked your ass and out performed you in both world wars. We're bigger, and we're on top. If this was prison, you'd be our bitch. AGAIN! LOL
Then we focused on how to make our home better without having to destroy others. (Unlike certain selfish neighbors)
AND NOW, our dollar is STILL better than yours PLUS we have had medicare for a long ass time. lol
You guys fail.

do you really think we care? :???:
Oooo, apathy! That solves your downward spiral. lol It's also a major sign of depression.
You should care. Americans already have a lot of trouble traveling in many places of the world. Do you guys really want to be confined to not being welcome anywhere at all???

Have you guys ever heard of "Rick Mercer: Talking to Americans"? A Canadian Comedian who shows us just the tip on your disgusting ignorance.
As on example: A senator actually thought we have a dome to preserve national igloo that is our house of commons in Canada's Capital? lol You can see Rick desperately trying to keep a straight face. Great stuff!

Just Youtube it. I dare you


Well-Known Member
Yeah UncleBuck is a present, he is a gift to theis site.. Thats why you must of screwed up you grammer, duhh.. You know like "UncleBuck joined the thread and his presence was considered a present"
Quit being an ass and just admit you fucked up.


Well-Known Member
^^^^i couldnt agree more.^^^^ I also agree with the original post. Obama 1000%. Whats not to like about the guy? He does twice as much as the last president did with less money. Sorry for the intrusion Buck but do you have any suggestions for an ultra large yeilding eight foot plant and seed company that youve liked?? couldnt find you anywhere except politics. Sorry:weed::):):)
Asking Buck for advise on growing is foolish. Viewing the rest of your post, I suspect that's the best you can muster.


Well-Known Member
my wife has internship possibilities in greeley (yeah, eat your fucking heart out!) and colorado springs.
So after your meal ticket leaves your sorry ass behind, what will you do? Sad how your only thing to boast about is that your wife "might" get an unpaid position.


Well-Known Member
yet he got a second term anyway, and he only cut the deficit by about 30%. i believe the fiscal cliff is most attributable to the retarded "super committee" idea, by the way. almost every american is suffering? aren't you pimping your cookie cutter pulte home and your sweet ride?
The fiscal cliff was solely Obama's idea. Liar