The Irish Growers Thread!


Alright lads. Two clones are in flower a week on Friday. The four in veg have all been topped twice for four main colas and topping again in about two weeks for 8. Has slowed them down too which is actually a good thing. Wanna finish off the clones before I put them in veg. Someone on here brought up about using wire for lst. Cant remember who it was but sound for the idea.

Also, been thinking about a new brand of nutes for the next grow.
Thinking I'll try them on one or two plants, see how they turn out:lol:
not a lot going on really man, had my first seed sprout today hoping the others will follow suit in the next couple of days. watching shutter island tonight, its pretty messed up to say the least
Have a watch of this lads and lasses its well worth a watch
hey bubbles I watched the video, very good. Well my country comes in #1 again in consumption and incarceration. It is starting to change though and I think in 5 to 7 years cannabis will be legal in the states.
just sitting back to the first joint in ages and a good retro movie... the last starfighter..

shes gone to the bed and kids are sleeping, aaahhhh bliss....;)
MD i do agree with you things over in the states seem to be moving along nicely 2 states legalized well kinda and over 20 have decriminalized it . I know myself the only way Ireland will ever decriminalize it is if England does it first .
heres my big bang at 17days old guys, i decided to top 1 of them as i was curious as to how it would turn out and since ive 10 well,why not its ma 1st grow... the 4th pic is the 1 i toped its the only 1 that had some slight discolorment in the leaves from it poped its head up so if i didnt do it ryt then shit happens lol, some advice hints and tips welcome 004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg
bit of a silly question and i shud no better to even ask but am bustin ma balls to, what sort of yield per plant very roughly would you get from these girls or even any auto with 600hps soil grow...
bit of a silly question and i shud no better to even ask but am bustin ma balls to, what sort of yield per plant very roughly would you get from these girls or even any auto with 600hps soil grow...

30 to 60 grams per plant roughly mayb 1 to 2n a half oz? correct me anyone if im wrong
Hard to say at this stage but an Ounce would be a good target. I say this cause it's your first grow and lad, your entitled to a few mistakes.
Ask any questions you want to ask and keep them healthy you could get up to two.
Do you have a fan in there, would help with the heat.

Also, that sig is as confusing as f***...:shock::shock:
Extremas coming along well in the scrog :p Day 11 of 12/12. All my seeds are going to come from sannie from now on lol, not even close to harvesting and they already smell amazing


Hard to say at this stage but an Ounce would be a good target. I say this cause it's your first grow and lad, your entitled to a few mistakes.
Ask any questions you want to ask and keep them healthy you could get up to two.
Do you have a fan in there, would help with the heat.

Also, that sig is as confusing as f***...:shock::shock:
slept in on that 1 paddy waaaaaaaaaaaa bubbles quick of the mark:lol: thanks for that guys was just wondern, gota fan in the smornin and already im seeing a difference in the leaves so def some kinda heat stress, ive a ph tester and a hygrometre for temps to collect on monday so all get that sorted... its a god sig that paddy bit of a head melter