How many run 24/7 lights?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Ps what kind of amateur pays for electricity lol
Other then a small percentage of very large grow ops, the only people who really steal their electricity are amateurs. If you cannot budget in electrical costs into your grow you shouldn't be growing at all. In fact it's people like you, or the group of people you claim to be a part of, that caused the need for smart meters which cover about 15% of the country and in 5 years will cover about half of it. You are a part of the problem. You are no friend to the growing community.


Well-Known Member
only run clones 24/0 .. Veg time should be 18/6 or 20/4 if you wish.. Plants grow when the lights are off.:hump:


Well-Known Member
To each his own I guess. I do know from running side by side comparisons 24/7 cut veg time by a week for me. 5 weeks veg instead of 6. Unless I want to grow some beasts and go 6 weeks which i'm planning on doing this run.


Well-Known Member
only run clones 24/0 .. Veg time should be 18/6 or 20/4 if you wish.. Plants grow when the lights are off.:hump:
Well someone forgot to tell my girls. They seem to enjoy all the light at 3.5 weeks. Haven't seen too many 3.5 week old clones on RIU as well established as my ladies. Hydro not included. I might also add 600 watt setup



Well-Known Member
i did for about 2 weeks when i left my over ride switch ON, on my timer by accident....didnt see a difference.


Well-Known Member
i did for about 2 weeks when i left my over ride switch ON, on my timer by accident....didnt see a difference.
Maybe a little plant stress involved when messing around with their light schedule? Seems it would have whacked them off course for at least a couple days. Then back to original schedule. A few more days maybe stressing? I just have done it side by side and find 24/7 rules for quickest growth in veg. It may however be somewhat strain specific also.


Well-Known Member
might of stressed them a little but didnt see any positive or negative effects. growth neither slowed or was sped up. they should grow faster in long term conditions like that though.


Well-Known Member
How about Alaska? They grow some crazy shit up there with a very small window of grow time. And 24/7 lights is a reality in parts of that state. And some of the best bud i've indulged in was from Alaska grown outdoors. Have you ever seen some of the veggies they grow there?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Maybe a little plant stress involved when messing around with their light schedule? Seems it would have whacked them off course for at least a couple days. Then back to original schedule. A few more days maybe stressing? I just have done it side by side and find 24/7 rules for quickest growth in veg. It may however be somewhat strain specific also.
This is your opinion, not fact.


Well-Known Member
That's why I said it could be strain specific. And I do know messing with a plants normal light routine for 2 weeks will fuck with them. Maybe nothing as severe as them going hermie but, none the less it's certainly not helping matters any.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
To clarify, I meant I pay the rent and my roommate who is on it with me pays the electric. I don't ever see the bill really. I don't steal power lol


Well-Known Member
This ones for all you 18/6 guys. 2 plants from same mother. Grown in the same super soil. Under the same light and in the same room Bigger plant has been under 24/7 lights since start. Other plant run 18/6 since start. No comparison from where I sit. The larger was just transplanted to a 7 gl pot. Smaller is in a 5gl and still not ready for transplant up. For me the answer is easy. Hope this helps show plants don't need rest in veg. These are 4 weeks today in veg.

